Master of Beasts

Chapter 1343 The Screening Ends

"Depend on!"

Looking at the Bingling Tianpo Pill in front of Henry Zhang, Huoliezi's throat rolled fiercely, and he gritted his teeth and said: "This guy, can't he be the reincarnation of the Emperor of Medicine, right? Qiwen Pill, he wants to scare people to death?"

In fact, some alchemists couldn't bear the visual impact and passed out in shock.

The four-pattern pill is scary enough.

Not to mention the Qiwen Jue Pill!

Although the seventh line is not clear, it is undoubtedly the Dan line!

The pills with seven pill lines are not only ten times better than the pills with three lines, but a hundred times better?


The blood in the chest was surging, Chen Rong pointed at Henry Zhang tremblingly, just about to say something, suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out, and fell from the sky.

This blow was too great for her, comparable to a demon!

If she can't make it through, she will never even think about refining pills in her life.


He rushed forward with a single stride, and flew a thousand feet away in the blink of an eye. Chen Tao hugged Chen Rong, and raised his head in grief: "Master Xiao, Mr. Chen admits that he has fallen. The Chen family will no longer participate in this alchemy."

The alchemist in Jiujue City turned pale with shock.

Chen Tao doesn't want the names of the four alchemist families anymore?

"It's not that he doesn't want it, it's that he doesn't dare to."

Master Rong Shan shook his head: "Chen Tao's precious daughter has completely offended Master Xiao to death. He is afraid that the Chen family will be targeted and humiliated by participating in the alchemy ceremony. More importantly, he is showing weakness to Henry Zhang. I want to get Henry Zhang's forgiveness."

Chen Tao's alchemy can be ranked in the top six among the Nine Absolute Cities.

This also counts those who don't participate in Dandian, such as Fire Lie Zi.

If the Chen family continues, it will not be difficult to keep the name of one of the four major families.

But he dare not.

The strength shown by Henry Zhang is enough to destroy the Chen family!

"You're quite interesting.


Lu Yunxuan said flatly: "Originally, I planned to ask Chen Rong to kneel down and apologize according to the agreement. Since this is the case, let's avoid it. In the future, don't provoke Henry Zhang again."

"Thank you Lu Shaozong for your mercy."

Chen Tao's face was bitter, while Chen Rong's eyes lost any luster.

Her self-confidence was completely destroyed by Henry Zhang.

In this life, she will be reduced to a half-useless person.


Grasping the right palm of the seat armrest, blue veins blooming, Jiang Xu whispered excitedly: "We will definitely keep the name of the four major families, and even have a chance to hit the first family!"

The elders of the Jiang family were all excited.

The first family of Jiujue City!

This was never robbed when the family ancestor was alive!

The appearance of Henry Zhang gave them hope!


Qiu Bo next to him said coldly: "Our Qiu family is the number one alchemist family in Jiujue City. If Hao'er and Yu Fei don't die, even your three families combined cannot compare with us. "

"But they died after all." Jiang Sheng said calmly.

"Yes, they died after all, killed by Henry Zhang."

Qiu Bo's face became extraordinarily ferocious: "Jiang family, don't think that with Henry Zhang, you can shake the Qiu family's position, let me tell you, Murray and Mu Ting will help my Qiu family in the Dandian!"

Murray, Murray?

Jiang Xu's face changed.

Murray and Mu Ting's alchemy, although there is a certain gap between them and Huo Liezi, but they can easily refine any sixth-grade elixir together.

Once, even a seventh-grade elixir was refined.

Although it is only the lowest level of seventh-rank pill, it is still seventh-rank!

The rule of the alchemy code is that no matter what method is used, a seventh-grade elixir must be refined. All alchemy families will choose two people to make alchemy, or even many people to make alchemy.

Only in this way, a sixth-rank alchemist can have the opportunity to refine a seventh-rank pill.

The combination of Murray and Mu Ting, plus Qiu Bo, is definitely the one with the best chance of winning!

"The Qiu family has good means." Jiang Xu said with a sullen face, word by word.

Alchemists at the level of Murray and Mu Ting can directly participate in the Alchemy Code without going through the selection process, but their whereabouts are uncertain and it is difficult to invite them.

The Qiu family must have paid a huge price for inviting them.

"Wait, then."

Qiu Bo said in a dark way: "Xiao Yang is strong, but it can help you for a while, but not for a lifetime. From tomorrow, Murray and Mu Ting will join the Qiu family and become the elders of the Qiu family. As long as the first The name of the alchemy family was obtained by us, and the Jiang family will forever become the history of Jiujue City!"

Qiu Bo's hatred for the Jiang family can be described as monstrous.

As the number one family in Jiujue City, the Qiu family had an absolute advantage over the other three major families, but with the death of Qiu Hao and Qiu Yufei, the strength of the Qiu family was directly weakened by more than half.

What made his heart even more murderous was that Qiu Hao and Qiu Yufei were both his heirs!

He gave future generations unlimited hope!

Because of Lu Yunxuan's relationship, he didn't dare to touch Henry Zhang, but that didn't mean he didn't dare touch the Jiang family, he didn't believe that Henry Zhang could stay in Jiujue City forever.

"I'll wait." Jiang Xu's eyes turned cold, not to be outdone.

It's over, he won't beg for mercy.

The hatred between the two families cannot be resolved.

If the name of the first family is obtained by the Jiang family, then he will use all means to suppress the Qiu family so that they cannot stand up.

"Dan Dian's screening is officially over."

Seeing Henry Zhang extinguishing the pill fire, Huoliezi let out a sigh of relief, and said loudly: "The ranking this time will be engraved on the pill stone tablet in the square immediately, and those who have objections can raise it immediately."


On the tallest stone tablet in Dandian Square, a series of names flashed one after another.

Henry Zhang.

Chen Rong.

Master of Ice Spirit.


Impressively, it was the entire ranking of the second round of screening.

No one disputed this result.

Rewards will be sent soon.

Although it is only a sixth-grade elixir, Henry Zhang still takes it into his bag. For alchemists, the more elixir they have, the better, and it is not guaranteed that they will be used one day.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Sweeping in front of Lu Yunxuan, Henry Zhang smiled, and then asked: "Where is Xiao Xuan, isn't she with you?"

"Brother Henry Zhang!"

In the void, a little girl like a porcelain doll jumped straight down, fell into Henry Zhang's arms, and said timidly: "There are a lot of people here, Xiao Xuan is afraid, let's go quickly."

"Three days, at most three days."

Rubbing Xiao Xuan's little head, Henry Zhang smiled and said: "After three days, we will leave Jiujue City."

"En." Xiao Xuan nodded obediently.

"That little girl..."

Huo Chizi, who was just about to leave, took a breath of cool air: "How is that possible! Nai..."

After only saying one word, Huo Chizi immediately stopped speaking.

He is very clear about the attractiveness of Naluohua.

Even if Lu Yunxuan is there, it may not be able to deter all Xiaoxiao people. Once the news spreads that Xiao Xuan is Naluohua, the entire Jiujue City may be overthrown.

"Senior brother, what's wrong?" Huo Liezi asked in surprise.

Like Henry Zhang at that time, he only stepped into the seventh-rank alchemist with half a foot. Without personal contact, he couldn't find Xiao Xuan's strangeness.


Huo Chizi smiled: "Go back quickly and prepare for tomorrow's alchemy ceremony. I have a hunch that tomorrow's alchemy ceremony will be the most intense one."

The crowd in the square gradually dispersed.

late at night.

In a flash.

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