Master of Beasts

Chapter 1480 Don't even throw it away

Xing Yuying and Xing Huan, who were arguing, immediately shut up. They turned their heads and suddenly realized.

Fortunately, there is Xing Ye.

Otherwise, Henry Zhang's tricks will succeed!

"Your brain power is very strong." Henry Zhang was speechless for a while.

Self-righteous people, he has seen too many.

But a family like Xing Ye's is really rare.

"Why are you so excited? Could it be that I guessed it?" Xing Ye sneered.

"Just admit it quickly." Xing Yuying also looked at Henry Zhang complacently.

The two voices just fell.


The sound transmission talisman in Xing Ye's shirt suddenly ignited.

"Wait, let me expose you properly."

Glancing at Henry Zhang, Xing Ye took out the sound transmission talisman and said seriously: "What's the matter."

"Lord Magistrate, come back quickly. The wind-chasing horse raised in the back mountain has suddenly risen from the seventh-level Huangqiong level to the eighth-level Linghuang, and it is rushing around in the mountain."

"Be clear." Xing Ye's eyes froze.

Chasing the Wind Colt, a means of transportation uniformly issued by the Imperial City, is extremely fast.


No matter how fast the seventh-order chasing horse is, it can't catch up with his spirit beast.

Therefore, this chasing horse has been kept in captivity in the back mountain, eating their leftovers.

Haven't had time to answer yet.

The voice in the sound transmission note directly turned into a series of screams.

"Breakthrough again, ninth order!"

"Oh my God, it flew into the sky, its spiritual power was disordered, and the space collapsed, it scared me to death!"

"Wait, it has broken through the throne level!"

"Its breath is still skyrocketing!"

"Tier 2 throne class!"

"Tier three!"

in the hall,

There was a dead silence.

Only the screams in the sound transmission notes resounded endlessly.

"Eighth-rank Emperor Qiong, climb to the third-rank throne?" Xing Luo opened his eyes in shock, unable to recover for a while.

"In this case, there is only one possibility, and that is that it took some rare elixir, or it took Huangqiong Pill, King Breaking Pill, and other pills in succession." Gong Huan analyzed.

Emperor Qiong Pill?

Broken Wang Dan?

Other medicines?

"It can't be the second uncle's family, the elixir thrown into the leftovers." A junior said in a daze.


The violent noise spread.

The screaming in the sound transmission note finally stopped.

"Xingzhi County, Chasing Fengju has escaped!"



suddenly realized.

All kinds of emotions emerged on the faces of everyone, and all the eyes that looked at Xing Ye and Xing Yuying were filled with unconcealable amusement.

And, gloat.

Elixir, it's true!

Xing Ye's family actually threw such a precious elixir into the leftovers, and, moreover, they bought an ordinary chasing horse for cheap.

That's ridiculous!

"keep going."

Henry Zhang said softly: "Continue to speculate, continue to plot, continue to slander my character, what else can you do to step on me, just use it."


The ashes of the sound transmission talisman in his hand drifted away.

Xing Ye's face was extremely pale.

What is he doing with his life every day?


One day, break through the resources of the Spirit King!

In the end, a chasing horse was all cheap?

"How could this happen!" Xing Huan yelled in grief.

Xing Yuying at the side stood there sluggishly, as if she had lost all her soul.

a long time.

"Pillion, do you still have any more?" Xing Ye wriggled his lips and asked cheekily.

He wanted too much to break through the Spirit King.

This is his lifelong dream.

"Yes, I have."

Taking out a small bottle from the empty boundary stone, Henry Zhang shook it, and a dozen white pills rolled back and forth in it: "You are right, pills of this level are indeed rubbish, but, yes For me."

Looking at the vial in Henry Zhang's hand, many Xing family members stood up uncontrollably, their eyes burning.

Which of them hadn't been trapped in the ninth-level spirit emperor for many years.

For them, Po Wang Dan is more attractive than anything else!

"Xiao... Mr. Xiao, can you sell the elixir in the bottle?" A member of the Xing family asked tentatively, not sure, Henry Zhang couldn't possibly sell this elixir.


Henry Zhang's answer made him ecstatic.


Everyone is excited!


"How many Lingyu!" The Xing family who asked just now looked excited.

"Yunxuan, you have lived in the Xing family's mansion for several years, you should still remember these people."

Gently shaking the vial, Henry Zhang smiled lightly: "You point, who has been nice to you, who has helped you, and who has spoken for you."

Lu Yunxuan nodded slightly.

"She used to come to Xing's house often and bring me something to eat."

"And him."



Every time Lu Yunxuan pointed at one, Henry Zhang threw out a Broken King Pill, and everyone's hearts couldn't stop shaking.

Just now Henry Zhang said that this level of pills is rubbish to him, and everyone is still slandering in their hearts, Henry Zhang must be exaggerating.

It seems now.

It's true!

"Give it to me for nothing?" A beautiful woman took the pill and looked at Henry Zhang blankly.

"Free gift."

"Don't you want a piece of Lingyu?"

"don't want."

All those who got the pill were ecstatic.

Some of them may not have been really nice to Lu Yunxuan before.

It's just that Lu Yunxuan is poor.

A little food, a piece of clothing is nothing.

But the return now is more than tens of millions of times!

"Where's mine?" Xing Ye said with a cold face.

"Excuse me, what are you?" Henry Zhang grinned, making Xing Ye's face livid with anger, and he almost lost his anger.

As for those who didn't get the pills, they regretted it too late.

Back then, they all grew up in the same family and saw Lu Yunxuan often.

But none of them took Lu Yunxuan seriously.

Regret now.


"There are three more." Henry Zhang shook the vial.

"I'll buy it." Xing Ye stared at Henry Zhang.

"I'll sell it too." Xing Shilin stood up.

"You can make a price at will." Su Rong looked at the pill, full of greed.

Ignored a few people.

Standing up, Henry Zhang walked slowly to the front of the hall amidst many doubtful eyes.

Tilt the vial slightly.

Three pills slipped out of them, and were knocked into the distant spirit beast pen by Henry Zhang's index finger.

"What are you doing!" Xing Ye and the others were anxious.

The pill was swallowed by the chasing wind horse in the spirit beast pen.




Three ninth-level chasing horses, break through as many as possible!

"It's gone." Looking at the dumbfounded people, Henry Zhang shrugged.

He has no shortage of Lingyu.

It's better to throw it away than to sell it to these beasts.


After breaking through to the throne level, the three chasing horses broke free from the shackles of spiritual power, and just about to escape, Xing Zhan suddenly flew out, and the pressure of the fifth-level spirit king swept across.


The three chasing horses who had just broken through immediately crouched down in fear.

"You..." Pointing at Henry Zhang, Xing Ye was out of breath.

Would rather throw it away than give it to him?

"You want to die!"

"I can't spare you!"

Xing Shilin and Su Rong, who were furious, roared ferociously, and two powerful fluctuations of spiritual power suddenly erupted centered on them.


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