Master of Beasts

Chapter 880 Shocked Danfeng

Sixteen bright golden stars flickered slightly on the tower, and the entire field was silent.

"Ten...sixteen?" His throat rolled violently, and Guan Hao's face turned blue and white.

"Am I not mistaken?"

"Sixteen, and in an instant?"

"What is Guan Yi's record?"

"Ten pairs!"

Everyone's complexion changed one after another, and the cold air in their mouths was breathless, while the side of Dan Pavilion burst into cheers after a short silence.

What is the concept of sixteen copies?

That's almost half of Guan Yi's!

As for the camp in the medicine pavilion, it was dead silent, and everyone's faces were burning with pain.

"No, there is absolutely something wrong!"

In the hall, Mo Gan stood up abruptly, breathing slightly short of breath.

"This little guy's ability to reorganize the formula is really terrifying." The old man coughed dryly, and shook the fragments of the teacup in front of him into powder without any trace.

"I'm not talking about that." Mo Gan's complexion changed: "Old man Li, you are not an alchemist, and some things may not be clear. The alchemy formula of Fengxing Pill is extremely simple, and there are very few medicinal ingredients that can be replaced, so even if I am now, Only twelve kinds of materials can be used for replacement."

The old man's heart trembled again.

Mo Gan is a seventh-rank alchemist, and even the current him can't match Henry Zhang in the ability to reorganize alchemy?

This is impossible!

"This is not the most terrifying place." Taking a deep breath, Mo Gan's eyes flickered: "The reorganization of the pill, to put it bluntly, is to refine the simple pill under the condition of insufficient materials, and the medicinal power will definitely not be comparable to the original pill. In comparison, it ranges from about 10% to 80%."

"But...but this son's reorganized pill has the weakest medicinal power, 80% of it!"

"What?" The old man's mind roared, a little out of breath.

Eighty percent of the weakest ones?

Is there a mistake?

"No, what's wrong!" Mo Gan stared down, Henry Zhang's figure was slowly stepping from the first floor to the second floor.

"Isn't it just reorganizing a Fengxing Pill? What's so great about it? A mere fifth-grade pill doesn't prove anything at all." Wu Rong, who was in the crowd, snorted coldly.

"That's right, my brother's reorganization of Fengxing Pill was just improvised, but he has enough time to prepare, maybe he also asked for other people's pill formula by the way!" Guan Hao surmised maliciously.

"Anyway, a specific prescription has been designated long ago, not to mention sixteen, one hundred will do."

"It's still possible. It's just a random fabrication. I didn't expect to be able to get away with it."

"That's right, sixteen copies were reorganized at once, who are you kidding?"

"It seems that even Little Danta can't believe it anymore."

Many alchemists in the medicine pavilion showed distrustful expressions on their faces, and the words that came out made the alchemists on one side of the medicine pavilion show anger.

And at this moment.


A huge mental coercion fell from the sky, and the few people who spoke rudely just now stopped breathing and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Are you guys questioning Mo Mou?"

The arena was instantly dead silent.

Especially the few alchemists who were under pressure were trembling with fear. After all, the rules of the small alchemy tower were formulated by Mo Gan. Their suspicion of Henry Zhang was tantamount to doubting him.


The cold snort echoed, the majesty slowly dissipated, and the several alchemists who stood up looked pale and did not dare to say another word.

"It's just a fifth-rank alchemy formula, which really doesn't explain anything. In the eyes of a sixth-rank alchemist, it's not much different from a child's play."

Thinking of this, Guan Yi regained his previous self-confidence. He raised his head and looked at Little Danta calmly.

The Profound Sage Pill is the real battlefield for a sixth-grade alchemist.

Little Danta, the second floor.

"Xuansheng Pill, there is no small chance to stimulate the potential of spirit beasts, refining materials: Chifancao, five-star Youmiao, Ziyao Dragon Tooth Flower, Yanggui Mushroom..."

His eyes quickly swept across Danfang,

Henry Zhang sighed lightly.

Whether it is a sixth-grade pill, no matter the alchemy materials or the refining steps, it is much more complicated than Fengxing Dan. If it is thrown to a fifth-grade alchemist, let alone refining, it will be a question of whether you can understand it.

"In this case, let's start with the most complicated one."

Putting the pill aside, Henry Zhang made a quick move, and thousands of elixir roared from all directions, suspended in front of him, and began to simulate refining.

Of course, this does not consume mental power.

Otherwise, he would have to lie on the spot exhausted before reorganizing a few.

Outside the Little Dan Pagoda.


Half an hour later, a bright golden star shone on the tower. Looking at this scene, Guan Yi quietly let out a sigh of relief.

The horrifying scene just now finally did not reappear.

"It seems that it was just a coincidence that he was able to reorganize so many formulas of Fengxing Pill. When it comes to Xuansheng Pill, he can only show his true strength." Guan Yi thought to himself.

The first day passed quickly.

The crimson day lifted the curtain of night.

Looking at the six gold stars floating on the tower, everyone's faces were full of weirdness.

Six on the first day, compared with Guan Yi, this is not only a bit short!

On the second day, five.

On the third day, five.

"what happened?"

"Qian donkey is out of skills? Is it true that as the alchemist in the medicine pavilion said, he was able to recombine so many popular alchemy formulas because he had prepared in advance?"

"Oh, eighty-nine is close to ten."

In the beginning, this discussion was conducted quietly, but later, it evolved into a public discussion.

"If this goes on like this, it will only take about twenty to die." Guan Hao showed a proud expression towards the Dan Pavilion, and the alchemist in the Medicine Pavilion behind him was also smiling.

Sure enough, once the ability was really tested, Henry Zhang immediately showed his feet and couldn't pretend anymore.

"Aren't you amazing, keep going, keep going, keep going." As if she had finally seized the opportunity to ridicule, Wu Rong said eccentrically.

However, her voice just fell.


Row after row of gold stars flickered on the tower, and the expressions on everyone's faces seemed to freeze at this moment.



one hundred!

The densely packed Venus jumps up on the tower, and Danfeng, which has just fallen into the night, is as bright as day.

"What the hell happened!" The old man stood up abruptly, and quickly walked out of the hall. Among them, Mo Gan had already teleported to the top of the small alchemy tower, with a dull expression on his face.

One hundred and three!

One hundred and fifty!

At this moment, there was no sound in the entire Thirteen Peaks.

"Didn't it mean that after the requirements are met, there will be a hidden recipe, why not come out?"

Raising his eyebrows in doubt, Henry Zhang just stopped grabbing the right hand of the medicinal material and started it again.

One hundred and eight!

Two hundred and four!

Guan Yi stared at the crazily twinkling Venus, dumbfounded.

Little Danta, is something wrong?

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