Master of Beasts

Chapter 952: Killing the Mother Soul Devourer

"Chop Suey, don't even think about living today."

Staring ferociously at the body of the soul-devouring mother insect, Henry Zhang quickly formed seals with his hands, and three phantoms of spiritual power emerged out of thin air around him, and the palms of each figure changed at the same time.

All of a sudden, a wave of extraordinarily violent energy rippled out one after another, setting off a series of whirlwinds of spiritual power in the space with a radius of hundreds of feet.

"This is..." Yao Yan and the others were shocked.

Is this magic?

They actually felt a deadly threat in Henry Zhang.

You know, Henry Zhang is only a ninth-level spiritual rebirth!

"Sure enough, it's still a little bit worse."

The spiritual power between the two palms trembled, Henry Zhang gritted his teeth, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, and immediately opened his mouth, inhaling all the dozens of Nether Spring Fruits floating in the air into it.

As soon as the Nether Spring fruit entered his stomach, wisps of dark color gradually rose in his eyes.

This is the backlash of Mingquan fruit.

Not long ago, he had used the three-attribute spirit fusion technique to scare You Luan away, but the facts proved that with his ninth-level spirit vana, it was still extremely difficult to successfully use it.

And the Ice Flame Xuanlun with two attributes can hardly hurt the Soul Eater Mother Worm.

Therefore, I can only borrow the energy of Mingquan fruit again and take a gamble!


The thick tentacles twitched, the eyes of the soul-eating mother insect were fierce, and Henry Zhang's rippling spiritual power was too amazing, not even weaker than the sixth shock pulse of the rock horned dragon rhinoceros.

It must use all its strength to kill Henry Zhang!


As if returning to the light, the rockhorn rhinoceros raised its eyes sharply, and its two bloody palms tightly grasped the tentacles that ran through its body.

The sound of dragon chant and elephant roar lingered.

In this state, if the tentacles were pulled out by the soul-devouring mother insect, the body of the rock horned dragon rhinoceros would probably explode on the spot like a blood bag.

"Why isn't it dead yet?" Sun Cheng snorted lightly.

"If you dare to say one more word, I'll chop you up!" Li Tan's eyes were full of anger.

It was all because of Sun Cheng that the situation became like this.

Numerous alchemists and spirit beasts died, the Rockhorn Rhinoceros was seriously injured, and the Wave Breaker Jellyfish was blown up in the air, leaving no corpses behind.

And Sun Cheng not only didn't feel guilty at all, but also hoped for the death of the rock horned dragon?

Is that human being?

"I'm just talking casually, so what?" Sun Cheng dismissed it.

A third-rank alchemist, a fourth-rank Linghuang, you've gone against the sky.

If you dare to roar again, let your father kill you.

Looking at Sun Cheng who seemed to be doing nothing, Li Tan trembled with anger. If he hadn't been concerned about the Cangyan Temple behind Sun Cheng, he would have tore Sun Cheng up.

"Wan Ye Wang, Qian Lian Yin!" Seeing the slowly twitching tentacles of the soul-eating mother insect, Henry Zhang yelled angrily.

The rock horned dragon rhino was worn by the tentacles of the soul-eating mother insect, and he could not enter the spiritual gate.

No matter what, Rockhorn Rhinoceros can't be allowed to die here so aggrieved.


The tip of the black sickle pierced through the tentacles and was deeply embedded in the ground. The King of Nights grasped the handle of the sickle vigorously, and the dark chains danced wildly behind him, and immediately shot in all directions, intertwined with each other, It's like forming a big black net.

The soul-devouring mother twitched vigorously a few times, and the tentacle bound by hundreds of chains seemed as if it didn't belong to it, and couldn't move at all.


Henry Zhang spread his hands, blazing flames, and biting cold air lingering, in it, there is a ray of silver light, looming, condensed, like three distinctly colored dragons.


-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Tips for novel netizens: please pay attention to rest your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

With a sharp look in his eyes, Henry Zhang blasted out with a punch, and the three wandering dragons turned into substance, and between the roars, violent hurricanes swirled around them, and the sound of violent wind whistling resounded through the sky.

Spirit fusion technique, three dragons and sky light array.

Under the effect of Mingquan fruit,

The destructive power of this technique is dozens of times that of the Ice Flame Xuanlun!

"Is this really a spiritual art?" Yao Yan's heart seemed to have set off a stormy sea.

How could there be such a powerful spiritual art in this world? !

The three wandering dragons lingered endlessly, flying across the sky quickly, the tentacles of the soul-devouring mother insect were smashed one by one, and the nerves of all the alchemists were tense to the extreme at this moment.

Whether you can survive or not depends on this blow!

With slightly flustered eyes, the soul-devouring mother worm hastily withdrew all its tentacles, blocking in front of it layer by layer, airtight, like a huge bird's nest.

"Bang bang bang!"

Quickly smashing the tentacles of the soul-devouring mother insect, three roaring dragons slammed into the main body of the soul-devouring mother insect fiercely.

The sky-shattering violent sound spread towards the sky and the earth.


The first thing to shatter was the mental power mask covering Star Crystal City.

As if the mirror surface was shattered, scattered fragments of mental power scattered downwards, and all the alchemists who came into contact with it were refreshed and received great benefits.

Their spiritual power has skyrocketed!

"My Nanyinling can be used!"

"Sound transmission snails too!"

"Sound Transmission Talisman!"

The surviving alchemists were overjoyed, and some of them rushed to send out messages to ask for help from the strong people they had been friends with. It would not take long for the small Star Crystal City to gather a large number of strong people.

However, no one took the opportunity to escape.

They all looked at the soul-devouring mother worm, waiting for the final result.


The three-color swimming dragon penetrated into the body, the eyes of the soul-devouring mother worm froze, and her black tentacles of the soul-devouring worm shattered into powder as if they had been air-dried.

The next moment, it was its body.

There was a flash of light, and the island-like body of the soul-devouring mother worm suddenly disappeared without a sound, leaving no breath of life behind.

Although this process is not thrilling, it is not difficult for everyone present to know.

Soul-devouring mother insect, die!


After a little silence, ecstatic cheers rushed straight into the sky, and grateful eyes shot towards Henry Zhang.

Life and death, only in an instant.

And it was this boy who made them survive their father!


Forcibly suppressing Mingquanguo's backlash to his mind, Henry Zhang's figure flashed, and he fell in front of the rock horned dragon rhinoceros that was about to kneel down, and the soft spiritual power in his palm surged and clung to it.

Healed by the spiritual power of the stars, the Rockhorn Rhinoceros' right fist touched the ground, and the broken hard armor on its body healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What a powerful healing ability!"

"Is it the medicinal liquid of the eighth grade?"

Many alchemists were surprised.

Of course, they didn't think about Xingchen's spiritual power. For them, that kind of thing didn't exist at all, so Henry Zhang's move was not a risk.


Retracting the chain expressionlessly, Wan Ye Wang still didn't look at Henry Zhang, opened the spirit door by himself, and flashed in.

"Catch it!"

Grasping the black object that fell from the sky, Sun Cheng laughed loudly: "Could it be that this is the soul spar transformed by the soul-devouring mother insect in the legend? Haha, this time the Star Crystal City really didn't come in vain!"

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