Master of Beasts

Chapter 934 Pharmacopoeia

"Six...sixth grade alchemist?"

Looking at the dancing flames in the crystal bottle, the faces of everyone in the store were filled with shock.

To them, a sixth-rank alchemist is no different from a divine dragon in the sky, which is beyond reach.

And that seemingly ordinary boy turned out to be a sixth-rank alchemist?

At this moment, their minds were all blank, without the ability to think.

"Great... great alchemist!"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, the buddy was the first to come back to his senses, with a fearful and respectful expression on his face: "I was so negligent earlier, I hope the Great Alchemist Haihan."

The more people in the alchemist world, the more they know what a sixth-rank alchemist means.

There seems to be an insurmountable gap between the fifth-rank alchemist and the sixth-rank alchemist. I don't know how many fifth-rank alchemists stop here all their lives.

Therefore, there are laws in the world of alchemists.

Great alchemist, don't offend!

"Then this white star crystal tripod, can I take it for free?" Henry Zhang asked with a smile.


In a hurry, he wiped the alchemy tripod clean and put it in front of Henry Zhang. The man was stunned for a moment, then bent down, and handed a badge with six clusters of flames to Henry Zhang with both hands: "Great alchemist, this is the six Pin alchemist's token, as long as you wear it, Star Crystal City will give you the most noble treatment!"

Nodding with a smile, Henry Zhang accepted the Dan Ding and badge, turned and left the shop.


As soon as he stepped out with his back foot, the vibrating noise resounded in the shop.

"Oh my god, a sixth-grade alchemist!"

"Do any of you know anyone?"

"So young, who is he in the world of alchemists!"

Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, the man felt terrified.

If the boss found out that he was so slack about a sixth-grade alchemist before, he would have to be skinned.

"Chen Yi,

Is it irritating? Someone looked at the buddy and said with a joke: "Fortunately, that great alchemist has a good temper. If it was replaced by someone with a bad temper, why not take off your clothes and hang them with a rope in front of the shop?" "

This is not a casual statement.

There used to be a disrespectful disciple from an aristocratic family, relying on his deep background, to disrespect a sixth-rank alchemist. As a result, that sixth-rank alchemist summoned several spirit emperors and unceremoniously stripped off that family disciple. Hanging upside down on the old tree on the left side of the city gate.

After the Patriarch of that family came, not only did he not dare to get angry, but instead offered a generous gift to apologize in fear.

So far, the child of that aristocratic family escaped from the fate of being hanged.

This matter, in Star Crystal City at that time, was not a small topic of discussion.

"He is so young, I thought it would be good to be a second-rank alchemist, how could I have thought..." The waiter shook his head with a wry smile: "It is true that there are people beyond people, there is a sky beyond the sky, he almost fell."

After Henry Zhang's incident, the laziness of the buddy disappeared instantly, no matter which customer came, he was quite polite.

"No wonder Guan Yi came here. Tomorrow, Star Crystal City will hold a pharmacopoeia."

After inquiring clearly, Henry Zhang thought about it, and immediately found a restaurant at random and stayed for one night.

For fear of causing unnecessary trouble, he did not wear the badge of a sixth-rank alchemist, so the room provided by the restaurant staff was extremely ordinary.

"Hey, have you guys heard that a great alchemist has recently come to the city!"

"real or fake?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense, the sixth-rank alchemist badge that Chen Yi personally sent out, can it still be fake?"

Naturally, the sound insulation effect of this kind of room is not very good, noisy voices can be heard from all directions from time to time, and most of the discussions are from sixth-grade alchemists who appear during the day.

There are even some people who are looking for it in person.

If they are lucky enough to be appreciated by a sixth-rank alchemist, it will undoubtedly be a great opportunity for them.


Lying lazily on the bed, Chi Yan wagged his tail, and at the end, a trace of white quietly emerged.

The water lotus flame swallowed into the body is being refined by it.

When the refinement is completed, it is the day when it enters the Emperor Qiong class.

One night passed quickly.

After simply washing his face and eating something, Henry Zhang walked in the direction of Wanyao Plaza based on the news he had inquired about.

Inside and near the square, there was a hustle and bustle, and there were people everywhere.

In half an hour, the Pharmacopoeia will be held here.

As for the so-called Pharmacopoeia, in layman's terms, it is an exchange meeting for alchemists. Every alchemist has the opportunity to be on stage, or exchange alchemy recipes, or offer rewards for elixir, or talk about the problems and questions they encountered in alchemy, Collect answers and solve them together.

For alchemists, this pharmacopoeia is indeed a rare prosperity.

"Just sit there."

Scanning the stone steps around the square, Henry Zhang finally looked at a position that was still vacant, and walked over.

Although this location is not considered good, but for the alchemists who are coming, it is a blessing to have a place to do it, and there are more people who can only stand outside to watch and cannot enter.

Beside the vacant seat were two beautiful girls.

One of them was dressed in blue, her black eyes were like deep pools, dancing timidly with light, while the woman on her right was dressed in white, with an indifferent expression on her face, showing the taste of repelling people thousands of miles away.

Henry Zhang sat down, the girl in blue shrank her neck involuntarily, like a frightened little rabbit, while the woman in white frowned slightly, as if she was extremely displeased with Henry Zhang's coming.

"Hi, my name is Xue Yuan."

Tilting her head and looking at Henry Zhang, the girl in blue hesitated for a while, and then greeted in a low voice anxiously, obviously she spoke first, but her expression was aggrieved.

She is very scared of life.

Still, out of politeness, she summoned all her courage.

"Xue Yuan, not a bad name." Henry Zhang nodded and smiled: "Hello, my name is Henry Zhang, Ninth Rank Lingpan."

The voice blurted out, and Henry Zhang suddenly reacted and laughed.

He was used to staying in Thirteen Peaks, and he often needed to report his strength to greet disciples he didn't know well, but it didn't seem to be necessary in the outside world.

"Ninth-level spiritual rebirth?" Shui Ling's eyes lit up, and Xue Yuan said with admiration on her face: "It's amazing, I've practiced for so long, and I just stepped into the spiritual rebirth, and you are about to hit the Linghuang."

Xue Yuan's cute posture attracted many people's attention.

"Humph, is the ninth-level spirit rebirth worth showing off?" Staring indifferently, the woman in white didn't even look at Henry Zhang: "The alchemist traveled on the mainland, relying on the outstanding alchemy, blindly pursuing the speed of cultivation, It's just putting the cart before the horse and wasting the talent in alchemy, it's hard to make a big deal."

"Xueyuan, you have to keep this in mind, so that you won't be like some alchemists who don't want to make progress in the future, and the bottle is not full, and half of the bottle is dangling."

Obviously, she was taking the opportunity of reprimanding Xue Yuan to ridicule Henry Zhang.

Hearing these words, Xueyuan lowered her head, not daring to refute.

"A second-rank Lingpan, a third-rank alchemist?"

Glancing at the woman in white, Henry Zhang shook his head and smiled, but said nothing.

These words of the woman in white are no different from scratching an itch to him today, and they can't arouse even the slightest anger.

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