Master of Beasts

Chapter 893: Lawless Zone

"Wanzhang cliff, shaped like an eagle's hook, with jagged rocks underneath and surrounded by dense forests?" Touching his chin, Mo Gan frowned, and quickly screened the nearby terrain in his mind.

Such cliffs are rare.


He slapped his thigh with his palm and shook off the pill dust. Mo Gan looked at Henry Zhang: "The Lawless Zone, Eagle Hook Cliff, when I was in Lingpan, I picked elixir there many times. As for the pool you mentioned, Not much impression."

Hearing this, Henry Zhang felt relieved.

It's really not far from the Thirteen Peaks, great!

"where are you going?"

There was some surprise in his eyes, and Mo Gan's face became extremely shocked: "Have you broken through to the ninth-level spiritual world?"

When we met last time, Henry Zhang was only a seventh-order spirit, and his spiritual power was still a bit vain because of the breakthrough, but now, Henry Zhang is not only a ninth-level spirit, but also extremely concentrated spiritual power.

This speed can no longer be described as terrifying.

"It's just a lucky chance." Henry Zhang smiled, but didn't say much.

It is impossible for him to expose something like the soul-locking needle in front of outsiders.

After all, when the King of Nights was still the King of Spirits, he had to rely on it to leap.

"The situation in the Lawless Zone is turbulent and extremely dangerous. There are no rules and order at all. Even if you are a ninth-level spirit, it is nothing. If you are not careful, you will still be in danger of death." Mo Gan's tone, Faintly sharper.

Hearing this, Henry Zhang nodded with a smile.

He understood that Mogan was thinking of him.

After these days of getting along, although the relationship between the two is not close to heart-to-heart, it is no different from friends. Every time Henry Zhang tells about his alchemy experience, Mo Gan will be dormant.


Seeing Henry Zhang standing up, Mo Gan touched a jade box and threw it to Henry Zhang: "This thing was given to me by a beggar when a spirit king begged me to make alchemy. If it wasn't for your Wanye King I can use it, and I am too lazy to give him alchemy for this little reward."

Surprise flashed across his eyes, Henry Zhang opened the jade box, and his eyes lit up immediately.

in a jade box,

It was actually a spirit crystal!

However, the surface of this spirit crystal is covered with a layer of amber-like substance, which makes it difficult to understand the reality.

"This thing, called ancient amber stone, is the material used by spiritual masters in ancient times to preserve precious items. If I guess correctly, what is in it should be a high-level emperor-level spirit crystal. In today's There is only this one left in our continent." Mo Gan said calmly.

Henry Zhang was speechless.

Such a precious spirit crystal, or was it someone else who begged for nothing?

Rank seven alchemists are really popular.

"Then thank you, Peak Master Mo."

Without any hypocrisy, Henry Zhang accepted the jade box, and with his gorgeous fire wings, he left Thirteen Peaks like a dazzling streamer.

Target, nowhere!

The Lawless Zone is located at the border of the Thirteen Peaks and in the corner of the Ghost Domain. This small area is not inferior to hundreds of cities in terms of size alone.



This is the first impression of the Lawless Zone for everyone who has been there.

There are countless outlaws gathered there, and the darkness is not much worse than that of Huangquan, and those who can survive in it are all ruthless.

good man?

This kind of thing is already dead there!

"It is said that the lawless zone is in chaos. If you walk properly on the street, you may be stabbed. This statement is really not covered."

Wearing a black robe, Henry Zhang walked on the dirty streets, violent spiritual power burst out from time to time on both sides.

Greed, lust.

This is perfectly interpreted in the unconstrained lawlessness.

Henry Zhang paused slightly.


The house next to him was smashed into a deep hole, and the sixth-order spiritual pan lying in it was bleeding from his mouth and nose, and a black sharp foot that fell from the sky pierced his chest.

This cruel scene must have caused countless screams in the outside world, but here, it is commonplace. Everyone just glanced at it, and then quickly backed away, for fear of causing trouble to the upper body.

"Haha, two hundred Lingyu, after staring at him for so long, it really didn't disappoint me."

Grabbing the void boundary stone of the dead man, the man laughed loudly, and the surrounding people were also full of excitement. Behind them, each had a six-bladed black mantis of the seventh rank and advanced Nirvana rank.

"Brother, is that kid dumbfounded by fright? Look at him, he doesn't dare to move." One pointed at Henry Zhang and said mockingly.

"It seems to be true. The good boy will go home and drink milk honestly. When you come to this kind of place, do you think someone has played house with you?" The leading man laughed out of breath.

Without the slightest wave on his face, Henry Zhang walked forward slowly.

"Hehe, you're still in a temper, stop!" The man pointed at Henry Zhang's back and sternly shouted.

Seeing this, many looked at Henry Zhang with some pity.

Being targeted by these people, no one can live well.

Turning a deaf ear to the voice behind him, Henry Zhang, who was wrapped in a black robe, still walked lightly.

"Shame on you, Six-edged Black Mantis, scrape off all the flesh of this kid!"

Amidst the man's cruel laughter, the six-bladed black mantis whizzed out, slashing down with a sharp hook blade. Several people around the man watched excitedly, and some even screamed excitedly.

They have never refused to gore.

However, when the six-bladed black mantis was less than an inch above Henry Zhang, he stopped suddenly, and Henry Zhang, who was located below, continued to walk slowly until he disappeared around the corner.

"What happened?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

Could it be that these people are rare to show kindness today?


A crisp sound came from the hook blade of the six-bladed black mantis. In the next moment, its hook blade and its body were divided into two halves, and the same was true for the man and his companions in the distance.

They didn't understand how they died until they died.


Blood spurted.

Looking at the blood-stained streets, many people were silent.

Helpless zone, come to ruthless again!


Lightly throwing the jade box in his hand, Henry Zhang bought a simple map at the price of four hundred Lingyu, and immediately his eyes stopped on a building.

Cang Yue Pavilion.

Similar to an exchange in the outside world.

The ancient amber stone in the jade box requires special means to remove, as long as this layer is removed, the high-level emperor-level spirit crystals in it can be used freely!

"Sir, the ancient emerald has been worn away, and the labor cost is one thousand spiritual jade."

Handing back the jade box, the maid looked at Henry Zhang with a smile on her face.

The price of a thousand Lingyu is indeed expensive.

However, compared with the high-level emperor-level spirit crystals, it is not worth mentioning.

Happily taking out the Lingyu, Xiao Yang was about to take it, a greedy voice suddenly came in from Cangyue Pavilion, and immediately he stared straight at the jade box in the hand of the maid, with fiery eyes.

"Advanced Nirvana-level spirit crystals? It really is a good thing, no wonder it can emit such powerful fluctuations!"

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