Master of Beasts

Chapter 1536 Gong Liangyun

"General, do you want to kill me again?"

Henry Zhang looked at Wu Yu who was coming, with a smile on his brows and eyes, and his black robe fluttered in the wind without any fear.

"I want you to die!"

Stopping not far from Henry Zhang, Wu Yan looked at Wu Yan, who had no bones left, and roared wildly: "Evil Nether Beast, tear him up for me!"

He no longer cared about the threat of the nine-tool roulette.

It's a big deal!

Wu Ba's death made him completely lose his mind.


With its sharp claws stretching out, the evil ghost beast rushed out suddenly like a black arrow leaving the string under the black air, and the sharp claws slashed, tearing out three long traces in the space.

Henry Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly, and in his right hand, the Nine Artifacts Roulette flashed, the dazzling light condensed from the middle of the roulette at high speed, and the space oscillated.

"Dare to kill the heir of the general, court death."

"He's dead."

The few people who watched were sneering.

Since they could only see Henry Zhang's back, they didn't see how powerful the energy was accumulating in the nine-device roulette in Henry Zhang's hand.

The evil spirit beast came.

The radiance of the nine-tool roulette soared.

At the moment when the two were about to launch an offensive, they collided fiercely.


The crisp sound of the handover of gold and iron sounded, and a spirit beast surrounded by clouds suddenly appeared in front of Henry Zhang, and the sharp right hand, as sharp as a knife, blocked the sharp claws of the evil spirit beast.

The substantial spiritual power ripples suddenly dispersed.

"Emperor Yunzhong?" Henry Zhang was slightly stunned, and the light on the nine-device roulette slowly dissipated.

Emperor of the Clouds, wind attribute.

The lower body of this kind of spirit beast is as thick as a cloud, with hundreds of thousands of slender cloud filaments winding around. Its hands are like sharp blades, and the clouds are filled with air when it is waved.

"Gong Liangyun?"

His complexion changed slightly, Wu Ling suppressed his anger, and said coldly: "I will kill this kid, why did you stop me, if you don't give me an explanation today, I will never end with you!"


Beside Yun Zhonghuang, a gray-haired old man appeared, and said with a smile: "Wu Ling, your son's death is entirely at your own fault, so you can't blame others."

Gong Liangyun?

Several people in the distance looked at each other.

Why did the Palace Master of the Jiangxing Palace come out to soak in this muddy water?

It shouldn't be.

"It's your fault? You said that my son was killed by that little bastard, so it's his fault?" Wu Ling was furious, and the blood in his eyes spread from root to root.

"It's normal for juniors to have casualties. Besides, it's your son who took the lead in provoking and shouting at others when they broke through. If it was you, wouldn't you kill him?" Gone in a flash.

"It's just interrupting his breakthrough, what's the big deal!"

Wu Ling roared angrily: "He deserves to be compared with my son because of his cheap life? This little bastard killed my son, and he must pay for his life with his life. It's useless for anyone to stop him!"

"Bad life?"

Gong Liangyun's eyes suddenly turned cold: "Wu Ling, you'd better take this sentence back, otherwise, I don't mind leading the general Xingfu to start a war with the general's residence."

Hearing this, many people in the imperial city took a light breath.

Gong Liangyun's previous image had always been that of aloofness from the world.

Today, it was so sharp.

Moreover, is it still for Henry Zhang?

"Gong Liangyun, what are you doing!" Wu Ling was startled and angry.

He had investigated before that Henry Zhang came from outside the Xuanyan Empire with Lu Yunxuan, and he had never appeared in Xuanyan before, let alone having friendship with Gong Liangyun.

And Gong Liangyun wanted to start a war with him for a stranger.

"I'm not kidding."

The cold light in his eyes shrank, and Gong Liangyun said lightly: "I'm not afraid to tell you, before the old king fell, he handed over the Xuanyan order to me. According to his will, the third princess is the future king of Xuanyan, his husband, you can't touch it." .”

There was an uproar all around.

After the death of the old king, Xuan Yanling has been missing.

Therefore, Nie Qingyue did not succeed to the throne for a long time.

No one expected that the lost Xuanyan Token was actually in the hands of Gong Liangyun.

"You..." Wu Ling's face was extremely ugly.

General Xingfu only obeys the orders of King Xuanyan.

Moreover, Gong Liangyun's thoughts are extremely stubborn.

If he insists on killing Henry Zhang, it is really possible in the end that it will cause the two forces to go to war. Even if he is a general, he cannot afford such consequences.

"General Wu, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Gong Liangyun said deeply: "This place is the private forbidden place of the third princess. The old king has issued an order that anyone who enters without permission will be regarded as a regicide. The consequences..."


Suddenly retreating backwards, Wu Ling appeared outside the courtyard, with a tense face: "Gong Liangyun, who is the future king of Xuanyan? Look, the Xuanyan Order can still have great effect, if the new king is not the third princess, then I will definitely kill that boy."

The new king of the Xuanyan Empire does not necessarily have to be the successor of the Xuanyan Order, but is decided by the Xuanyan high-level, and the one with the most support will be the new king.

However, Xuanyan has always had an unwritten rule.

Seeing Xuanyan orders is like seeing a king.

Therefore, to a certain extent, the person who holds the Profound Flame Token is the future king.

But this time is an exception.

Lu Yunxuan disappeared for ten years and suddenly came back from Xuanyan. There were very few people in Xuanyan who supported her, but most of them fell to Nie Qingyue.

Many people in Xuanyan have already regarded Nie Qingyue as the future king.

"Please." Gong Liangyun said calmly without any change in his face.

"Hmph." After giving Henry Zhang a hard look, Wu Ling left angrily.

"Thank you, Palace Master Gongliang."

After Wu Ling disappeared, Henry Zhang smiled faintly.

"Don't thank me, if you want to thank me, write about the third princess."

Looking deeply at Henry Zhang, Gong Liangyun's eyes flashed an unobservable emotion, and immediately smiled at Lu Yunxuan: "Third Princess, Xuanyan Order, let me keep it first, I'm afraid of Nie Qingyue's People will do it to you."

"I'm sorry to bother you, Palace Master." Lu Yunxuan smiled lightly.

To her, the Xuanyan Token is just a dispensable token.

As the Young Sect of Huangyan Valley, how could she be interested in the position of King Xuanyan.

After a few polite words.

Gong Liangyun left here.

Before leaving, he took a deep look at Henry Zhang, his old eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"You know Gong Liangyun?"

Lu Yunxuan looked at Henry Zhang in surprise: "As far as I know, Gong Liangyun has a calm personality. A person like him should not fight against Wu Ling for the sake of the old king's death. I feel that he seems to be specifically attacking you. here."

"How is it possible." Henry Zhang was a little amused.

He has lived in the Northern Territory for a long time, how could he know Gong Liangyun.

"That's right." Lu Yunxuan nodded in disbelief.


In a burst of wind.

A woman wearing a maid's costume suddenly floated in front of Henry Zhang and Lu Yunxuan, and said coldly: "You are Henry Zhang and Lu Yunxuan? The second princess has prepared a banquet and specially invited you, why don't you come with me?"

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