Master of Beasts

Chapter 896: Qiu Ning

Xiaoxi Mountain, located in the southwest corner of the lawless zone, has a rich ore vein, and many forces, large and small, are concentrated here.

In front of the Black Flame Auction House.

There is an endless stream of people coming and going from here, and the excitement is comparable to a market.

"Please come inside."

The beautiful maid, with a consistent smile on her face, kept gesturing to those who intended to enter the auction house.

The Black Flame Auction House does not open every day, but once a month.

Those who can enter it must have a certain amount of financial resources, coupled with the lawless area, there are no rules to follow, so most of Heiyan's auction items come from wrong sources, and the high profits can make the auction house , earning a lot of money.

"Sir, please wait a moment."

Just when Henry Zhang was about to step in, the maid suddenly reached out and stopped him, with a polite yet gentle smile on her delicate face.

"What's wrong?" Henry Zhang turned his head in doubt.

"Sir, this is your first time in Xiaoxishan. The Black Flame Auction House has a limited number of places and cannot accommodate everyone. You must first prove yourself and have certain qualifications." The maid explained with a smile.

"Qualification? How to prove it?" Henry Zhang raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"The layout of the Black Flame Auction House is divided into three places. People in the front row can bid first. Moreover, if the financial resources are strong enough, they can also have an independent room to cover their appearance and avoid unnecessary trouble."

The red lips pursed, and the maid continued: "According to the financial resources, you will get different badges, white, black, and red, which increase in order. The lowest level of white cards only needs to hold a thousand spirit jade, and the black card , you need to hold five thousand spirit jades."

The maid was speaking, and a person who walked by Henry Zhang arrogantly stood up the black card on his chest, and his outstretched palm caressed wantonly on the female companion beside him, looking at Henry Zhang, as if Look like a bumpkin.

As for his female companion, the same is true.

Having a black card obviously makes them proud.

"What about the red card?" Henry Zhang asked, ignoring the gaze behind him.

Since you can hide your body shape,

It would be better to reduce troubles.

Hearing Henry Zhang's question, the man and the female companion beside him couldn't help but sneered.

Asking what to ask, wasting the time of the maid.

"Ten thousand spiritual jades." The maid replied.

Ten thousand Lingyu, this is a number that only many Linghuangs can barely have.

"Then give me a red card."

Throwing the Sky Boundary Stone to the maid, Henry Zhang's actions made the expressions of the two people behind him stiffen.

Holding the space boundary stone, the maid nodded quickly, and her pretty face showed a trace of respect that she had never seen before.

"Hold on!"

Seeing this, the two people behind Henry Zhang were dumbfounded.

This young man really has ten thousand spiritual jades?

A moment later, the two of them shuddered fiercely, then hastily quickened their pace, and entered the venue of the Black Flame Auction House in despair.

The person who was able to possess 10,000 spiritual jades in the Lingpan period must have a great background, but I don't know which one in the ghost domain.

"Scared me!"

Standing in the crowd, the man's head was covered with cold sweat, and his face was full of the afterlife.

Fortunately, he didn't make any taunts, otherwise, he didn't know if he would be able to walk out of the Black Flame Auction House alive.

"Your breastplate."

Handing over the badge and the empty boundary stone, the maid looked at Henry Zhang, her cheeks were a little rosy, she didn't look carefully just now, this young man looks quite handsome.

"Thank you."

After receiving the badge, Henry Zhang was about to leave when the maid at the side spoke in a soft voice: "Sir, let me take you in. It's a separate room and needs someone to guide you."

Turning his eyes to the maid, Henry Zhang nodded with a smile: "It's troublesome."


With a slight sound, like a mosquito whispering, the maid led Henry Zhang all the way, passed through the crowd unimpeded, stepped on a flight of stairs, and finally stopped on the second floor.

"Here we are." The maid pushed open the door.

What appeared in front of my eyes was an elegant room. At the front of the room, there were no walls, only a layer of strange tulle.

Through this layer of tulle, it is difficult for outsiders to see the scene inside, but the people inside can see the outside scene without hindrance.

"Let me tell you the rules." The maid said softly with a blush on her pretty face.

It is still too early for the auction to start, and Henry Zhang will naturally not refuse this kind of conversation where information may be obtained.

At first, the maid was still a little cautious, but when she found that Henry Zhang was more gentle than expected, she gradually became bolder and her tone became extremely lively.

"Your name is Qiu Ning?" Henry Zhang asked with a smile.

Qiu Ning, a good name.

"Yeah, it's only been three days since I came to the Black Flame Auction House, and you are the second red card guest I've received." Qiu Ning blinked and blinked, and a girl's unique playfulness appeared on her delicate cheeks.

Speaking of which, her age is only a little older than Henry Zhang.

Next, the conversation between the two went much smoother.

However, after all, Qiu Ning is a girl at heart, she has not been deeply involved in the world, she can say whatever comes to her mind, and she has no taboos. Regarding this, Henry Zhang smiled all the time and did not make a sound to remind him.

What should be experienced must be experienced, otherwise it will never grow.

"Unfortunately, my talent for cultivation is too weak. I have only just broken through to the spiritual realm. If not, I wouldn't be an ordinary maid in the Black Flame Auction House." Qiu Ning shrugged helplessly.

"Working in the Black Flame Auction House is actually pretty good, it's better than the extremely dangerous outside world." Henry Zhang sighed with emotion.

When walking in the outside world, one must be extremely careful. If one makes a slight mistake, one may not even know how one died.

"Outside? What is the outside world like?" Qiu Ning looked at Henry Zhang expectantly.

Since she was born, she has been staying in the family. A few days ago, she just got the opportunity to work in the Black Flame Auction House.

He has longed for the life outside, but he has never had the chance to experience it.

"The outside world." Henry Zhang smiled, and took advantage of the opening of the auction to speak casually. Qiu Ning, who was on the side, listened with gusto, and looked engrossed in it, which was quite cute.

"Sir, are you a ninth-level Lingpan?" Qiu Ning took a light breath, and Qiu Ning's small face was shrouded in shock.

The family she belongs to is not weak in the ghost domain, but at Henry Zhang's age, the strongest member of the family is only a sixth-order spirit.

Ninth-level spiritual rebirth, this is the strength that only many elders have.

"Mr. Don't call me, just call me Henry Zhang." Henry Zhang smiled and shook his head.

Although the helpless area is a big dye vat, the pure-hearted Qiu Ning has obviously not been infected, and it is easy for people to develop a good impression of her.

"Where is Qiu Ning, let her come over to me!"

In the opposite room, a domineering voice suddenly sounded.

Standing up abruptly, Qiu Ning's face turned pale.

Why is he here!

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