Master of Beasts

Chapter 903 Entering the Empty Pool

The cold moonlight fell from the sky, and the sky full of people suspended was dead silent.

Corpses whose temperature was gradually fading lay messily on the street, with bright red blood gurgling from them, exuding a disgusting aura of blood.

But the instigator of this scene, Henry Zhang, has long since disappeared.

"Zhou Lang, dead?"

After a while, someone finally made a trembling voice, and his heart trembled slightly.

Zhou Lang, one of the few masters in the Bone Sect, has been showing off his might in this area for a long time. Seeing his corpse placed there like this, many people in the field felt quite illusory.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

One after another, figures in bone robes came from the end of the street, and the crowd of onlookers hurriedly retreated before the approaching disciples.

At this juncture, if you accidentally touch the mold, you might lose your life.


In front of the corpse, a group of disciples separated with a clatter. Dong Ming, who walked out with a gloomy face, looked down at Zhou Lang's face distorted by fright, and gritted his teeth.

Zhou Lang was personally instigated by Dong Mu, and he didn't know it beforehand.

Otherwise, he would never agree.

With Henry Zhang's current strength, sending a ninth-level Lingpan and a group of insignificant eighth-level Lingpan to intercept and kill them is simply to let them die!

Losing a strong man who might become the Linghuang in the future, even he felt very distressed.

"Zhou Lang is dead?"

Angrily leaving the crowd, Dong Mu jumped into a rage: "Trash, you didn't get the key, but you lost your life instead, it's really embarrassing to me!"

Hearing this, the eyes of all the Bone Sect disciples trembled indistinctly.

Zhou Lang was beheaded by Henry Zhang because of Dong Mu's arrogance. Not only did Dong Mu not feel ashamed, but he called him a waste?

Is this the Young Sect Master of the Bone Sect?

"Dong Mu, shut up!" Dong Ming roared angrily.

Extremely disappointed in my heart.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Dazed by Dong Ming's scolding, Dong Mu seemed to have gone crazy, pointing at Dong Ming and shouting: "I'm not dead, I call you elder to give you face, don't think that you have changed You can become the core figure of Gumen, and tell you that you will never be worthy of it!"

The palms of Dong Ming's sleeves trembled uncontrollably.

Dong Mu was brought up by him when he was a child, and later, he was almost abolished by Henry Zhang because of Dong Mu's anger. As a result, in Dong Mu's heart, he was a dog from Gumen?

On the street, Dong Mu was still shouting foul words.


A wide palm slapped towards him suddenly, and Dong Mu, who had no time to react, was slapped on the ground hard, blood mixed with broken teeth, spat out from his mouth.

"Dong...Elder Dong..."

Sitting on the cold ground, Dong Mu's teeth were chattering, his face was filled with fear.

The middle-aged man standing in front of him had no expression on his face. He just glanced down, and his body collapsed in shock.

"Dong Mu, you let me down very much." The middle-aged man spoke slowly, and the whole street was completely silent.



Dong Mu's head was slammed on the ground, and the middle-aged man stuck to his side, whispering softly: "As your third uncle, I should let you know that there are some things you can't say, and some things you can't even think about." think."

"I was wrong, I was wrong!" In Dong Mu's voice, there was a cry of fright.

Dongxie, one of the elders of the Gumen, is also a direct descendant of his father.

The current him is no longer that talented Young Sect Master of the Bone Sect. At best, he can only be regarded as a useless person. Even if he is really severely punished, his father will not care at all.


Throwing away Dong Mu in his hand, Dong Xie slowly straightened up, his eyes narrowed into a dangerous arc: "I have always killed people from the Gumen, and no one has been able to kill people from the Gumen. That kid not only killed Zhou Lang , even Dong Li and Pei Chuan were buried in his hands."


The Gumen disciples were in an uproar, and Dong Mu, who was lying on the ground, suddenly widened his eyes.

Dong Li and Pei Chuan are both ninth-level spirits, and now they are dead?

All were killed by Henry Zhang?

"If that kid escapes, then my bone door will really become a joke of Xiao Xishan, search for me, even if you dig three feet, you must find him for me!"

Accompanied by Dong Xie's shout, a disciple of Ming Gu Sect quickly scattered everywhere.


With a cold snort, Dong Xie turned and left, ignoring Dong Mu who was on the ground.

Lying on his stomach like a dead dog, Dong Mu couldn't help feeling humiliated, and immediately he clenched his fist and smashed it viciously on the ground.

"Henry Zhang, it's all your fault, I must peel off your skin!"

Xiaoxishan, a hundred miles away.


Lying comfortably on the tree trunk, Henry Zhang stretched his waist, and immediately touched the Sky Boundary Stone, and gently turned the Yushui Lingzhu in his hand. After a moment, the beautifully shaped key flashed.

"I don't know what is left in Water King's ancient palace, but I suddenly have some inexplicable expectations."

Smiling lightly, Henry Zhang stroked the red flame on his lower abdomen, and gradually fell asleep under the bright moonlight.

The second day will come soon.

Xiaoxishan, southeast corner.

This place is usually a wasteland that no one visits, but today, it is full of noisy figures, and some rare strong men have rushed over.

Their goals are all the same, and that is Wubotan.

Of course, it is more appropriate to say that it is the ancient palace of Water King rather than Wubotan.

On the side of Wubotan, the two parties are facing each other, and the smell of gunpowder is quite strong.

"Everyone of the Gumen, you are too rude, you don't even say hello, you want to eat alone?" The one who spoke was Lu Yu, the ninth-level Lingpan of the Blue Water Sect.

"You don't even have a key, why are you just making fun of it?" Dong Ming choked on them.

"Do you have any?" Lu Yu said angrily: "You guys have nothing to do, you have to hunt down Henry Zhang, but you ended up killing him. I see, how can you get down to Wubotan today!"

The action of the bone gate was made by Xiao Xishan. It is well known that without two secret keys, Wubo Lake cannot be restored, and no one can enter the ancient palace of Water King.

"You bastard, you must be too scared to come here." Dong Mu, one of the disciples of the Gumen, thought to himself through gritted teeth.


Suddenly, the waveless pool, which was as solid as a rock, surged up with a crash, turned into a huge wave, and rushed into the sky.

"It's that kid!"

Dong Xie's cold gaze suddenly turned.

In the crowd, Henry Zhang, who was smiling, was throwing the key repeatedly, with a playful look on his face.

"You really dare to come? How courageous!"

Black spiritual power entangled on the palm of his hand, and Dong Xie, who sneered, stepped on the ground with the sole of his foot, and shot at Henry Zhang violently.

Just at this moment.

The monstrous waveless pool suddenly gushed out, and the bodies of everyone nearby were involved in it. Looking down from the sky, it seemed to form a huge vortex.


The pool water shrinks.

In the noisy wasteland, all the figures disappeared in an instant. This scene without any spectators was very horrifying.

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