Master of Beasts

Chapter 1371 Marriage?

The sound transmission talisman burned quietly, and the elders of Jiang's family surrounded Jiang Huai all looked chilly. As long as Jiang Sheng wanted to, they would kill Jiang Huai without hesitation.

For Jiang Huaitian, who has no face and no skin, they are disgusted at the first glance.

Now, even the younger generation of the Jiang family are ashamed of Jiang Huai as being part of the Jiang family. In the entire Jiujue City, who doesn't know about the scandal of him giving away his daughter?

Coming back now, I must have no good intentions!


After the sound transmission talisman was burned, ripples appeared layer by layer in the space in front of him. Jiang Huai quickly lowered his body, with a flattering expression on his face, and a young man in black walked out of the ripples in the space.

On his chest, a black dragon with teeth and claws was lifelike.

The symbol of the Black Dragon Palace!

"Ping Yi?" The elder of the Jiang family was a little stunned.

There are four branch halls in the Black Dragon Hall. Among them, the master of the South Hall, Ping Yingnan, is stationed in the remote Gobi area. The strength of the ninth-rank Spirit King is extremely extraordinary.

Ping Yi is the son of Ping Yingnan.

What is he here for?

"Daughter, I found a good marriage for you." Jiang Huai said with a smile, full of pride.

His father once gave Ping Yingnan some favors, so when he rushed to the remote Gobi overnight, Ping Yingnan gave him enough face.

As long as he can climb the big tree in Ping Yingnan, what if he is kicked out of Jiang's house?

He still has a chance to soar into the sky?

"Marriage? Dad, did I agree? What do you think of me? As long as it's good for you, you can do more!" Jiang Sheng was furious, and Ping Yi's brows showed no trace wrinkled.

The second-order spirit emperor?

Jiang Sheng's strength is also too weak. He came here as a dignified first-order spirit king. Not only did Jiang Sheng not flatter him, but he was so indifferent to him?

If it wasn't for Jiang Sheng's top-notch figure and appearance, he would have slapped him with a slap.

But right now, he has not eaten the meat to his mouth, and he still needs to be patient.

"Daughter, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Jiang Huai scolded with a straight face: "Do you know who he is? Ping Yingnan, one of the four masters of the Black Dragon Hall, is his father, and he himself is a first-rank spirit king. If you can’t find it, it’s more than enough for you, how dare you be dissatisfied?”

"Why?" Jiang Sheng stared at Jiang Huai coldly, asking her to marry as soon as she got married?

"Just because I am your father! Could it be that you are going to bear the reputation of treason, disloyalty and unfilial piety? Today, you have to marry if you marry, or you have to marry if you don't marry, otherwise Ping Yingnan will be angry and destroy the entire Jiang family!" Jiang Jiang Huai's voice suddenly raised a lot, appearing full of domineering.

Black Dragon Palace, that is a superpower!

Hei Feng, the master of the Black Dragon Palace, is even more powerful in spirit deficiency.

The Jiang family has never seen a strong spirit deficiency in their life!

In front of the Black Dragon Palace, what is the little Jiang family?

Seeing Ping Yingnan, even Jiang Xu probably would have kept his voice low.

"Uncle Jiang, is this the daughter you said was obedient to your words?" Ping Yi became a little impatient. He always snatched any girl he fell in love with. How could it be so troublesome?

"She used to be very obedient."

After trembling for a while, Jiang Huai quickly apologized, then pointed at Henry Zhang, and cursed loudly: "Boy, is it because of you? Since you came, Jiang Sheng has disobeyed my orders several times, you should die!"

Ping Yi's eyes narrowed into a dangerous arc.

Ninth-rank Linghuang?

A woman who dares to touch him, courts death!

"Ping Yi, it's all his fault." Jiang Huai's flattering head almost hit the ground.


Gently squeezed his fingers, Ping Yi rushed out suddenly, and said with a smirk: "In that case, then kill him, the waste of the ninth-level Linghuang!"

Ping also strode ten feet in one step, his fists fluttered, and Jiang Huai's eyes were extremely excited.

He has fallen to this point, all because of Henry Zhang!

If it wasn't for Henry Zhang, Jiang Sheng would have married Xun Feng as a concubine long ago, and his status in Jiang's family would also rise. Who would dare to look down on him?


Standing in place, Henry Zhang slapped his hand casually, and Ping Yi, who was grinning grinningly, suddenly changed his complexion, and a sense of severe pain spread along the fist all over his body.

His arm was completely shattered!


Passing a parabola, Ping also fell heavily to the ground, he looked up at Henry Zhang, his eyes were full of horror, how could a ninth-level spirit emperor be so powerful?

"My arm!"

Lying on the ground, Ping Yi clutched the position of his severed arm, rolling in pain, fine cold sweat covered his forehead: "Boy, I will let you die, I will let you die! I will kill your whole family!"

"You dare to fight back? You are dead!" Jiang Huai was furious.

Henry Zhang has spirit beasts and mysterious beasts, and it makes sense to kill the fourth-order dual-source spirit king. How could he have thought that Henry Zhang himself was equally powerful.

With a cold light flashing in his eyes, Henry Zhang raised his feet and stepped heavily on Ping Yi's chest.

After all, Ping Yi is a member of the Black Dragon Palace, and Hei Feng will come to get the pill later, and if he kills people here, it will only embarrass Hei Feng, so he keeps his hand.

If he tried his best, it would be enough to kill Ping Yi in an instant.

But now it seems that there is no need.

Dare to threaten his family.



Just as Henry Zhang was about to step on the soles of his feet, a powerful spiritual power suddenly surged, shocking him back a few steps, and a sweet taste surged up from his throat, and he swallowed it immediately.


With a flash of figure, Jiang Xu stood in front of Henry Zhang with a cold face.

"You want to kill me?"

In the void, a majestic middle-aged man flexed his muscles and bones lightly, and said in a low voice, "It's just an arm. I can handle it with Ping Yingnan, but someone will pay with their lives for this arm."


Breaking through the space, Ping Yingnan appeared above Henry Zhang, and the solid ice spread under his feet, like an ice pick, piercing towards Henry Zhang.

He was in the remote Gobi and did not know Henry Zhang's identity.

What's more, the person he wants to kill, even Hei Feng has to make a good confession.


The soles of Han Bing stepped down suddenly, wanting to crush Henry Zhang's head, at this moment, a long knife slashed towards him quickly, Ping Yingnan's eyes froze, and he took a few steps back.

The person who came was Yan Xiao.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Behind Yan Xiao, a ninth-level spirit king and two eighth-level spirit kings followed closely. They were all guests of the Jiang family, and they would not show up without Jiang Xu's order.

"Who are you?" Ping Yingnan frowned.

"You don't need to know." Yan Xiao's hoarse voice came out.

"You guys can't stop me from killing people." Glancing at Yan Xiao and the others, Ping Yingnan showed disdain. He didn't take two ninth-level spirit kings and two eighth-level spirit kings seriously.

His strength is the pinnacle of the ninth-level spirit king, and Yan Xiao and the ninth-level spirit king have only just broken through, regardless of strength and combat experience, he can crush them.

As one of the masters of the four major branch halls of the Black Dragon Hall, his fighting ability is undoubtedly strong. He once fought against three ninth-rank spirit kings without falling behind.

"Henry Henry, do you want to kill him?" Yan Xiao looked at Henry Zhang with a hoarse voice.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere instantly cooled down.

Staring at Yan Xiao closely, Ping Yingnan's mouth curved slightly.

"you wanna die!"

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