Master of Beasts

Chapter 1365 The Scary Flame Owl

Hundreds of drops of crystal-clear body slowly condensed towards the middle, and turned into a huge one like the one in front of Yan Xiao, with rippling luster flowing along the surface of the body.

"The most critical step is here." Huo Chizi said solemnly.

Brilliant, not much skill to speak of.

The next step is crucial, it can best show the alchemist's understanding of alchemy, this fist-sized one will eventually shrink to the size of the elixir, the ingredients removed and retained will affect the quality of the elixir when it is completed ,huge influence.

Henry Zhang stopped.

Yan Xiao frowned.

The entire Dandian Square was silent.

"Accordingly speaking, the flowers of the crab claw flower should be more toxic than the scales of the prickly gills, but being highly toxic does not mean it is more important. Moreover, the scales of the prickly gills are still of the fire attribute..." Yan Xiao's rebelliousness His eyes were narrowed into a small slit, and his fingers kept rubbing the palm of his hand.

"What is certain is that the rotting bone taro is the most important, and the spread of poisonous gas mostly depends on it, otherwise, no matter how far the dan powder floats, it will not be able to complete the act of massacring the country." Henry Zhang fell into deep thought.

Time passed by little by little, and the two did not move for a long time.

If it is normal alchemy, they can try it a few times, guess wrong and try again, but this alchemy is closely related to their fate, they dare not gamble.

"You will definitely lose!" Xun Feng cursed in his heart, with a crazy light shining in his eyes.

He is doomed to die, and before he dies, it might be a good thing to see Henry Zhang being unlucky.

"A pretentious thing, you have met your opponent, isn't it pretty good at pretending, keep going, you really have the ability, why didn't you win against Yan Xiao!" Qiu Bo was also secretly ruthless.

In order to get the forgiveness of the Black Dragon Palace, he sent someone to send a total of three million Lingyu.

This is most of the Qiu family's property!

Even if Hei Feng let him go in the end, the Qiu family will enter into a downturn due to the loss of financial resources in the next few years, and may even be completely devastated.

This is all caused by Henry Zhang!

"big sister."

Sucking the long bouquet, Xiao Xuan's juicy jewel eyes slightly blinked, and whispered: "The old man is very nervous now, I can sneakily scare him and make him fail."

As Na Luohua's external incarnation, she has no spiritual power and soul power, just an empty shell, which can easily escape Yan Xiao's detection.

That's how Lu Yunxuan's Suppressing Demon Monument came about.

"What are you thinking, that old man, you won't be your brother Henry Zhang's opponent." Lu Yunxuan lowered her head, dumbfounded, and rubbed Xiao Xuan's little head.

"What's her name?" Jiang Sheng looked at Xiao Xuan lovingly.

Xiao Xuan's figure was only about the size of a child, and her smooth face was like a porcelain doll, making one unable to resist the urge to knead it.

"Xiao Xuan." Lu Yunxuan said with a smile, "I gave you the name."

Hearing this, Jiang Sheng's heart tightened, and a little sourness gushed out.

Xiao Xuan, this name is taken from Henry Zhang's surname and Lu Yunxuan's first name, and it was also given by Lu Yunxuan.

Could it be...

If she knew Jiang Sheng's thoughts, Lu Yunxuan would laugh and cry.

She and Henry Zhang have only known each other for less than a month, so how come they even have children.

On Dantai.

Yan Xiao, who had hesitated so far, finally moved.

With a strong confidence in his eyes, Yan Xiao shook his palm, and the crimson sea of ​​flames circled wildly around his body, separating the eyes of everyone from himself.

"I can't see it anymore!" Some alchemists' hearts twitched.

This is how Yan Xiao didn't want them to know how to complete this step.


However, not many people were surprised by Yan Xiao's behavior of hiding skills. For alchemists, unimportant skills can be watched by others at will, but they must be well hidden when they involve their own trump cards.

The disciples of the church, the master starved to death, is not just talking.

Yan Xiao's actions are also normal.

However, Yan Xiao had already started, but Henry Zhang didn't move for a long time. He stared at the empty Danding, his eyes unblinking, as if turning into a sculpture.

"Qian donkey is at the end of his skills.

"Xun Feng was extremely proud.

Looking at Henry Zhang who was in trouble, there was an indescribable joy in his heart.

It is impossible for him to break through in this life, and he can only stay at the peak of the sixth-rank alchemist forever. He will die, and Henry Zhang will be buried with him, which is not a loss!

"Just admit defeat and let Yanxiao slaughter him." Qiu Bo secretly slandered.

In addition to them, some people also had a look of gloating in their eyes. Many weak people will inevitably have this kind of reaction when they see the strong being unlucky.

If not, how could they have so much fun to watch.

Two hours later, Henry Zhang still didn't move. From the edge of the sky, a bright and gorgeous glow slowly emerged, which was not dazzling.


The pillar of flames on the alchemy platform exploded suddenly, and amidst Yan Xiao's loud laughter, an earth-colored elixir suddenly bounced into the sky.


The elixir split open.

Pills flew around, and a white pill was exposed!

After that.



With two consecutive voices, the elixir changed from white to blue, and from blue to green. The bored expressions of the people in the square were swept away, replaced by unconcealable excitement.


The cyan quality pill is the third grade of Ligu Yao Miasma Pill!

"It's not easy to reach this point in refining for the first time. If you give him another period of time, maybe..." The Patriarch of the Yu family didn't finish his sentence.


The skin of the elixir cracked again, and a gentle color was revealed from it. What made Zongyu and others look ugly was that Yan Xiao didn't seem to want to stop.


Yan Xiao laughed wildly, the orange peel was floating, and the blood-like red, in the eyes of everyone, suddenly jumped out, shocking people's hearts.

However, it is still not over!

"Ha ha!"

Grabbing the elixir, Yan Xiao spun it hard, and the red elixir skin suddenly shattered into powder: "Among the four domains, no one can be my opponent, break it!"

"The sixth rank!" Shangguan Yang's rickety back straightened up suddenly, an unbelievable light burst out from his eyes, and his fingers trembled.

The sixth grade.

Black Bone Demon Miasma Pill!

The quality of this elixir is several times stronger than the red elixir that slaughtered a country back then!

Is this really Yan Xiao's first refining?

Damn it!

"I can assure you that this is the first time Yan Xiao has refined the Bone Demon Miasma Pill."

Feeling the questioning eyes cast upon him, Huo Chizi sighed and said, "Although my junior brother is arrogant, he has his own arrogance and never falsifies about alchemy. He said he hadn't practiced it before, so he must have Practiced."

"Ha ha!"

Grasping the black pill in his hand, Yan Xiao looked at Henry Zhang who was still meditating, and laughed wildly: "There is no need to continue this competition."

"The winner is I, Yan Xiao!"

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