Master of Beasts

Chapter 1454 Throwing Dan

If Xing Huan knew that sitting on this table was Henry Zhang, who even Su Changlin was afraid of, and the other was the sixth princess of the royal family, how frightened he would be.

"Chef?" Henry Zhang was indifferent as he ate the food.

He had never seen a cook.

No matter in Xueyue Empire or Jiujue City, he doesn't have any impression of people who do odd jobs in the kitchen like cooks.

Every time he faces, it is not the lord of a country, or the strongest of a city.

It's not a good thing to say.

The little cook is not even interested in letting King Ling take a look, let alone him.

"I don't know brother, where is the high school?" Xing Huan looked at Henry Zhang and smiled.

"Casual repair."

"Oh?" Xing Huan pretended to be surprised and opened his eyes, with undisguised contempt on his face.

Casual repair?

It's those poor people who are fighting with their lives for a little cultivation resources.

A person of his status can obtain a lot of resources just by climbing up comfortably.

That's how he, the fifth-order spirit emperor, came here.

"Are you Yunxuan's boyfriend?"

Xing Huan smiled and said: "I am in the imperial city and know some people. If you need it, I can recommend it for you. Although it is not as good as a cook, it is also very good to start as a husband."

"No need." Henry Zhang refused.

Xing Huan sneered in his heart.

Those who are incompetent are poor, and they cannot seize the opportunity before them.

Dead wood cannot be carved.

"Xing Huan, don't talk about the imperial city with outsiders, he doesn't understand."

Xing Ye scolded, and said solemnly: "I heard that a big man came to Flying Star City recently. He was riding in a fluorite boat, and his age was younger than you. Dragon beheaded."

"The fluorite ship?"

"Kill the sixth-order spirit beast?"

Xing Huan and Xing Yuying exclaimed.

Although the Xuanyan Empire is closed, it is not that they are ignorant of the affairs of the Four Great Domains.

A fluorite boat is worth at least tens of millions of spiritual jade.

Killing the sixth-order Yanhuanglong was difficult even for Su Changlin.

What's more, it's still an instant.

"Father, where did this gossip come from? It's fake." Xing Huan was the first to not believe it. How could someone younger than them be so powerful.

The princes and princesses of the royal family can't do this.

"City Master Su said it himself." Xing Ye said calmly.

Xing Huan and Xing Yuying stayed there.

Su Changlin will not target indiscriminately.

Then this matter is true.

"Slay the sixth-order Yanhuang dragon in an instant." Xing Huan's palm holding the chopsticks trembled suddenly.

The generals of the Xuanyan Empire are nothing more than that.

"Is he currently in Flying Star City?"

In Xing Yuying's eyes, there was an undisguised longing: "I really want to see what kind of person is able to be so powerful."

Lu Yunxuan twitched the corner of her mouth.

She still doubts why the people from the City Lord's Mansion have not come to the door for a long time.

It turns out that Chang Lin, the city lord, witnessed the scene where King Wanye killed Yanhuanglong.

No wonder.

"I've struggled for decades, but I can't say a word to that kind of existence." Xing Huan sighed with emotion, his expression extremely lonely.

Xing Yuying was silent.

Xing Huan was right.

"Don't be fancy."

Xing Ye warned: "That kind of existence is not something we can hope for. At least someone as strong as Su Changlin can be on an equal footing with him, and he is not even qualified yet."

"Father warned me." Xing Huan and Xing Yuying nodded repeatedly.

How could they think.

The big man Su Changlin talked about was sitting opposite them, watching them aloof and showing off their pitiful sense of superiority.

After dinner.

"Godfather, this is a gift from Henry Zhang to you." Lu Yunxuan took out a pill.

Throne Pill, four lines.

Xing Ye, who has stayed at the first level all year round, has a high probability of going straight to the third level after refining.

"I have a heart." Xing Ye put it on the table casually, and didn't take it seriously.

He had never seen Throne Dan.

I have never seen the throne pill with four pill patterns.

In his eyes, this is just an ordinary pill.


In the name of Henry Zhang, Lu Yunxuan gave Xing Huan and Xing Yuying one each.

This time, it was Huang Qiong Pill.

It also has four pill patterns.

After receiving the elixir, Xing Huan and Xing Yuying didn't care, as if they just got two ordinary herbs.

How precious is the Emperor Qiong Pill.

In the Xuanyan Empire where there are few alchemists, an Emperor Vault Pill is worth at least ten thousand spirit jades, and an Emperor Vault Pill with four pill patterns is worth at least two hundred thousand.

They have never seen so many Lingyu in their life.

"Okay, I still have things to deal with, let's go." Xing Ye waved his hand.

"You guys come with me." Zhou Wanyue walked out of the inner hall with Henry Zhang and Lu Yunxuan. The sleepy Xiao Xuan hugged Lu Yunxuan's neck and smacked her lips lightly.

Henry Zhang and the others left.


Picking up the elixir in his hand, Xing Huan glanced at it roughly, and sneered: "It doesn't even have the fragrance that the elixir should have. What kind of rubbish is this? Is it worth a thousand spirit jade?"

"I don't think a hundred is worth it." Xing Yuying raised her chin arrogantly.

"I can't even tell what the elixir looks like, so it must have been picked up somewhere." Xing Huan speculated maliciously.

"Taking this kind of elixir is an insult to our identity, so throw it away quickly."

Xing Ye didn't even look at it, and threw it in the leftovers of the meal. Xing Huan and Xing Yuying also followed suit, throwing away the pill with a smile.

Not long.

The leftovers were left cold, and were quickly taken away by the servants.

"Xing Huan, pay attention."

Xing Ye said solemnly: "It's okay for Lu Yunxuan to talk about it, but the boy next to her really doesn't know where he came from. Maybe he wants to establish a relationship with our Xing family. It's very possible that he came after me."

"When I find a chance, I will drive him away." Xing Huan shrugged.

Want to catch up with the Xing family?


His father is the magistrate of Flying Star City, he is about to become a royal cook, and Xing Yuying is Su Rong's fiancée, Henry Zhang can't compete with any of them.

"In a few days, it will be grandpa's 100th birthday."

"At that time, we will send..."

Several people whispered.

"Xiao Xuan, please sleep with me tonight."

Picking up Xiao Xuan who was biting her finger, Zhou Wanyue said cheerfully, "I like children the most. Whenever I see her, I think of you back then."

"Godmother, if you are unhappy staying in Xing's house, just tell me." Lu Yunxuan felt distressed

One dinner, let her see clearly.

Neither Xing Ye nor Xing Huan and Xing Yuying regarded Zhou Wanyue as a human being.

Those few pills were for Zhou Wanyue to repay the kindness that the Xing family had given Zhou Wanyue over the years.

"Silly boy, what are you talking about?"

Patting Xiao Xuan on the back, Zhou Wanyue smiled reproachfully: "In a few days, it will be your grandpa Xing Zhan's 100th birthday, prepare in advance, he will be very happy to see you."

Feeling refreshed, Lu Yunxuan immediately agreed.

"Godmother, I will."

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