Master of Beasts

Chapter 916: Not one left

"You are Henry Zhang?"

The shock and fear on his face gradually subsided, Dong Lang looked at Henry Zhang, remembered his identity as the elder of the Gumen, and suddenly felt a little confident in his heart, and asked: "Water King's treasure, but you got it?"

Hearing this, Chen He's face also showed a hint of greed.

Treasure of the Water King.

That is the lifelong legacy of a spirit king!

"Whether you get it or not, does it have anything to do with you?" Henry Zhang felt a little amused.

These two are used to being domineering in Xiaoxishan. Until now, they haven't recognized the situation clearly.

"Henry Yang, do you think that if you invite Jianmen and Menglin, you can compete with Gumen and Bishuizong?" Dongmu licked his lips, his eyes were hot: "If you are sensible, hurry up and get the treasure of the water king, and the ethereal sect." If you hand me Luo over, I can still help you to intercede and save your life."

It seems that Henry Zhang's life and death are in his hands.

"Dong Mu, you dare to show up like a wolf-hearted thing? These people probably don't know that the elder Dongming of your bone gate was killed by you using the Yushui Lingzhu, right?" Henry Zhang raised the corner of his mouth, as if A smile is not a smile.


As soon as this remark came out, the sky was in an uproar.

As the forces stationed in Xiaoxi Mountain, both the Gumen and the members of the Blue Water Sect knew that Dongming treated Dongmu like his own son, and Dongming was deposed half a year ago, which was also related to Dongmu.

So, he was actually killed by Dong Mu?

"Dong Mu, is this true?" Dong Lang clenched his fists tightly, suppressing anger in his eyes.

"You fart!" Sweat oozes from his forehead, Dong Mu pointed at Henry Zhang and cursed: "Do you have any evidence to spit blood here? I will definitely let you frame me and pay the price!"

However, as soon as he finished cursing, the voice of whispering suddenly sounded from the surroundings.

"I heard from a friend who just came back from Wubotan that Dong Ming was killed by Dong Mu using the Yushui Lingzhu. I didn't believe it at first, but it turned out to be true!"

"Unexpectedly, the Young Sect Master of the Bone Sect is such a person."

"Ha ha,

I just came back from there. After all, I'm Dong Ling's son, and I'm ruthless in my actions, not even dragging my feet. "

"You didn't see that Dongming died so badly."

Cold sweat broke out from his forehead desperately. Dong Mu felt the cold eyes behind him, and his teeth trembled uncontrollably, making a rattling sound.


"You are going to die!"

Blue tendons burst out on the back of the hand, and Dong Lang and the others from the Gumen stared at Dongmu furiously. If they hadn't taken into account the latter's identity as the young master of the Gumen, they might really do it and tear him to pieces.

A look of fear covered his face, and Dong Mu was trembling, not even daring to breathe.

"Xiao Yang, don't think that you can escape by changing the topic." Dong Lang turned his eyes and said coldly: "Leave Konglingluo and Water King's treasures behind, and destroy the Spirit Gate. My Bone Gate can be magnanimous. Spare your life."

"That's right." Chen He nodded immediately, for fear that he would not be able to drink a mouthful of soup if he spoke too late.

"A group of lifeless things." After landing on the ground, Cui Bin gave Dong Lang and Chen He a pitiful look. If they knew that he was forcing a sixth-rank alchemist, they would probably be scared to death on the spot.

What's more, the strength of these sixth-rank alchemists is still so strong.


Gently twitching the corner of his mouth, Henry Zhang shook his head and said with a smile: "Gumen and Bishuizong are really good-minded."

"We have always been like this." Dong Lang and Chen He looked proud.

The strength of Gumen and Bishuizong is far more than the surface. This point of Xiaoxishan is just the tip of the iceberg. He believes that Henry Zhang will know what kind of existence he has offended if he understands it a little.

Just abolishing the spirit gate is already a great favor to him.

"Not a single member of the Gumen and Jade Water Sect will remain."

The plain voice from Henry Zhang's mouth made Dong Lang and Chen He's brains seem to be stuck suddenly, unable to react for a while.

what's the situation?

"The rock star vein, this gift is indeed a rich one."

Smiling faintly, Ji Jianli turned his head and said to You Haoxuan, "You are in charge of the Jade Water Sect and the Bone Gate, and leave it to me."

"It's not that troublesome."

Taking a deep breath, You Haoxuan opened his blurry eyes, and a straw hat woven like dry bamboo appeared behind him. The figure in the hat was like a white sloth, the sloth limply drooping its body, Very lazy.

"I haven't done anything for a long time. Today, let me clear the field."

In You Haoxuan's soft voice, the spirit beast floating beside him waved his palms lightly, and everything in the world lost its color in an instant and turned into black and white.

"Fa... what happened?"

The body froze in place, and Henry Zhang's eyes flashed a touch of horror. He clearly had a clear consciousness, but it was difficult to move even his little finger.

"Spiritual skills, Great Dream World."


Invisible ripples suddenly spread from the coir raincoat worn by the sloth, and everything that passed by shattered inch by inch.

The sloth turned around suddenly, and the faces of Dong Lang and Chen He on the opposite side became terrified.

At this moment, even shouting out their voices and venting the fear in their hearts is delusional.


The ripples spread out again, and everyone except Dong Mu turned into nothingness, not even a thin trace of blood left in the sky.

Seeing with his own eyes the people around him disappear without a trace, Dong Mu's soul flew away.

What the hell happened!


You Haoxuan's unhurried voice fell, the white sloth returned to the spirit gate, everything recovered in an instant, and the cold wind that slapped on the face made everyone feel as if they had passed away.

Just now, what happened?

The same thought appeared in the hearts of thousands of people, and they looked at You Haoxuan one after another with deep fear and fear.

If it was placed just now, young people who stay lazy all the time, young people who can't cheer up all the time, will only make people sneer at them, but now, no one dares to underestimate them.


With a shrill cry, Dong Mu frantically slapped the spirit beast under him, and fled to the distance.

"Wait for me, you will regret it!"

At this moment, he was frightened out of his wits.

"I've never regretted it, and you won't see that day either."

Appearing abruptly on top of the spirit beast that Dong Mu was riding on, the fire wings flickered behind Henry Zhang, and the snow knife in his hand slashed down at Dong Mu who was pale with astonishment.


"I was wrong, I dare not do it again!"

Frightened, she fell to the ground, Lin Yu's face turned pale, and her body kept trembling.

Before, there was still a glimmer of hope in her heart that Henry Zhang would be killed by Gumen and Bishuizong.

However, the reality made her realize how stupid her decision to betray Qiu Ning was.

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