Master of Beasts

Chapter 1313 Tomb Raider Ning Xiu

"how so……"

The cold snow knife twisted the heart into pieces, and Jiang Yin's face was tightly twisted together, as if he was in despair, but at the same time he seemed to be struggling.

He didn't understand how Zhuo Jin would die in the hands of Henry Zhang, his strategy should have been foolproof.

However, he never had a chance to know.

Jiang Yin's death caused quite a stir in the Jiang family.

After all, this is a fifth grade alchemist.

However, after knowing what he had done, no one in the Jiang family sympathized with him, let alone spoke up for him. They only treated him with endless abuse.

It has to be said that it is a kind of sadness.

"Kun Lijing Fragment, Yang Refining Essence, Heavenly Spirit Flute..."

In the room, Henry Zhang, who was tumbling the objects in the hollow boundary stone, frowned slightly. He always felt that something was missing, but he couldn't say it.

"Forget it." Henry Zhang shook his head.

Since there is no impression, it must not be an important item.

Jiang Yin, the chief culprit, will be killed, so just throw it away.

This moment.

In the Jiang family grave.

"The Jiang family is really cruel enough to just bury Jiang Yin's body without even preparing for a funeral."

Pulling Jiang Yin's coffin out of the soil with all his might, the young man with a sinister smile curled his mouth slightly: "However, this is exactly what I want, otherwise, this old dog's empty boundary stone would not be in my hands." gone."

This young man is none other than Ning Xiu.

He came to Jiang's family grave for one thing only.

That is Jiang Yin's space boundary stone!

As a fifth-rank alchemist, Jiang Yin lived much longer than him, and his collection is more abundant than him. The Jiang family will not search Jiang Yin's body, but he will.

"found it!"

Overjoyed, he took out something from Jiang Yin's arms,

Ning Xiu hurriedly opened it: "Nine-Dragon Clover, three fifth-grade pills... It's true that I came here this time, haha!"

Ning Xiu smiled.


"What's this."

Picking up a black pill from a pile of items, Ning Xiu looked at it in surprise: "Why have I never seen this pill before, this breath, this material..."


"This is poison pill, poison pill!"

Ning Xiu's body trembled with excitement. He had only heard about the existence of poisonous pills in rumors, and those descriptions were exactly in line with this pill!

"God help me too, God help me too!"

Ning Xiu laughed wildly: "With such an elixir, my status in Jiujue City will be improved a lot. I will be the first alchemist in the Southern Region who can refine poisonous elixir!"

Hastily stuffing Jiang Yin's body into the coffin, Ning Xiu was about to turn around and leave when a stiff hand suddenly grabbed his arm.

"Ning...Ning Xiu!"

"Old dog, you're not dead yet!" Ning Xiu was startled.

Jiang Yin's eyes opened!

"Before I died, I refined a seventh-grade Turtle Breathing Pill, which eliminated all vitality. In my empty boundary stone, there is a Huiguang Pill. For Yunyan's sake, take it quickly." Jiang Yin said angrily Ruo Yousi's way.

"No wonder."

Ning Xiu pondered for a while, then clapped his palms with a smirk: "Old dog, since you are not dead, let me send you off again, no need to thank me!"


With his skull broken, Jiang Yin looked at Ning Xiu dully.

Ning Xiu, kill him?

A few days ago, he wanted Henry Zhang to write the alchemy formula of Siqi Tianyuan Pill and share it with Ning Xiu, so that he would have the opportunity to spy on the sixth-rank alchemist, but in the blink of an eye, Ning Xiu killed him?

"Why do you say!"

Taking another picture as if venting, completely killing Jiang Yin, Ning Xiu's face was slightly distorted: "Because of your precious daughter, I don't know how many criticisms I have suffered in the past few days in Jiujue City!"

"Why did she marry Xunfeng, why didn't she just die!"

"People in Jiujue City say I'm a bastard without eggs, look at me!"

"However, with this ghost pill, it will be different."

"My status will be higher than some sixth-rank alchemists!"

Ning Xiu grinned, and kicked Jiang Yin's coffin over. Two Jiang family's mausoleum guards rushed towards here, shouting like thunder.

"Where is Xiao Xiao, who dares to act presumptuously in my Jiang family's cemetery!"


Taking out a elixir and stuffing it into his mouth, Ning Xiu lit a fire under his feet, and fled towards the outside of the cemetery like lightning, and disappeared completely in just an instant.

"The second elder's coffin was opened?"

A mausoleum guard looked at Jiang Yin's shattered head, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Who the hell is he who has such a big grudge with the second elder that he will not be able to live in peace even if he dies."

"Notify the owner."

"We must never let this person go."

Unsurprisingly, this incident caused quite a commotion in Jiang's house.

Some people secretly speculated that this matter was related to Henry Zhang, but it was quickly refuted.

Henry Zhang really wanted to insult Jiang Yin, so there was no need to be so sneaky.

This incident has become a mystery to the Jiang family.

Amidst this turmoil, the day passes by in the blink of an eye.

A round of fiery red sun slowly rises from the edge of the sky, and the warm sunlight falls on the earth.

Today's Jiujue City is extremely lively


The large-scale event held once in the past few years is enough to attract the attention of the major alchemists in the southern region!

"Guess, who will be the first seat in Dandian this time?"

Early in the morning, people in restaurants, shops, and streets began to discuss. Similar conversations can be seen everywhere in Jiujue City.

"I guess it's Master Lou Ming."

"He? It's still a little bit worse. Master Rong Shan has been immersed in sixth-rank alchemists for many years, so it is impossible for him to be weaker than Master Lou Ming."

"Hey, I agree."

"Maybe, there is a dark horse emerging."


Jiang's house, courtyard.

"Master Xiao, the alchemy seat of the Jiang family is up to you." Jiang Xu bowed his hands respectfully to Henry Zhang, with a very low posture.

He knew that he was no longer qualified to show off in front of this young man.

"Master said that if he can win the first seat, he will!" Jiang Sheng said confidently, making all the elders of the Jiang family smile bitterly inwardly.

Jiang Sheng has no idea about the first seat.

That is the strongest alchemist under Huochizi!

Henry Zhang, can you do it?

However, even though they had doubts, they were very sensible and silent. In any case, the hopes of the Jiang family can only be pinned on Henry Zhang.

If they can't compete for the top ten, then from now on, the Jiang family, which has lost its old patriarch, will be completely removed from the four major alchemist families in Jiujue City.

"Dan Dian, it will be held in the afternoon."

After leaving the Jiang family, Jiang Sheng pulled Henry Zhang and separated from the elders of the Jiang family: "Master, let's go to Danhui first to see, maybe, we can meet something interesting, last year, there appeared a seven Pin Gudan has alarmed Master Huochizi."

"Dan will?"

Henry Zhang asked suspiciously: "Isn't it Dandian, why is there still a Danhui?"

Someone asked, isn't Jiang Yin abolished, how can he still open the spiritual door?

That's right, it is indeed crippled, but what is crippled is spiritual power, which means that in the future, he will not be able to absorb spiritual power and will stagnate.

But his spirit gate is still there, and those whose spirit gate has been abolished cannot summon spirit beasts.

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