Master of Beasts

Chapter 1315 Demon Girl

On the three-story quaint wooden frame, a Tang-like elixir soaked in the turbid liquid floated slowly, Henry Zhang froze for a moment, his eyes gradually brightened.

Zhuo Shui Tang, the seventh-grade elixir, is one of the training materials for Emperor Yue!

Not long ago, he had just obtained the blood essence of the turbid nine yin, and this turbid water pond could be said to be a timely gift!


Looking at Zhuo Shui Tang's introduction, Henry Zhang frowned slightly?

If you want to exchange for Zhuo Shui Tang, you need two seventh-grade pills?

The owner of Zhuo Shuitang must not be a fool. With such a big mouth, a piece of the most common seventh-grade elixir can be sold for millions of spirit jades, and he directly wants two pieces.

Among Henry Zhang's empty boundary stones, there is only a seventh-rank pill formula.

"Who owns this turbid water pond?"

As soon as Henry Zhang finished speaking, a thin old man squeezed over from the crowd, and said with a smile: "Little brother has good eyesight, Zhuo Shui Tang is the main medicine of Zhuo Shui Pill, and it is not necessarily seen in ten thousand miles of muddy water." One can be born."

"Although Zhuo Shui Tang is precious, it's not as good as two seventh-rank alchemy prescriptions. I can only issue one." Henry Zhang glanced at the old man.

"Then I won't sell it." Seemingly seeing Henry Zhang's urgent need, the old man smiled and shook his head.

"In that case, that's all." Henry Zhang turned around decisively, wanting to leave.

Two pieces of seventh-grade elixir require at least two million spirit jades.

It's not worth exchanging all the items in the space boundary stone for a turbid water pond.

"Little brother, don't go, everything is easy to discuss."

The skinny old man hurriedly caught up and said, "One piece of seventh-grade elixir, plus 500,000 spiritual jades are also fine. After passing this village, there will be no such store for elixir such as Zhuoshuitang!"

Henry Zhang turned a deaf ear and continued on.

"You really don't want it?" Feeling the old man froze, he hurriedly said.

"You are not sincere." Henry Zhang spit out an indifferent voice.

Although the turbid water pond is precious, it is the limit to exchange it for a piece of seventh-grade elixir.

After all, a finished Zhuoshuitang is only 1.3 million Lingyu, and few people will buy it.

This price is too astonishing for a seventh-grade elixir.

Some eighth-grade pills can't be sold for this amount.

"One piece of seventh-grade elixir, plus 400,000 Lingyu." The thin old man gritted his teeth and said harshly.

Henry Zhang was unmoved.

"Add 300,000 Lingyu!"

Henry Zhang didn't even dare to look at it.

"Two hundred thousand, at least two hundred thousand!"

The skinny old man shouted loudly: "If it is lower, I would rather destroy it, and I will do it!"

"make a deal."

With a slightly relaxed face, Henry Zhang threw a void boundary stone, which contained his only seventh-grade pill formula and two hundred thousand spiritual jade.

"did not ask……"

Just as the old man was about to catch it with joy, a fiery red long whip suddenly swung over, knocking Henry Zhang's space boundary stone down brutally, and rolled a few times.

This defiant gesture made Henry Zhang's eyes turn cold.

It was literally slapping him in the face.

"One piece of seventh-grade elixir, plus 210,000 Lingyu, I want this turbid water pond." Standing in the crowd, a woman in a fire-colored cheongsam threw out the empty boundary stone indifferently.

"This figure, this strength." A young man's eyes were fiery.

"You don't want to die, this is Qiu Yufei!" His companion trembled in fright, and hurriedly covered his mouth: "Even if you want to die, don't take me with you!"

Qiu Yufei?

The scalp of the young man who spoke out before was numb.

The witch Qiu Yufei has a lot of fame in Jiujue City. She is the fastest person in the Southern Region to break through to the middle stage of the sixth-rank alchemist after Huo Chizi.

The reason why she is said to be a witch is because of her ruthlessness.

There was once a flamboyant young master who was pulled out by her with a long whip and turned into bones. It was extremely miserable.

Since then, the name of the demon girl has quickly spread throughout Jiujue City, and no one wants to provoke her.

"Are you talking about me just now?"

Looking at the young man, Qiu Yufei said coldly: "Three breaths, kneel down and receive the punishment, or I will pump you into a blood corpse!"



The fiery red whip was thrown down, and the young man knelt on the ground on the spot, leaving the long whip behind his legs, turned suddenly, and swung it horizontally towards his face.


A deep bloodstain emerged.

After doing all this, Qiu Yufei seemed to be still angry, and threw down the long whip in a row. The young man was knocked unconscious, and a strong and powerful palm held her long whip.

"If you fight again, you will be killed." The strong man in the Dan Palace said coldly.

"He provoked me first, so he deserves to be beaten to death." Qiu Yufei put the long whip back around his waist, and said disdainfully: "It's just a fourth-rank alchemist, this kind of ants should be beaten to death by me."

In the crowd, some alchemists were sullen.

Should a fourth-rank alchemist be beaten to death?

How can there be such a reason!


The air boundary stone that was blown away was still rolling on the ground, Henry Zhang raised his head, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Are you hitting me in the face?"

"Zhuoshuitang, can you give it to me?" Qiu Yufei ignored Henry Zhang, but looked at the thin old man lightly. In her eyes, Henry Zhang was not qualified to talk to her.


The skinny old man chuckled, and offered the turbid water pond with both hands.

"You just agreed to trade to me." Henry Zhang spoke slowly, his voice slightly cold.

"I've already given her something. If you want it, ask her to go." The skinny old man said casually. It would be good to earn an extra ten thousand.

"What I promised, not only did not do it, but it was plausible."

Henry Zhang's calm voice came out: "You who have just stepped into the sixth-rank alchemist will pay the price for the extra 10,000 spiritual jade."

"I'll wait." The thin old man choked Henry Zhang impatiently.

Make him pay?


The salt he has eaten is more than the water Henry Zhang has drunk. How dare Henry Zhang, a young boy, dare to teach him a lesson?

"I'll take your empty boundary stone, do you have any objections?" Qiu Yufei looked at Henry Zhang proudly.

"Of course there are." Henry Zhang's eyes were blank.

"Not convinced yet?"

Qiu Yufei sneered: "If you are unhappy, you can compete with me in alchemy, you have no skills! If your alchemy can beat me, this turbid water pond will be handed over to you."

Everyone shook their heads secretly.

The reason why Qiu Yufei is called a witch is that apart from her ruthless work, her superb alchemy is also a big reason. Competing with Henry Zhang, an alchemist who has no sense of existence, is not a bully.

However, Henry Zhang's words quickly shocked them.

"I promise."

Henry Zhang looked at Qiu Yufei: "However, there is one more thing to add, the loser, kneel down and apologize to the other party, and, you have to kneel down, pick up my empty boundary stone, and put it in my hand."

"Do you want to die?" Qiu Yufei's eyes turned cold.

Let her kneel to pick up a useless sky boundary stone?

"Don't you dare?" Henry Zhang said calmly.

"Why don't you dare?"

Qiu Yu smiled evilly: "However, this is not exciting enough. What kind of bet is kneeling? If you want to compare, bet your life!"

"Whoever loses will die, you, dare you!"

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