Master of Beasts

Chapter 1341 Lu Yunxuan Arrives

"He doesn't bet, I bet."

The light and pleasant voice sounded out of nowhere, and everyone in the Dandian Square couldn't help being startled. Chen Rong's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he sternly said: "Where did you come from, cats and dogs, dare to meddle in my affairs?" ,get out!"

While drinking, Chen Rong slapped a fire mark fiercely in a certain direction.

The soul power of a sixth-rank alchemist is enough to see through the traces of most spirit kings, and the spirit king in the void did not deliberately hide.


Sparks exploded all over the sky.

The scattered sparks, like petals, bloomed quietly. In the middle, a noble and holy woman turned her eyes slightly, and raised the corner of her mouth at Henry Zhang.

The pretty appearance is like a hundred flowers blooming, and the whole world seems to lose its color at this time.

The atmosphere fell into dead silence for a moment.

After a long time, an unbelievable voice came out.

"Lu... Lu Yunxuan?"

Many people stayed.

As the chief of the Phoenix List in the Southern Region, many people have seen the portrait of Lu Yunxuan, and some people present have also witnessed the real person.

But it was the first time for Lu Yunxuan to come to Jiujue City.

Who is she here for?

Who else has this honor?

"Lu Yunxuan?"

Staring blankly at the beautiful woman in the sky, Jiang Sheng finally recovered from the shock after a long while, and there was a little sourness in the corner of his mouth.

In an instant, she wanted to understand everything.

Henry Zhang did not brag.

He really knew Lu Yunxuan.

Looking at it this way, the relationship between the two is by no means simple!

"Lu Shaozong, why come to my Jiujue City when you have time?" Huo Chizi showed a gentle smile on his face.

Lu Shaozong,

Of course it was Lu Yunxuan.

It is impossible for him not to know the young master of Huangyan Valley. He was invited by Lu Qingtan to refine many pills for Lu Yunxuan, and he also knows some secrets about Lu Yunxuan.

The phoenix feather of Nine Heavens Profound Flame Phoenix is ​​in Lu Yunxuan's hands!

Even Huochizi should pay attention to this.

"Yunxuan has met Senior Huochizi."

Under countless astonished gazes, Lu Yunxuan smiled at Huo Chizi and saluted as a junior: "Please forgive me for bothering you."

"Lu Shaozong is serious." Huo Chizi nodded and smiled.

In fact, to him, the dragon list and phoenix list are not worth mentioning. Even if it is some face of spiritual deficiency, he will not give it if he wants to. Who makes him the most powerful alchemist in the southern region.

But Lu Yunxuan is different.

The fate of the Southern Territory depends largely on her. During the conversation, Huo Chizi didn't mean to treat Lu Yunxuan as a junior, but to treat her as an equal.

"This this……"

Looking at Lu Yunxuan who was talking with Huo Chizi, Chen Rong's face gradually turned pale. Just now, she called Lu Yunxuan a cat or a dog?

If Lu Yunxuan's fanatical suitors knew about this news, they would have to lead someone to destroy the Chen family.

She has no doubts!


Chen Rong's mind exploded.

Lu Yunxuan, do you know Henry Zhang?

What is the relationship between the two of them?

"I'll bet with you, okay?" Lu Yunxuan's eyes turned slightly, and her cold gaze moved to Chen Rong, making Chen Rong's already pale face turn paler.

She dared not answer.

This is Lu Yunxuan.

The young sect of Huangyan Valley that even her father would fear!

Even though she is the tenth on the Phoenix List, she can be sure that Lu Yunxuan, who is so high up, has never even heard of her face!

"Lu Shaozong came from a long way, and Mr. Chen was disappointed to welcome him, and hoped to make amends."

Seeing that Chen Rong was in a stalemate, the Patriarch of the Chen family hurriedly cupped his hands: "Chen Tao, I don't know if Lu Shaozong will appreciate it, come to my Chen family to tell, I got a jade sea pearl a few days ago, I'm really worried... "


Lu Yunxuan's crisp and clear words made Chen Tao feel stuck in his throat. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't make a sound, so he could only laugh in embarrassment.

He is very clear about the meaning of Huangyan Valley Young Sect.

The Chen family is big, but it is limited to Jiujue City.

In the entire Southern Territory, even a single wave can't be turned over, and Huangyan Valley can wipe them out countless times with just a little finger movement.

"Lu... Lu Shaozong..."

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, Chen Rong braced herself and looked up at Lu Yunxuan: "I've offended you before, please forgive me. Besides, I didn't know he was your friend. If I knew this earlier, I..."

"You're mistaken, he's not my friend."

Hearing this, Chen Rong's face just showed joy, and then Lu Yunxuan's voice rang out: "He is my man."


Deathly silence.




For a moment, the expressions on everyone's faces were particularly exciting.

Did they hear correctly?

Henry Zhang, is Lu Yunxuan's man?

This news shocked their cognition too much!

"This is impossible!"

Chen Rong shook her head tremblingly: "Lu Shaozong, how could he be your man, how could you have taken a liking to him, even Heiya, you can't even take a liking to him."

Black Cliff is at the top of the Dragon Ranking in the Southern Region.

Although this person seldom appears in the southern region, many people know his feelings for Lu Yunxuan, and some people often enjoy discussing it endlessly.

In the end, Lu Yunxuan didn't stay with Heiya, instead, he made a northerner cheaper?

"It's strange that I look at him."

Lu Yunxuan glanced at Chen Rong inexplicably: "My man, who killed the sixth-order spirit king, is the direct descendant of the two spirit-deficit powerhouses in Xingyun Peak. Is there anyone stronger than him among the young generation in the entire four domains?"

After Lu Yunxuan's words fell, everyone's hearts shook several times.

Beheaded the sixth-order spirit king?

Two direct descendants of Lingxu?

Ten source spiritual master?

These are Henry Zhang's achievements and identities?

"Ten Origin Spirit Master?!"

Huo Liezi's eyes stared like dead fish: "Little girl Lu Yunxuan, didn't she deliberately deceive us in order to stand out for Henry Zhang, did she? There are still ten source spiritual masters on this continent?"

"It seems that it is indeed true."

Huo Chizi smiled: "Someone sent back some news from the Northern Territory. At first, I didn't believe it, but now, I have to believe it. I heard that he still has three mysterious beasts."

Firebolt was completely speechless.

Is that human being?


A monster that is a hundred times more evil than Black Cliff!

"I do not believe!"

As if being dazzled by anger, Chen Rong ignored Lu Yunxuan's identity, and contradicted him: "He is clearly a six-source spiritual master, how could he be a ten-source? Although I have not walked out of Jiujue City, I still have my own experience and judgment , I can guarantee that it is impossible for him to..."





A series of buzzing sounds resounded endlessly, ten bright spiritual gates emerged from around Henry Zhang one by one, the breathing of the people in the square suddenly stagnated, and turbulent waves set off in their hearts.

Ten spiritual gates.

Ten source spiritual master!

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