Master of Beasts

Chapter 914 Elder Wen

"No?" The coldness in his eyes froze instantly, and Dong Mu said tentatively: "Cui Bin, you'd better figure out what's going on right now. I'm not negotiating terms with you, but... threatening."

Biting her red lips tightly, Qiu Ning's pretty face was bitter.

In the end, she still couldn't escape Dong Mu's clutches.

Seeing that Cui Bin was silent, the expression on Dong Mu's face was particularly proud.

"Cui Bin, you, Black Flame Auction House, have been standing here for a long time." Chen He looked at Cui Bin on the opposite side, and suddenly said maliciously.

"What do you mean?" Cui Bin's heart sank slightly.

"Clear Water Sect and Bone Gate each occupy half of the rock star veins. To some extent, we should have the final say in the Xiaoxishan area, but you, the Black Flame Auction House, insist on inserting a Foot, this account, I have long wanted to forget it." Chen He's voice was harsh, and there was a trace of uncontrollable greed in it.

Don't look at the Black Flame Auction House, it only opens once a month, but the profit it makes every month is more than that of Jade Water Sect and Bone Gate combined.

In this regard, the two forces have undoubtedly been jealous for a long time.

However, before the Wubotan incident, Bishuizong and Gumen had been hostile to each other because of the competition for the rock star veins, so naturally, they had no time to take care of the Black Flame Auction House.

But now it's different.

It is rare for the Green Water Sect and the Gumen to have a unified front. Coupled with Dongmu's instigation, they have attracted so many large and small forces, which is simply a favorable situation.

Once the Black Flame Auction House is driven out of the Northern Territory, the huge profits will be theirs!

"That's right." Dong Lang took a step forward with fiery eyes: "If the Black Flame Auction House does not give satisfactory compensation, then we will never let it go this time."

"Elder Dong Lang!" Dong Mu panicked, just about to speak.

"Young sect master, when you kill the Black Flame Auction House, a small steward will not be at your disposal." Resisting the desire to slap Dong Mu to death, Dong Lang sent a voice transmission.

"That's right!" Dong Mu's eyes brightened.

If he can really drive the Black Flame Auction House out of Xiaoxishan, then the news will be sent back to Huangquan. Not only will he be able to avoid punishment, but he will have a lot of credit.

Kill two birds with one stone!

"I just want to avenge my people,

Hand over that woman named Qiu Ning! "

"That's right!"

"For your affairs, we are too lazy to participate!"

Those strong men who rushed over looked at each other and spoke violently.

"Don't be impatient, everyone. That woman named Qiu Ning is an important breakthrough in driving the Black Flame Auction House out of Xiaoxishan. Once the matter is successful, Chen will give each person a thousand Lingyu." Chen He glanced at everyone. , Secret sound transmission.

Hearing this, everyone fell silent instantly, and their eyes sparkled.

A thousand Lingyu is not a small sum to them.

Anyway, people are already dead, no matter how many things you do, it will be useless, it is better to get some spiritual jade.

"Elder Cui, if you don't, just hand over Qiu Ning. If she messes with you, you have to bear the consequences."

At this moment, a laughing voice suddenly sounded from below.

Qiu Ning's delicate body trembled, and she looked over in disbelief, only to see Lin Yu's face was actually wearing a victor's smile.

"You..." Qiu Ning felt tight in her chest.

Lin Yu has done a lot of wrong things in the past few days, and she suppressed them all. If it were placed on Guanshi Liu, Lin Yu would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

And Lin Yu, is this how to repay her?

If it wasn't for Bishuizong and Gumen, she might have naively thought that Lin Yu had always treated her as a good sister.

"Lin Yu, what nonsense are you talking about!" Cui Bin's expression changed.

In case Henry Zhang is still alive, knowing that Qiu Ning was sent out by him, not to mention the Black Flame Auction House, even the Black Flame Pavilion in Ghost Domain will suffer a fatal blow.

Although the chances are extremely slim, no one dares to make a conclusion before seeing Henry Zhang's body with his own eyes.

"Elder Cui, I am thinking of the Black Flame Auction House." Lin Yu raised her head and said neither humble nor overbearing.

Seeing the internal strife in the Black Flame Auction House, Dong Lang and Chen He's eyes were happy, knowing that this was a good opportunity to add insult to injury, so they all moved closer.

That's it!

The bigger the quarrel, the better, and the bigger the differences, the more opportunities they have!

"Dong Lang, Chen He, do you really want to fight?" Cui Bin's eyes were filled with coldness, and he said in a low voice, "Elder Wen, if you and I work together, who dares to take a step closer and kill you directly!"


An old man in white appeared next to Cui Bin. He looked around at the crowd, and his faint laughter made Cui Bin's eyebrows tremble.

"Elder Cui, there is an injustice and a debtor. The only thing they want to find is that woman named Qiu Ning. If this is the case, why not just hand her over."

"What did you say?!" Cui Bin's voice shook, while Lin Yu below was ecstatic.

She and Elder Wen have always maintained a shady relationship in secret. In the past few days, she has been blowing pillows, asking Elder Wen to find an opportunity to get Qiu Ning down and let her replace him.

Now, finally had the chance, Elder Wen's performance did not disappoint her.

"Qiu Ning, for the sake of the Black Flame Auction House, just let them go. When the opportunity arises, I will send someone to your family to compensate Lingyu." Elder Wen looked at Qiu Ning sanctimoniously, but shouted in his heart pity.

Why didn't he discover such a superb woman earlier, otherwise, how could he have liked Lin Yu.

"Compensation..." Qiu Ning bit her lip firmly, with strong force, a bloodstain was printed.

People are dead, so what's the point of giving more compensation?

What's more, what is the verbal promise of people like Elder Wen?

"Okay, I'll go with you, and I hope the Black Flame Auction House will not be involved in this matter." Qiu Ning gritted her silver teeth, her pretty face darkened, while Lin Yu behind her was smiling happily.

With the backing of Elder Wen, the position of steward is hers!

"and many more!"

Just as Cui Bin was about to stop him, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly picked up the Nanyin bell: "Henry Zhang is not dead, Henry Zhang is not dead!"

On the Nanyinling, the imprint of Henry Zhang's soul lit up again.

"Cui Bin, then Henry Zhang is dead if he is dead, a dispensable manager, as for making you spend so much trouble, he is still talking nonsense."

Elder Wen sneered darkly and said: "Could it be that Henry Zhang is just a cover, but actually you and this woman named Qiu Ning have some shady relationship? Hehe."

Hearing this, Qiu Ning clenched her little hands tightly, her delicate body trembling uncontrollably.

"Wen Heng, don't fart!" Excited Cui Bin was so frightened that his ghosts froze, and he couldn't even control the swearing.

"Since it's not, then I'll hand over this woman to Bishuizong and Gumen."

There was a glare in his eyes, Elder Wen's figure flashed, he rushed down, and said with a sinister smile: "Little girl, for the sake of the future of the Black Flame Auction House, I have to wrong you."

Just when his palm was about to clasp Zhong Qiuning's neck.


A large snow knife was inserted obliquely into the ground, and Elder Wen's right hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

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