Master of Beasts

Chapter 928 Ningshan

"Li Si, get the hell out of here!"

As soon as these words came out, the restaurant fell silent instantly. Many people looked over with a little surprise in their eyes. When they saw the person clearly, they couldn't help showing surprise.

Feng Hui, first-order Lingpan, a genius in Tianlin City.

At his age, the first-order Lingpan can only be regarded as the bottom of Xingyun Peak, and it will not attract anyone's attention at all, but it is already extremely rare in Tianlin City.

"Feng...Young Master Feng, I didn't know you would come today." Xiao Er felt bitter in his heart.

Feng Hui's family is considered one of the best in Tianlin City. Coupled with Feng Hui's not weak cultivation talent, there are only a handful of people in the city who dare to provoke him.

"do not know?"

Kicking a stool to pieces, Feng Hui sneered: "Did I tell you that the seat by the window is my exclusive place, Feng Hui, and no second person is allowed to sit?"

Hearing this, Xiao Er was dripping with sweat, and didn't even dare to lift his head.

Although Yuxiang Tower has a strong background in Tianlin City, compared with the Feng family, it is undoubtedly far worse. What's more, he is just a dispensable guy, even if he is beaten up, he will not Somebody stepped in for him.

"Go away!"

Pushing Xiaoer away with his backhand, Feng Hui walked to the wine table, snapped fifty pieces of Lingyu, and said flatly: "Guys, this place has its own owner. From now on, please choose another seat to sit."

Fifty Lingyu!

There was a lot of noise in the restaurant.

For many spiritual masters, this is an astronomical figure, but Feng Hui can shoot it casually, it is too generous!

Hearing the amazed voices around, Feng Hui glanced at Henry Zhang and others with some pride.

Country bumpkins, have you never seen so many spirit jades before, why don't you obediently get out of here?

However, in his eyes, Henry Zhang and Ji Jianli were always drinking wine indifferently, without even raising their heads, completely ignoring them.

"It's really arrogant."

With a gloomy expression on his face, Feng Hui said with a sinister smile, "I've seen many people who toasted and refused to eat fine wine.

But their final ending is not very good. "


The fluctuations of the first-order spiritual rebirth erupted from Feng Hui's body, and the surrounding tables, chairs and benches shattered, which made the guests in the restaurant show fear.

For them, the strong man in Lingpan is still a difficult figure to get in touch with.

"Aren't you leaving yet?"

Looking at the three of Henry Zhang who were still indifferent, Feng Hui's face was filled with anger, and he stretched out his palm and slapped the wine glass in Henry Zhang's hand fiercely.

"Looking for something to die for!"

With the sound of his cursing, Henry Zhang, who looked indifferent, finally made a move.


A muffled sound came out, and Feng Hui's body, as if hit by a heavy object, immediately flew upside down, smashed several tables and stools, and fell heavily on the ground.

"how come!"

Many guests were stunned, and immediately their eyes converged on Henry Zhang with a swish, only to see that the wine glass was empty in the latter's slightly raised palm.

It was a glass of wine that repelled Feng Hui!

"Little Lord!"

The members of the Feng family who followed Feng Hui froze for a moment, then frantically tried to lift Feng Hui up. However, they were horrified to find that Feng Hui's body was deeply embedded in the floor. Don't move!

"you you……"

Fear surfaced on his face, Feng Hui looked at Henry Zhang, his lips were a little blue, he hesitated for a long time, but couldn't say a word.

Everyone knows that this time, he kicked the iron board!


Looking out of the window, Ji Jianli frowned: "I have a bad feeling."


The wine glass was put down, and the three got up to leave. A round pill, like a parabola, landed in the somewhat dazed little second hand.

"This thing is used as food and drink money."

Taking the elixir in his hand, Xiao Er's pupils shrank suddenly, and immediately covered his mouth tightly to keep himself from making a sound.

This elixir is actually a precious Nirvana elixir!


Sawdust was flying, and Feng Hui's body was finally pulled out from the floor. He looked at the direction Henry Zhang and others left, and his voice overflowed with murderous intent: "A group of bastards!"

"Young master, that person..."

"Third-order spirit." Feng Hui gritted his teeth fiercely, and said in a sinister tone, "If it's fourth-order, at his age, it's impossible for him to be stronger!"

"Then we..."

"Wait!" Feng Hui said viciously: "I'll contact Ning Kun immediately. Their Ning family has recently attached themselves to Heiming Mountain. I must want these lifeless things to die without a place to die!"

Tianlin City, in front of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Let's go in." After a slight pause, Ji Jianli moved forward with a slightly hoarse voice.

The guards guarding in front of the mansion were obviously very familiar with Ji Jianli and You Haoxuan, they didn't say anything to stop them, they were just a little curious, and glanced at Henry Zhang

"The head of the Ning family seems to be inside."

"Hey, his precious son's thing was clicked by the city lord, can you not be anxious."

Several guards laughed.

However, upon hearing these words, Ji Jianli's face was covered with a bit of coldness. What happened in it was not as simple as these guards thought.

"Yang Lin, you are so courageous!"

In the hall, a middle-aged man pointed at the lord of Tianlin City and cursed furiously: "What did my son do wrong, you actually deposed him!"

This person is the head of the Ning family, Ning Shan.

And behind him, a young man was lying on the ground, clutching his lower body in pain, howling continuously, from the blood oozing out, it was not difficult to guess what he had just experienced.

"Ning Shan, where do you have the face to say that!" Yang Lin suddenly stood up from his seat with a gloomy expression: "Your precious son, what exactly did you do, don't you know?"

Half an hour ago, Yang Lin suddenly received news that Ning Kun, the son of Ning Shan, had broken into an ordinary courtyard, relying on his own background, intending to forcibly commit misdeeds against the woman who lived there.

After hearing the news, Yang Lin rushed to see the trembling girl who was huddled in the corner of the wall, and she was so terrified that she collapsed. Anger welled up in her heart. One of them couldn't control herself, and she raised a knife in her hand, turning Ning Kun into a cripple.

If Ning Shan hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid the knife in his hand would fall on Ning Kun's neck again

"He hasn't done anything yet, what's more, he's just a lowly chaifu's daughter, my son can fall in love with her, it's the blessing she cultivated in eight lifetimes!" Ning Shan roared angrily.

What's wrong with his son?

Did Yang Lin think that he could do whatever he wanted as he was the lord of Tianlin City?

Is there any reason?

"Ning Shan, don't challenge my patience, within three breaths, get out of my sight immediately, otherwise, I will take action myself and level your Ning family!" Yang Lin suppressed the blood rushing to his mind and let out a roar.

The strength of the Ning family is no less than that of the City Lord's Mansion. Once a war breaks out, it will affect the entire Tianlin City. If there is no such concern, with his violent temper, he may not know what he will do.

"Ping my Ning family? What a big tone!"

Taking out something from his bosom, Ning Shan threw it at Yang Lin fiercely, and said in a dark voice: "Your surname is Yang, if you have the ability, try saying what you just said again!"

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