Master of Beasts

Chapter 891 Don't run away

"White flame?" With Chi Yan's claws on both hands, Henry Zhang stared at the white light in his eyes, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated at this moment.

New flame!


Henry Zhang, who was unprepared, suddenly spun, and in his vague consciousness, a cluster of white flames rose from the cracked rock, and immediately shot towards a certain direction, and after a while, appeared in a above the pool.


As Bai Yan twirled, like a pure white fire lotus, it sank deeply into the pool and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As if he had fallen into a pool of water, Henry Zhang shuddered and immediately woke up, his face was full of unconcealable surprise.

The flame actually hid in the water?

How can it be!

After listening to Henry Zhang's narration like a cannonball, Master Mo pondered for a while, his eyes flashed brightly.

"Could it be the legendary Water Lotus Flame?"

Henry Zhang was a little dazed.

Water lotus flame, is the name of that cluster of flames?

"Water Lotus Flame, one of the strange fires on the continent, is similar to the Fire Youshi refined by Ri Cang's fire demon that day. After the fire-attributed spirit beast devours this fire, there is no need to be afraid of water-attributed spirit beasts anymore. .”

After a slight pause, Master Mo continued: "Moreover, the flame of the water lotus flame can wrap around the opponent's spirit beast like water waves, like tarsal maggots, it is extremely difficult to get rid of, and more importantly, the water lotus flame Flame can devour the source fire in spirit beasts, inherit their abilities, and form a special flame in a certain sense."

Seeing that Henry Zhang was a little ignorant, Master Mo suddenly realized, and the old voice sounded again.

"The so-called source fire is the original flame in the spirit beast's body. Think about it, the single Holy Sun Flame and Shengling Yan are already terrifying enough, what if they are fused together?"

Hearing this, Henry Zhang's eyelids twitched.

That destructive power can only be described as horror!

"So what if Chi Yan refines other flames in the future?" Henry Zhang asked the most relevant question.

"Also swallowed by the water lotus flame,

blend with each other. "Master Mo smiled.

"I want this flame!" Standing up suddenly, Henry Zhang was excited.

Shengyangyan and Shenglingyan can be violently fused together to produce a powerful flame bomb. What about three, four, or even five kinds of flames?

At that time, Chi Yan, who has all kinds of flame abilities, may be able to fight even if he meets some powerful profound beasts!

"That pool of water..." Henry Zhang frowned suddenly.

There was nothing special about the water pool he saw. In the vast northern region, trying to find it accurately was tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"The only unique thing is the cliff where the flames jumped out. I just hope that the distance between that cliff and here will not be too far away."

Touching Chi Yan on his shoulder, Henry Zhang quickly walked out of the cave.

As far as the people in the thirteen peaks are familiar with the surrounding terrain, there should be no one who can surpass the peak owners of the main peaks.

"It's going to take less than ten days and a half a month. I probably won't be able to come down. Let's say hello to Youli and the others first."

Standing in front of Youli's cave, Henry Zhang slightly bent his fingers against the solid mountain wall, and gently buckled it.

A crisp sound echoed, but inside, there was no reaction at all.

Surprise flashed across his eyes, Henry Zhang took out Nanyinling, and immediately the corners of his mouth were tightly pressed together.

Youli's imprint on Nanyinling was dim.

He already realized something.

"Have you left?"

Stepping quietly into the cave, sure enough, it was empty, only clear water droplets falling from above, stirring up ripples in the small pool of water.

Looking at the extremely deserted cave, Henry Zhang's chest couldn't help feeling a little stuffy.


Eyes sharpened sharply, Henry Zhang shouted violently.

"As expected of the person my young lady likes, my water breath method is difficult for even ordinary Linghuang powerhouses to detect, but it was easily detected by you."

You Luan, who had a cold face, gradually became condensed from being transparent at the beginning.

"A person from the Shuijing Pavilion?" Henry Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly.

About the Shuijing Pavilion, Youli revealed something to Xiaodanta on the night when he came back.

"That's right."

Looking at Henry Zhang up and down, You Luan's voice revealed an unconcealable arrogance: "Let me introduce myself, my name is You Luan, third-order Spirit Emperor."

With such strength at such an age, it can be seen from the deep foundation of the Water Pavilion.

"Speak directly if you have anything to say." Henry Zhang said indifferently.

Since the visitor was not kind, he would naturally not speak softly.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." You Luan seemed to have been looking forward to it for a long time, and said with a light smile: "It's no big deal, you should know that the current Shuijing Pavilion is slightly declining, but a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if it declines again, it is enough to disdain most of the empire."

"Get to the point." Henry Zhang was a little impatient.

This You Luan's ability to talk nonsense is one of the best.

"The point?"

With a sharp look in his eyes, You Luan said coldly: "Xiao Yang, do you think your strength as a multi-source spiritual master and a sixth-rank alchemist is worth showing off? Let me tell you, Li Yaozong, one of the overlords of the Dizhou, they His young master is already a sixth-rank spirit emperor, and his alchemy is at its peak, and he has already been promoted to a seventh-rank alchemist at a young age!"

"How do you compare with him?"

Hearing this, Henry Zhang was expressionless.

The sixth-order spirit emperor?

Seventh grade alchemist?

He is really unattainable now.

However, that doesn't mean it won't happen in the future.

Seeing Henry Zhang's silence, You Luan thought it was his harsh words that broke his psychological defense, so the expression on his face became more proud.

"Toad wants to eat swan meat, but it's just a dream after all. Yao Yan, a young master of the Li Medicine Sect, intends to marry me in the Jingshui Pavilion. His achievements and background, you will never be able to surpass him. Your future, after all, is not too far away. I can curl up humblely in this small northern region."

The corners of the mouth slightly turned up, You Luan flicked his fingers, and said lightly: "This Saint King Pill is a seventh-grade pill, which was refined by the words of the medicine. I hope you will stop thinking about my young lady in the future. , after all, they are not from the same world.”


Taking the Holy King Pill in his hand, Henry Zhang turned it slowly, and immediately crushed it into powder with a bang.

"What do you mean!" You Luan asked coldly.

"You Luan, you are a servant of the Shuijing Pavilion, you are quite lenient, and you have direct contact with people from the Li Yao Sect, do you think that you can act on behalf of You Luan!"

Henry Zhang's sharp voice suddenly sounded in the cave, and You Luan's complexion suddenly turned pale.

"You dare to yell at me?" Anger rose on his face, and behind You Luan, a light blue water luan floated up with a cry, and the fluctuations of the third-order Linghuang were undoubtedly revealed.

"Do you want to do it?" Henry Zhang asked softly as his face returned to calm.

"I just want to do it, so what can you do if you are a ninth-level spirit?" You Luan looked at Henry Zhang with disdain.

Wouldn't it be easy for a third-tier Linghuang to crush a ninth-tier Lingpan?

Today, let you see the gap between you and me!

"very good."

Spreading his right palm, flames and cold air surged up, Henry Zhang sneered: "Then I hope you, don't run away later."

"Cut." You Luan pouted.

let her escape?

Was Henry Zhang dumbfounded, talking nonsense?

But the next moment, her proud face was filled with panic.

I saw Henry Zhang holding his left hand, and silver-white spiritual power roared from it, and immediately his hands touched, a violent energy swept across, oppressing the ground of the cave, creating cracks.

"What did you do!"

Taking a few steps back, You Luan's expression changed in horror, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

What kind of spiritual technique is this? It's so terrifying!

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