Master of Beasts

Chapter 1403 Ghost Twilight 2 Olds

"It's so naive." Henry Zhang glanced at Qiu Sheng, a little dumbfounded.

Zhai Chang, who has both sun and moon pupils, can see through the raw stones in the Baji Pavilion. Among the large number of raw stones, there are inevitably things with surprising prices.

If there is no Diyingji, or Tiyingji's petals, even if the ten-taste appraiser comes, he will be played around by Zhai Chang.

"Then it's settled." Zhai Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the remaining rough stones with some palpitations. The reason why he proposed to go to the original stone forest in Baji Pavilion was because he wanted to offer sky-high prices to crush Henry Zhang. former shame.

On the other hand, he didn't want to face these rough stones again.

If he made another mistake, his confidence in the sun and moon pupils would probably collapse immediately, and this was completely unacceptable to him.

"Original stone forest?"

"I've wanted to see it for a long time."

"Haha, I can finally feast my eyes."

The young geniuses got up excitedly.

In normal times, the Baji Pavilion original stone forest is under strict supervision, even a mosquito can't fly in to peep, let alone them.

"Hmph." Gong Yun snorted coldly, and followed the crowd.

a long time.

A huge mountain range stood in front of everyone. Chou Sheng stretched out his right hand, and a roulette slowly turned. This continuous formation slowly twisted.

The eighth-rank formation, the Zheshan formation!

After the Zheshan formation disappeared, there was a dazzling golden formation. Qiu Sheng said coldly: "This is the eighth-rank formation method, the golden wheel formation. If anyone dares to break into it, it will shoot out thousands of golden lights, even if it is half a foot. Anyone who steps into the spirit void will be beaten into a sieve, and the one hanging on the tree over there is the idiot who tried to break into the original stone forest last time."

Looking in the direction Qiu Sheng said.

Under the dense giant tree, a withered figure swayed in the wind. There were hundreds of holes in the not-so-majestic body, which made the scalp numb.

"Baji Pavilion really took great pains to protect the original stone forest." In Chang Zhi's cold eyes, there was a trace of fiery and greed.

Back then, in order to steal the pupils of the sun-moon wheel, Zhai Chang

The brothers who went with him were tortured to death, and their master was also seriously injured and dying.

Before falling, he handed over the entire Baji Pavilion to Qiu Buluo.

The value of this wealth would make even a strong spirit-deficiency covetous.


Although Baji Pavilion and Yangyuanfang are far away from each other, but in terms of qualifications and background, none of the three Yangyuanfang can compare with Baji Pavilion. For this wealth, Zhai Chang and Chang Zhi's master and apprentice have long coveted it.


Seeing someone impatiently wanting to go in and have a look, Qiu Sheng said coldly: "Behind the light wheel formation, there is a thousand silk formation. If you don't want to be cut into pieces, just follow behind me honestly."

The young man's footsteps froze, and he retreated resentfully.


The roulette in Chou Sheng's hand slowly turned, and transparent silk threads emerged one after another above and around the original stone forest, criss-crossing and covering the sky and the sun.

"It's an eighth-rank formation again." Henry Zhang's eyes flickered slightly.

Compared with the background of this formed power, even if he is a seventh-rank alchemist, he is still far behind. Unless he is as immersed in alchemy as Huo Chizi, he can match or surpass it.

But for him, alchemy is just an auxiliary.

His primary goal is to become stronger.

"go in."

Lifting his right hand falsely, thousands of silk threads shifted, revealing a door-like hole, Qiu Sheng walked over lightly, and the others immediately followed.

"Young Pavilion Master."

In the void, the two old men inspected the crowd, then nodded indifferently and disappeared out of thin air.

"Old Mu, Elder Gui?" Zhai Chang narrowed his eyes slightly, these two old immortals have actually lived to this day, and have become ninth-level spirit kings.

If he hadn't been afraid of these two people, he would have used his excellent treasure appraisal technique to gather a group of strong men to besiege the Baji Pavilion, which would be so troublesome.

"Zhai Chang?"

Hiding in the void just now, an old figure suddenly shot down, and the eagle-claw-like right hand grabbed Zhai Chang's head angrily: "You bastard who deceived teachers and exterminated ancestors, dare to come back?"

"Old Ghost, meeting old friends is also a happy event, so why be so impulsive."

Behind Zhai Chang, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared, and grabbed the right arm of Gui Lao, which was facing Zhai Chang's head, tightly in his hand, with a cold expression.

"Go away!" Gui Lao became more and more furious. When he was in Baji Pavilion thirty years ago, he was one of the two great elders. After knowing the death of the old pavilion master, he wanted to kill Zhai Chang in his dreams.

However, Zhai Chang, who knew he was wrong, hid outside for ten years before returning.

At that time, there was an extra powerful Ninth-Rank Spirit King beside him. Gui Lao had assassinated Zhai Chang several times, but all of them returned in vain, so he had no choice but to give up unwillingly.

"Old Ghost, long time no see, are you okay?" Zhai Chang said with a smile, if he was not sure of his life, how dare he come to the site of Baji Pavilion.

"I'll fix your head!" The old ghost's eyes were tearing apart.

"Don't be so fierce, maybe soon, the Baji Pavilion will be in my hands, and you still have to do things for me." Zhai Chang grinned slightly.

The elders of the Baji Pavilion only obey the orders of the owner of the Baji Pavilion.

That's why Mu Lao and Gui Lao back then followed Qiu Buluo who held the Pavilion Master's order.

"What do you mean?" Gui Lao's eyes darkened.

"My master's current skill in appraising treasures is no less inferior to that of the old master of Baji Pavilion. After the war of appraising treasures today, there will be no more Baji Pavilion, only Yangyuanfang will remain forever." Chang Zhi said proudly.

"It's impossible!" Gui Lao roared.

Before the old pavilion master died, he was the only eighth-grade treasure appraiser in the southern region. At that time, Gong Yun was still unknown. How come, in only thirty years, Zhai Chang surpassed the old pavilion master.

He doesn't believe it!

"It's true." Chou Sheng sighed, causing Gui Lao's old face to twitch suddenly a few times.

"Can we go in? The last treasure appraisal battle was held in this original stone forest. I haven't been here for decades. I really miss it." Zhai Chang took a breath of air intoxicated.

"Master Gong, I'm begging you." Gui Lao glared at Zhai Chang viciously, and cupped his hands at Gong Yun. With Gong Yun around, it is not impossible for Baji Pavilion to win.

"I'm not the one who competed with Fangzhu Zhai in appreciating treasures." Gong Yun was extremely embarrassed, and buried his head like an ostrich.

"It's not you?" Gui Lao was taken aback.

"Master Gong's skill in appraising treasures is superb, but compared with my master, he is still a bit inferior, and he is worthy of defeat." Chang Zhi said with a bragging smile.

"Master Gong lost? Then who is competing with Zhai Chang?" Gui Lao's eyes widened, feeling that his head was not enough.

Will Gong Yun, who has been in the treasure-appreciating world in the Southern Region for decades, lose?

Just kidding!

"It's Mr. Xiao." Chou Sheng said solemnly.

"Mr. Xiao, who is it? Why haven't I heard of it? When did the southern region have a treasure appraiser surnamed Xiao?"

Following the eyes of everyone, Gui Lao looked at Henry Zhang's young face dumbfounded, and after a long while, he stumbled and said: " it you?"

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