Master of Beasts

Chapter 1345 Arrogance


A loud sound rang out, and sawdust and gravel flew in all directions. The sudden burst of force blasted a deep hole at the original position of the gate of Jiang's house.

"what happened!"

"what happens!"

"The gate of the Jiang family was smashed?"

In the inn and restaurant, countless figures stood up in shock. When they saw the messy building of Jiang's house, their pupils constricted suddenly.

Although the Jiang family has been lonely for many years, it is still the Jiang family!

Someone actually smashed the door of Jiang's house?

This is not taking the Jiang family seriously!

"Where did Xiaoxiao come from!"

Accompanied by the sound of angry shouts, an elder named Jiang came across the air. In front of the shattered pit, Hei Ya stood coldly, while Sun Xian grinned.

The strongest is only the third-order spirit king.


too weak!

"Iron Armored Violent Monkey, smash them down for me." Sun Xian said with a grin.


The spiritual power exploded under the feet, the ground cracked, the iron armor surged into the air, and the silver fists fell like phantoms continuously.

"Bang bang bang!"

The elders of Jiang's family who were hit had their backs sunken, vomiting blood and falling down.

What they are good at is alchemy.

In terms of combat power, in Jiujue City, it can only barely be regarded as the lower end.

After smashing down all the elders of the Jiang family, the speed of the Iron Armored Violent Ape increased sharply, and he slammed down a fiercely powerful elder with his fierce right fist.

To smash his head!


There was a shout of wrath,

A flaming red sickle was placed under Iron Armored Ape's fist. With a clang, the ripples of spiritual power spread, and Iron Armored Ape stepped back a few steps.


The fire scythe swept across quickly, but the Iron Armored Violent Ape that was hit was like a stone pillar, with both feet firmly inserted in the cracked ground, motionless.

"What a strong defense." The elder of the Jiang family's eyes narrowed slightly.

His spirit beast was at the fifth level, but it couldn't hurt the fourth-level Iron Armored Violent Ape.

"Hey, my Iron Armored Violent Ape is unparalleled in defense, how can you break through it?" Sun Xian glanced at the elder of the Jiang family disdainfully, feeling pity in his heart.

If this person came a little slower, he would be able to kill all these ants.

"Who are you?" The elder of the Jiang family said angrily.

The Jiang family had no grievances with these two people. Sun Xian not only smashed the gate of the Jiang family, but also killed people.

Too arrogant!

"Who am I, you don't need to know."

Sun Xian glanced at the elder of the Jiang family indifferently, and shouted like thunder, rolling in the sky: "Who is Henry Zhang, get out and see me!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Three figures flashed at the same time.

Henry Zhang, Lu Yunxuan, Jiang Xu.

"You are so brave!" Scanning the elders who staggered to their feet, Jiang Xu's eyes suddenly had a strong killing intent.

If it weren't for the body protection pattern, many elders of the Jiang family would have been killed on the spot.

"You looking for me?" Henry Zhang's eyes were cold.

The elders of the Jiang family suffered from this because of him.

No matter where Sun Xian came from, he must die.

"Hey, is your expression so scary?"

Sun Xian laughed strangely: "The strong man from the Northern Territory is so fierce. Will you kill me? I'm a little scared. Tell me, should I apologize immediately and beg for mercy?"

"He is Sun Xian, the third and fourth rank on the dragon list..."


Before Lu Yunxuan's words fell, Henry Zhang's figure was already like an off-string arrow, shot a thousand feet away, and his clenched right fist ruthlessly hit Sun Xian's head.

He doesn't care about the third on the dragon list or the fourth-order spirit king.

As long as Sun Xian dies, that's enough!

"You want to kill someone in front of me?"

Hei Ya raised his head, expressionless: "I can only say that you are very courageous, but this courage is very stupid in my eyes. I don't understand why Yunxuan's vision is so bad that she would actually fall in love with you." Such people."

"Black Cliff?"

"I am not wrong, right?"

"He came to Jiujue City?"

Many people were shocked.

Although they are only geniuses of the younger generation, Lu Yunxuan and Heiya's reputation is no less than that of some top spirit king powerhouses. Many forces and families pay close attention to them.

"Kill, kill him!"

Above the Chen family, Chen Rong, with disheveled hair, yelled and laughed ferociously, like an evil spirit from hell, especially creepy.

Several elders of Chen's family stood around Chen Rong in grief and indignation.

After returning from Dandian Square, Chen Rong went crazy.

In this life, it may never return to normal again.


On the street in front of Jiang's house, spiritual power erupted, and a deep gully spread to both sides of the street. Henry Zhang shot back violently, and drops of blood slid down along the front of the fist.

"Black Dragon?" Henry Zhang looked indifferent.

A long black dragon, like smoke, surrounds the black cliff. From its open mouth, smoke sprays out, turning the entire street into a sea of ​​black mist.

Black Dragon, a direct descendant of the True Dragon.

The purity of her bloodline was comparable to Lu Yunxuan's Eclipse Fire Phoenix!

"It's Hei Ya, Henry Zhang is dead." Chen Rong covered her face excitedly.

The breath of Heiya is the sixth level!

The sixth-order spirit king!

The head of the Jiang family, Jiang Xu, is no match for him!

"Haha, you really dare to do something that doesn't know how to live or die?"

Sun Xian pointed at Henry Zhang and laughed loudly: "Little bastard, don't take a pee, look at what you are, if you don't want to die, just kneel down and make amends to Hei Ya, and swear that you will never get close to Lu Yunxuan, otherwise, I will kill you!"


Looking at Sun Xian calmly, Henry Zhang smashed the air and shot out again, Hei Ya snorted, and the black dragon circled rapidly, biting towards Henry Zhang.


The wide wings of the ichthyosaur king spread, Henry Zhang's speed increased sharply, and he passed through the mouth of the black dragon, his cold eyes stared closely at Sun Xian.

"Well done!"

In Sun Xian's eyes, a bloodthirsty light burst out: "Iron Armored Violent Ape, blast him to pieces! Hehe, I don't believe it, someone can kill my Iron Armored Violent Ape!"

No wonder Sun Xian is proud.

The shell of the Iron Armored Violent Ape is a hundred times harder than fine steel. Even if it is hit by a fifth-order spirit beast standing up, it may not be able to break through its skin, let alone kill it.


Henry Zhang opened his hands coldly, and three little dragons with spiritual power flashed out: "Then I will kill you to see!"


The spiritual power surged wildly, and the light dragon soared.

Almost just for an instant.

For three days, the light dragon with spiritual power hit the Iron Armored Violent Ape hard and firmly!

"Sun Xian, get out of the way!" Hei Ya's complexion changed drastically.

This level of offensive...

It can definitely kill the Iron Armored Violent Ape!

He was too confident before, he just inquired about Henry Zhang's information a little bit, and brought Sun Xian to Jiujue City, how did he know that Henry Zhang still had such means.

If he knew this earlier, he would never let Sun Xian face Henry Zhang.


Three bright dragons of spiritual power descended from the sky and landed directly on the Iron Armored Violent Ape, and a violent storm of spiritual power suddenly swept away.


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