Master of Beasts

Chapter 959 Cruel rules

The scorching sun was rising, and the warm radiance fell on the thirteen peaks. As far as the eye could see, dark figures filled the vicinity of the peak fighting platform, and even some peak owners, who were usually hard to find, were mobilized to stand on the top of each mountain. on the palace, looking down.


With the wings flapping gently, Henry Zhang passed over many figures and landed at the forefront.

A pair of energetic eyes, as dark as the night, and against the free and easy black robe, the youth's unique sense of vitality, made many female disciples present feel spring in their hearts.

Looking away, Henry Zhang looked at the familiar faces and suddenly felt a little emotional.

After participating in Shenling Tian, ​​it was time for him to leave.

This is probably the few time he has in Thirteen Peaks.

"Everyone, you are all the best disciples of my Xingyun Peak. Half an hour later, you will enter the cruelest battlefield. No matter what the result is, whether you get a chance or not, only being alive is everything to you!"

Mo Gong's majestic voice, engulfed by spiritual power, spread rollingly.

He didn't emphasize that, let all the disciples fight desperately for the opportunity.

Because he knows that there are too many geniuses entering Shenlingtian this time, no matter how cautious they are, they may fall into it, including Henry Zhang and others.


As soon as these two simple words came out, almost all the disciples could smell the bloody smell that didn't exist.

Half an hour passed quickly.

All the disciples are here.

"Teleportation array, open!"

Mo Gong's two old palms changed rapidly, one after another spiritual seals were flying, and a beam of light about ten thousand zhang burst from the field, straight up into the sky, and the mighty spiritual power was undulating.


With a flash of light, all the disciples in the teleportation array disappeared, leaving only an empty field.

"I don't know how many people will come back alive in the end."

With his hands behind his back, Mo Gong sighed softly.

According to his experience, at least half of the disciples going to Shenlingtian this time will be lost.

This loss is not insignificant.

Of course, there will also be some disciples who get unexpected opportunities, make great breakthroughs, and bring him unexpected surprises when they return.

The white teleportation burst of light filled the eyes, and Henry Zhang and others felt a little dizzy in their minds.

At this moment, his body didn't seem to belong to him anymore.


In the sky, white beams of light intertwined, and the people around Henry Zhang gradually penetrated into each beam of light, disrupting the original camp.

There are thousands of such beams of light.

I don't know how long it has passed.


As soon as the soles of his feet stepped on the real thing, Henry Zhang, who had long been experienced, quickly operated the spiritual body protection, so as to avoid some weak legs and directly kneel down on the ground.

All around, figures landed one after another.

However, their costumes are extremely strange, and some of them can even be said to be weird, as if they don't belong to the Northern Territory at all.

"Is it completely disrupted?" Henry Zhang murmured.

Looking around, within a radius of ten miles, there were hardly any disciples from Xingyun Peak.

Obviously, when the teleportation array descended to the sky of Shenling, it was disturbed by unknown energy and intertwined with each other, making it impossible for disciples of the same force to land in one place.


The space in front of everyone was slightly turbulent, and from there, exquisitely shaped golden fragments emerged out of thin air, and immediately fell into the hands of everyone.

"Shards of the mausoleum?"

Sensing the information from the fragment, Henry Zhang understood.

Fragments of the mausoleum, interact with the spirit beads of Xingyun Peak

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Tips for novel netizens: please pay attention to rest your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

The same is the currency of Shenlingmen.

However, the competition of the Shenling Sect is far more cruel than that of the Xingyun Peak. All the disciples who worship the sect will get a certain amount of Shenling Shards. It can be said that if there are no Sacred Tomb Shards,

The disciples of the Shenling Sect will struggle in the Shenling Heaven.

Moreover, among the disciples, they can also rob at will.

Once there are no fragments of the divine mausoleum, the disciples of the divine mausoleum gate will be removed from the sect and sent directly to the sky outside the divine mausoleum, and they will not be able to step in in this lifetime.

This rule is simply inhumane.

Of course, the more fragments you have, the greater the benefits you will gain in the Heaven of the Divine Mausoleum.

Therefore, for those who came here, their greatest goal was to snatch as many fragments of other people's tombs as possible.

"I have five hundred."

Throwing the fragments of the sacred mausoleum into the sky boundary stone, Henry Zhang swept around: "Three hundred pieces, two hundred pieces, one hundred pieces, it seems that depending on the strength, the number of fragments of the sacred mausoleum obtained is also very different."

"More importantly, if you want to survive in Shenlingtian, fifty pieces of Shenling will be automatically deducted every day. No wonder it is said that anyone who can persist for half a year and officially become a disciple of Shenling is a monster. "

The gate of Shenling is mysterious and unpredictable.

According to the records of the Northern Territory, there are less than two hands of real disciples of this behemoth.

However, with this brutal rule, it does make sense.

The silence lasted only for a while.


Everyone in the field screamed, and the violent spiritual power swept away, flying sand and rocks, breaking the calm of the wild plain that had lasted for several years, and instantly breaking it.

What they are fighting for is naturally the fragments of the sacred tomb.

In just a short moment, several corpses lay on the surrounding wasteland.

"Boy, look at your delicate skin and tender flesh, obediently hand over the fragments of the sacred tomb, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood."

A few youths surrounded him sullenly.

Henry Zhang's age is the youngest among the people present, and he will be easily targeted.

"Want to snatch the fragments of my mausoleum?"

Amusedly, he looked at the strongest Ninth-Rank Lingpan among several people: "Time is precious, let's go up together."

Moments later.

Henry Zhang's figure rose to the sky from here, and several young men with painful faces lay on the ground and howled. The fragments of the mausoleum in their empty boundary stones all disappeared. Dissipated with a sound.

It was astonishingly sent out of the Divine Mausoleum.

"The Divine Phoenix Sect, the Great Thunder Sky, and the Shengguang Pavilion."

The fire wings flapped gently, and Henry Zhang murmured in a low voice: "These three superpowers should not be underestimated, but they are equally dangerous, and there are geniuses from those families and forces. None of those people, their cards and strength are simple."

Shenlingtian is indeed a place of slaughter.

I hope he can transform quickly in this environment.


A deep yellow flame flashed across the air, Chiyan's figure landed steadily on the ground, and a huge Sitting Mountain Ape crashed to the ground.


There was a loud bang.

The spiritual core of Sitting Mountain Ape exploded suddenly, turning into streaks of golden light hanging in the air. Those exquisitely shaped golden lights were all fragments of the divine mausoleum.

"Will the spirit core of the spirit beast become a fragment of the sacred tomb?"

Half a day later, Henry Zhang, who had been wandering in Shenlingtian for a long time, had a little understanding of the rules here. His eyes flashed, his fire wings were fully opened, and he punched the black shadow on the ancient tree beside him. Boom down.

"Hide and hide, isn't it interesting, come out for me!"

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