Master of Beasts

Chapter 1338 Reshaping the Elixir

Looking at the brilliant and brilliant Bingling Tianpo Pill, many people were surprised.

What kind of elixir is this?

How is it completely different from what they refined?


Being watched coldly by Chen Rong, Henry Zhang turned his right hand slightly, the shattered Danding shattered and slid downward with a clatter, and a cloud-like pattern quietly emerged.

Dan pattern!

"The alchemy cauldron is blown up, can you still refine the alchemy pattern?"

Xun Feng's face suddenly turned a liver color.

The elixirs refined by Henry Zhang also have elixirs!

Look at this rank, not weaker than him!

That's not all.

Pieces then fell.

Another cloud-shaped pill pattern is revealed below!

"The second alchemy pattern!" Some sixth-rank alchemists stared wide-eyed, while Master Bingling's face was slightly stiff, and the palm in the sleeve robe was firmly squeezed.

Besides her and Chen Rong, is there anyone else in Nine Jue City who is good at refining ice attribute pills?

What made her even more unacceptable was that.

Henry Zhang's attainments in ice attribute pills are not weaker than hers!

"The second pill pattern." Jiang Xu looked excited.


The Bingling Tianpo Pill with two pill patterns is enough to prove Henry Zhang's attainments in alchemy.

Henry Zhang not only can refine rare elixir.

Ordinary pills are also good at it!

He can finally be sure that Henry Zhang's alchemy is not weaker than Xunfeng's!

"Damn it." Qiu Bo gritted his teeth.

Where is Henry Zhang's limit?

If Henry Zhang is in the alchemy,

Deliberately targeting the Qiu family, there is a real possibility that the Qiu family will be kicked out of the four great alchemist families!

Thinking of this, a killing intent flashed across Qiu Bo's eyes.

That killing intent was quite serious.

"You bastard, it turns out that what you are best at is refining ice-type pills." The corner of Xun Feng's mouth twitched violently, his eyes were gloomy.

"Damn it!"

Chen Rong felt provoked, and said viciously: "Two pill patterns, just so-so, barely make sense, but that's all, I don't believe it, you can still refine three patterns..."

Before Chen Rong finished speaking, her next voice was choked in her throat, and a strong shock rose on her face.

Pill tripod fragments continue to fall.

She saw the third pill pattern!

Three-pattern elixir!

"real or fake?"

"I underestimated Master Xiao. At first, I thought he was at most a mid-stage sixth-rank alchemist, but now it seems that he is at least a peak sixth-rank alchemist!"

"The Bingling Tianpo Pill is much more difficult to refine than the Ziyang Lieguang Pill!"

"Could it be that his understanding of ice attribute pills is not weaker than that of Chen Rong? The Chen family is a family of alchemists who specialize in ice attribute pills!"

The face of the Patriarch of the Chen family suddenly darkened.

Ice attribute pills have always been their forte.

He can be sure.

Even if he makes a shot, the quality of the refined Bingling Tianpo Pill will not be higher than Henry Zhang!

"You prodigal son, you are quite capable."

The most embarrassing thing was Chen Rong. She looked at Henry Zhang and said with difficulty and reluctance. The many gazes cast from heaven and earth made her extremely embarrassed, and she wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Just now, but in front of everyone, she swore to Huo Chizi that the first reward must belong to her, and Henry Zhang could not threaten her.

Now, the two are on par!

"Hehe, it's time to announce the result."

After being slightly surprised for a while, Huo Chizi said with a smile: "The Bingling Tianpo pill refined by Master Xiao is of the same grade as Chen Rong's little friend, and it has three pill lines. Zhang Gaopin’s Dan Fang.”

Many people nodded secretly, but some people were slightly shocked in their hearts.

Huo Chizi treated Henry Zhang as equals.

And addressing Chen Rong is completely like a senior.

what does that mean?

"Master Huo Chizi, do you think so highly of Henry Zhang?" Although the Patriarch of the Chen family was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to say it, but the expression on his face betrayed his displeasure.

The three-grain elixir was refined, so why couldn't Huo Liezi give Chen Rong a high look.

Huo Chi Zi and Huo Lie Zi, a small title, can often determine the worth and status of an alchemist in Jiujue City!

"I am willing to receive the first reward with Henry Zhang." Chen Rong struggled a bit, and said aggrievedly, that expression seemed to have been insulted.

In her heart, she really thought so.

Being juxtaposed with Henry Zhang is an insult to her!

"Are you not satisfied with the result?" Henry Zhang calmly glanced at Chen Rong while turning the crystal Bingling Tianpo Pill.

"That's right."

Chen Rong didn't hide it at all, and said directly: "Just refining a kind of elixir does not mean that your comprehension and understanding of ice attribute elixirs can be compared with mine. I really don't want to be thought that, and You're on the same level, it's disrespectful to me!"

All the alchemists whispered.

These words were a bit cruel, and they didn't save Henry Zhang any face.

A smile appeared on the face of the Patriarch of the Chen family.

very good.

This is what the Chen family should do.

In terms of research on ice-type elixir, they are the strongest in Jiujue City!


Jiang Sheng said angrily: "Master just made a elixir, and she never recruited or provoked her. She has always targeted and belittled Master. Who doesn't respect anyone?"

Jiang Xu is a little bit waxy.

The Chen family's research on ice-attribute elixir is really powerful. If Chen Rong insists on holding on to Henry Zhang, then what happened today will be a bit difficult to understand.

"Forget it, it's just the second round of screening, it doesn't matter to Dandian."

Chen Rong frowned, and said impatiently: "I'll let you, a prodigal son, take advantage of it. I, Chen Rong, are not the ones who can't afford to lose. Let's just tie together, it's no big deal."

"You are too confident."

Henry Zhang shook his head slightly: "Dan Dao, what is important is to constantly learn from experience and improve yourself. You only know how to fight for a while, so why keep breaking through?"

"Are you teaching me? Who gave you the courage, with the Sanwen Bingling Tianpo Pill in your hand?" Chen Rong was furious, she was too lazy to haggle with Henry Zhang, and Henry Zhang pushed his nose on his face?

"Three pill patterns?"

Henry Zhang shook his head silently: "At first, I thought it was just a screening, and there was no reason to fight too fiercely, but some people didn't give me a chance."

After the words fell, Henry Zhang slapped the cauldron.



The white pill fire rose up with a bang, and the Bingling Tianpo Pill flew in it. Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the three pill lines on it disappeared one by one, and finally became an ordinary pill.

"What does he want to do?" A alchemist was dumbfounded.

Erase the pill pattern that was so hard to refine?

Henry Zhang was driven crazy by Chen Rong?

"This is……"

Huoliezi got up abruptly, and Huochizi's deep old eyes were also full of brilliance.

"Pillion remodeling!"

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