Master of Beasts

Chapter 939 Yin Yang Double Pill

The black air dissipating on the stone platform, under the scrolling of Henry Zhang's mental power, poured into Yang Hong's chest like a black spiral.

Faced with this abnormality, Yang Hong was shocked at first, but when he found that a sense of comfort began to spread all over his body, and his spiritual power stopped falling, he breathed a sigh of relief and his face was full of gratitude.

At last he escaped death.

"Xuanyang Dan is just the main pill. Its function is not to enhance the annihilation power of light attribute spiritualists, but to suppress it."

Covering the top of Yang Hong's head with one hand, Henry Zhang said lightly: "In addition, it has a secondary pill, named Xuanyin Pill, and its function is to reopen the shrinking dark attribute spiritual door. The combination of the medicine can make the psychic possess the two attributes of light and darkness together."

"Yang Hong, when you were spiritually aware, you were actually a spiritual master with dual sources of light and darkness. Am I right?"

His body shook violently, and Yang Hong's mind thumped.

When he was in spiritual awareness, he was indeed a spiritual master with dual sources of light and darkness.

However, as we all know, the light attribute and the dark attribute are completely opposite existences, and it is impossible for them to co-exist in the same spiritual master, so even if you are a dual-source spiritual master, you can only reluctantly abolish one of the attributes in the end.

Although there are not many special cases like Yang Hong's on the mainland, once they happen, it will be a dead end.

But Xuanyang Pill and Xuanyin Pill can actually solve this situation?

While speaking, a black vortex flashed on Yang Hong's chest.

His shrinking dark attribute spiritual door is opening!

"This is a big event!"

Looking at the dark attribute spiritual gate slowly outlined, Yao Yan's excited eyes trembled: "Once this matter spreads, it will definitely shake the entire alchemist world in the Northern Territory!"

What Yao Yan said was true.

Rao, the former Emperor of Medicine, failed to solve the problem that light and darkness cannot co-exist.

The appearance of Xuanyang Pill and Xuanyin Pill will definitely cause an uproar in the world of alchemists!

And Henry Zhang, who is the owner of the elixir, will undoubtedly be known by all alchemists!

"It turns out that Dan Fang is really not Guan Yi's.


"A sixth-rank alchemist, would you do such a despicable thing as stealing alchemy?"


The gazes cast on Guan Yi one after another were filled with contempt and disdain.

The future Guan Yi will be cast aside by all alchemists.

Being stared at by so many unkind eyes, Guan Yi's forehead was sweating, his face was pale, and his trembling hands showed the powerlessness and despair in his heart.

His reputation is completely rotten.

It was worse than killing him.


Sweeping down the high platform without looking back, Guan Yi was full of aggrieved and wanted to escape from Wanyao Plaza.

He has lost face and continues to stay here.

"Want to go?"

Su Ze smiled coldly: "Leave him to me!"


A powerful foot kicked Guan Yi's chest fiercely, knocking him to the ground.

It was a rough man, and every move he made revealed the blood-licking arrogance of his blade.


Turning his head sideways, Henry Zhang was a little surprised.

Fourth-order spirit emperor?

It seems that the development of Dange is far beyond his imagination.

"Stealing the alchemy formula is a taboo in the alchemy world, Lu Man, cut off his hand." Su Ze said coldly.

"No, don't, I'm the Guan family..."


The hand rises and the knife falls.

Accompanied by Guan Yi's screams, a big good hand was cut off and fell to the ground. Su Ze waved his palm, and the surging pill fire burned Guan Yi's severed hand into ashes.

"You... how dare you..." Guan Yi was in pain.

He doesn't have the spiritual power of the stars, so he can't repair the broken limbs.

Losing a palm is undoubtedly a fatal loss for alchemists.


Amid Su Ze's indifferent voice, Guan Yi fled frantically, fearing that if he was too late, the rest of his hand would be cut off.

The current Su Ze is no longer that weak little alchemist who can only shrink in the cave and sell pills cheaply for a little alchemy materials.

Even if it is carried out of the Guan family, it will not help.

"What." Looking away, Su Ze looked disdainful.

So what about the pill family.

As long as Guan Yi is not killed, according to the rules of the alchemist world in the Northern Territory, even the Guan family has no reason to vent their anger on Dan Ge.


The last trace of black air submerged into the body, and under Yang Hong's ecstatic gaze, a black spiritual gate floated in front of him.

Moments later, there was a loud bang that spread around.

"Boom boom boom!"

His strength began to skyrocket!

The third-order spiritual rebirth!

The eighth-level spiritual rebirth!

First-order Spirit Emperor!

The third-order spirit emperor!

To Yang Hong's shock, his strength still did not stop when he recovered to the third-order Linghuang, and the sound in his body still spread loudly.

The fourth-order spirit emperor!

Fifth Rank Spirit Emperor!

In the end, it was not until the sixth-order Spirit Emperor that it was completely stabilized.

"How could it be!" Yang Hong exclaimed.

Not only did his strength not lose, but it increased by three ranks?

Even if he practiced for another ten years, it would be difficult for him to become a sixth-order spirit emperor!

"Although the spiritual gate of the dark attribute is sluggish, it is still absorbing your spiritual power over the years."

Looking at Yang Hong, who was shocked and speechless, Henry Zhang explained: "Under the guidance of Xuanyin Pill, the part of your devoured spiritual power is re-stimulated, so you can get rid of it in a short period of time. , promoted to the sixth level of spiritual rebirth, and will never fall in the future."

"I'm convinced." After holding back for a while, Yang Hong just uttered this voice.

He has never been convinced by anyone in his life, but Henry Zhang in front of him has convinced him wholeheartedly.

He swore that he would follow what Henry Zhang said in the future and never leave Dan Pavilion.

"Little friend, I heard that your alchemy is superb, wait a minute, can you discuss it with me?" Yao Yan's eyes were filled with fiery lingering.

He has been puzzled by some questions for a long time, wondering if Henry Zhang, who is also a sixth-rank alchemist, can answer him.

"Senior is serious, after I get a few elixir, I will let you be sent." Henry Zhang smiled.

"Then I won't be ashamed this time." Yao Yan walked off the stage happily, and Yang Hong also had good eyesight, and ran towards Dan Pavilion.

Not to mention that Henry Zhang had a word with him first, even if he didn't, he would be eager to join the Pill Pavilion.

After all, it was a gathering place for alchemists, and the benefits of joining it definitely far outweighed the disadvantages.

Standing on the high platform, facing many respectful gazes, Henry Zhang shook his head helplessly, and immediately said the three elixir he wanted.

Almost without any hesitation, those alchemists who knew Henry Zhang's needs immediately rushed to the stage to offer the elixir in the empty boundary stone.

If there is this opportunity to make friends with a sixth-grade alchemist, a fool will not go for it.

Looking at Henry Zhang surrounded by many alchemists on the high platform, Tan Shang and Murou looked ugly, especially when they saw their suzerain obediently waiting behind the crowd, they felt even more bitter.

Is this the sixth grade alchemist?

What exactly are they missing?

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