Master of Beasts

Chapter 901: Two Keys

Henry Zhang's faint laughter echoed in the auction house, and an unconcealable ferocious look gradually climbed up on Dong Mu's face.

Ten thousand spiritual jades is not a small amount for Gumen!

It was Henry Zhang who was coaxed to raise such a high price!

"I want you to die!" Dong Mu roared like an enraged lion.

"Waiting for you at any time." Nodding with a smile, Henry Zhang looked loose.

He never shows mercy when dealing with enemies.

"Ten thousand spirit jade once!"

"Twice ten thousand spiritual jade!"

"Ten thousand Lingzhu three times!"

"make a deal!"

When the hammer fell, Fang Sheng was ecstatic.

10,000 Lingyu is far beyond the estimated price of the Black Flame Auction House. Only this one auction item can get a profit of 7,000 Lingyu, and he will also get a commission of 1,000 for it.

The auction in the field is still going on.

However, after Yushui Lingzhu, Henry Zhang didn't find anything exciting, which made him a little disappointed, and there was no more sound from Gumen and Bishuizong.

They obviously have a very strong purpose, as for what, one can imagine.


Only the key can really attract them.

The auction gradually came to an end, but the atmosphere became more and more heated. Fang Sheng, who was full of smiles, glanced at the Gumen and Bishuizong's room, and then looked at Henry Zhang's position, and then he walked slowly. , took out something from the maid's jade plate.


With a crisp sound, the combined objects separated, and it was exactly two secret keys!

Thousands of years have passed, and the secret key is still as bright as new. The moment it appeared, many strong people present in the arena tightly clenched their palms, breathing rapidly.

Their long-awaited key was finally revealed!


Fang Sheng smiled,

The key shook slightly, and the monstrous invisible water waves filled the entire auction house as if they were real. Some people who were not prepared even screamed on the spot.

"what is that?"

"What a weird thing."

Some uninformed voices sounded one after another.

"Hehe, these two secret keys were unearthed near the former site of the Water King Hall by a passer-by some time ago. After our identification, it is very likely that they are important objects to open the Water King Hall." Sheng put the key back carefully, and the turbulent water waves in the field dissipated.

"Water King Palace?"

In the auction house, there was an instant shock, and the eyes of countless people were a little red.

Everyone knows that tens of thousands of years ago, in the lawless zone, there were many sects and many strong spirit kings, but the most famous one was the powerful water king.

At that time, Water King was the overlord of this area. If he hadn't been seriously injured, he wouldn't have been killed by his enemies in conjunction with several Spirit King powerhouses.

After so many years, he has indeed fallen.

But his Water King Palace is still there!

The lifetime treasures of a spirit king are enough to drive them crazy!

"The recent news about Wubotan, I think most people already know about it, and most of you came to Heiyan this time for this reason."

Fang Sheng laughed: "That's right, according to the appraisal of the formation master, the Water King Palace is just under the Wubo Pond!"

As soon as the big bomb was dropped, there was an instant bang in the auction room, and the sound of shock was everywhere, and the breathing of countless people became heavier at this time.

The treasure of King Ling is close at hand!

"Some troubles." Looking down at the excited crowd, Henry Zhang murmured in a low voice.

This time, I don't know how many bones will be buried under Wubo Lake.

"Cui Bin, with the key, can I enter the Palace of the Water King?"

Countless people's eyes were hot, and their eyes were full of greed.

If they can obtain the treasure of the Spirit King, then they will surely ascend to the sky in one step, and there is even a high chance that they will become famous in the ghost domain in just a few days!

Ghost Realm is the place that almost all people who are out of bounds yearn for.

As long as you have the strength, you can become famous there and do whatever you want!

"Hehe, I don't dare to guarantee whether I can enter the Water King Palace and get the treasure, otherwise, these two keys will not be put up for auction."

Fang Sheng smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "However, what is certain is that without these two keys, Wubo Pond will not be able to return to a normal pool. If you can successfully dive, with the key of Water King Palace, maybe , can really achieve a great fortune!"

"Now, let's start the auction of the first secret key. The starting price is 10,000 Lingyu, and the price will increase every time, no less than 1,000!"

With a wave of Fang Sheng's hand, an exquisite key was suspended in the air, and the fluctuations emanating from it made the entire auction house slightly moist.

"Just in case!"

Bishuizong, who had never photographed anything before, was the first to speak out. From that appearance, it seemed that he was bound to get the first key.

"Twelve thousand." Henry Zhang followed closely to increase the price.

To him, Lingyu is just a number, but the treasures left by Water King cannot be bought by Lingyu. If he really gets something, it will be a big profit.

"Ten thousand and three!" In the room of Bishuizong, there were several sinister gazes, projecting towards Henry Zhang, so scared that Qiu Ning, who was also within the envelope, couldn't help shivering.

"Fifteen thousand." Henry Zhang said lightly, sipping the tea filled with Qiu Ning.

The act of adding two thousand Lingyu at once made it difficult for the members of the Bishui Sect to maintain their composure.

"Sixteen thousand!"

This voice, like a sharp knife, carried a piercing chill.

Obviously, the people of Bishuizong had murderous intentions towards Henry Zhang.

In their expectation, it should be Gumen and Bishuizong, each got a key, but Henry Zhang was killed halfway, causing them heavy losses.

Hearing the two people's bidding, those who originally planned to fight all shook their heads and smiled wryly.

This price is almost skyrocketing.

Entering the ancient temple does not necessarily require a key, and even if one enters, there is no guarantee that there will be a treasure left by Water King.

Few of them were willing to throw out so many spirit jades for an unknown chance.

"Thirty thousand."

Henry Zhang's breezy voice came out, and the faces of the members of Bishuizong suddenly became hideous and terrifying.

This price is beyond their limit.

"Thirty thousand spiritual jade three times!"

"make a deal!"

Fang Sheng grinned from ear to ear, and continued to auction the second key.

This time, it was the competition between Gumen and Bishuizong.

Dong Mu roared, and shouted out the exorbitant price of 30,000 Lingyu again. The members of the Jade Water Sect were all holding on to the handrails, their eyes were red.

In terms of financial resources, the two Green Water Sects cannot be compared with the Bone Sect.

"It's all that damn kid!"

One of them made a loud noise.

The first person they vented their anger on was not Gumen, who finally bid with them, but Henry Zhang.

The persimmon is picky and soft. In their hearts, Henry Zhang is the soft persimmon. They don't want to have an enemy with Gumen, so they naturally want to spread their anger on Henry Zhang.

"Dare to steal my key, just wait!"

Cao Cheng said coldly: "When he gets off Wubotan, he will die. I will chop this kid up and feed him to the fish!"

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