Master of Beasts

Chapter 1336 Frightened Qiuming

Qiuming's face instantly turned green.

In front of so many people, he humbly apologized to Jiang Sheng, but he got this kind of response. Suddenly, anger surged in his heart.

In the past, what was Jiang Sheng?

A small second-rank alchemist, just a family lady who has no sense of existence in the Jiang family, Jiang Yunyan's status is much more noble than her.

How dare you not accept his apology?

Damn it!

"Miss Jiang, forget it."

Su Lu persuaded: "Qiuming has already apologized, and I have taught the lesson as well. If you still feel angry, how many slaps can you personally give him?"

After all, he had dealt with Qiu Bo many times, if he could help, he decided to help.

It's just these words that made Qiuming's face gradually contort.

He Qiuming, although he is not as good as Qiu Hao and Qiu Yufei, but in Jiujue City, he is still a respectable figure, and he used the name of the Qiu family to walk around a lot.

Now, it has fallen to this point.

he swears.

If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely kill Jiang Sheng secretly.

Kill with the cruelest means!

"I don't accept his apology."

At this time, Jiang Sheng's cold voice came out: "Senior, this matter has nothing to do with you. Earlier, thank you for your help, but you should not interfere in the next matter."

Changing the subject, Jiang Sheng glanced at the crowd, her beautiful eyes were cold.

"I, Jiang Sheng, hereby issue the alchemy order. Whoever can take Qiuming's head, I, Jiang Sheng, will give him a poison pill!"

Poison pill!

The pupils of many spirit king powerhouses were tightly shrunk together.

They had heard many rumors about poison pills.

Most of the damage in the world can be driven away with poison elixir.

Including some mortal poisons!

Even if they don't need it now, there is no guarantee that it will be useful one day in the future!


A look of horror appeared on his face, Qiuming staggered and almost fell to the ground, his heart was so frightened that it almost burst.

He has no doubts about how attractive the poison pill is to the strong.

Under this kind of temptation, even the Qiu family, one of the four great alchemist families, couldn't keep him!

"Miss Jiang, it doesn't have to be like this."

Qiu Bo's face was stiff and gloomy: "It is true that Qiuming was at fault in the first place, but the crime does not warrant death, why bother to hold on to it?"

"Do you have a mother?" Jiang Sheng looked at Qiu Bo.

"Yes." The corner of Qiu Bo's mouth twitched, no one had a mother, and it didn't come out of the cracks in the rocks.


Jiang Sheng said coldly: "You let Qiuming repeat to you what you said to humiliate my mother in front of so many people, and I won't kill him."

Qiu Bo's complexion kept changing.

Say it to him again?

He didn't shoot Qiumen alive!

Even if he didn't kill Qiuming, he would lose face as the Patriarch of the Qiu family.

"Patriarch, save me."

Qiuming said tremblingly, "I don't want to die!"

"Su Lu." Qiu Bo looked at Su Lu with difficulty, and only Su Lu could speak for the Qiu family.

"Hehe, I can't make the decision." Su Lu smiled inexplicably.

Poison pill.

Even he was a little moved.

Seeing this, Qiuming's heart sank into the abyss little by little, and an undisguised look of despair appeared on his face, and he could feel countless bloodthirsty eyes falling on him.

So many strong men are staring at him.

He must die.

No one thought he would survive.


Taking a deep breath, Jiang Sheng sat down indifferently, filled with emotion.

A powerful alchemist can kill with a single word.

If there is no poison pill refining method taught by Henry Zhang, even if she is insulted, she will not be able to fight back.


Jiang Xu sneered: "Patriarch Qiu, I am the Jiang family. I am not the Jiang family in the past. When speaking, it is better to accumulate some morals, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body."

It was the first time he felt so comfortable since the old Patriarch's death.

Seeing Qiu Bo deflated, he felt both excited and relieved.

The Jiang family is finally about to rise.

The source of all this is Henry Zhang!

"I've made a note of it." Qiu Bo's complexion was particularly gloomy.

Dantai over the sky.

The refining of the Bingling Tianpo Pill is still going on.

At this time, all alchemists have reached the stage of congealing alchemy.

This is also the most critical and touching moment.


A sixth-grade alchemist left with a bitter face, and failed in the last step. The depression in his heart can be guessed without thinking.

In the second round of screening, all fifth-rank alchemists were screened out.

Sixth grade alchemist, ten were screened out.

This level of strictness has shocked many people.

"You say, who refined the Bingling Tianpo Pill, the highest quality?"

"It must be Master Lou Ming. Besides Master Rong Shan, his alchemy is the strongest."

"The quality of pills does not depend entirely on alchemy. Moreover, Master Lou Ming is not good at refining ice-type pills. Have you ever seen someone ask Master Lou Ming to refine ice-type pills? "

"That's right."

"Just wait and see."

Amidst the people's discussion, Xun Feng's dark eyes narrowed slightly, his hands changed rapidly, and while the pill fire was burning, a round pill burst into the sky.


Holding the elixir in his hands, Xun Feng smiled.


Jiang Xu stood up excitedly: "I thought that Master Xunfeng was only good at refining wind attribute pills, but I didn't expect that he could even refine ice attribute pills!"

"It's too simple, it's just refining a pill pattern, it's a piece of cake." Xun Feng glanced at Henry Zhang contemptuously, with a relaxed look.

Also invited by Jiang Xu, he naturally wanted to compete with Henry Zhang.

"Two pill patterns!"

"The elixir refined by Master Bingling has two elixir lines!"


The sudden scream made Xun Feng quickly look over, the crystal clear pill was in the hands of a smiling old woman, beautiful and round like glass crystal.

Two cloud-shaped pill patterns are engraved on it.

There are two pill patterns!


The other sixth-rank alchemists were convinced.

The reason why Bing Ling is called Bing Ling is not without reason.

"Master Bingling's understanding of ice-type pills is really superb. In the entire Jiujue City, except for Master Huochizi, no one can compare with it." Xun Feng said shyly.

Jiang Xu was slightly angry.

Bing Ling is a member of the Chen family, and Chen Rong just sneered at Henry Zhang just now. Not only did Xun Feng not say anything to help Henry Zhang, but he belittled him vigorously. Now, he is flattering Bing Ling even more.

Do you still pay attention to him?

"Master Xunfeng is absurd."

The old woman smiled and shook her head: "In the past, I could still be worthy of this evaluation, but someone's control over the ice attribute medicine has already surpassed me, and the wave behind pushes the wave ahead."


Everyone was surprised.

Just when they were about to break the casserole and ask the bottom line.

"I'm not mistaken!"

"Three Pill Patterns!"

Screams sounded from nowhere, pushing the atmosphere in the arena to a climax.

After Master Bingling.

The Ice Spirit Sky Poll with three pill patterns appeared!

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