Master of Beasts

Chapter 964 Fast Pass

In the lush dense forest, there was a loud roar. An ancient tree with green vines all over its body violently waved its trunk. Every time it hit hard, the hard ground was smashed into cracks.

This spirit beast, named Green Vine Tree Demon, is a third-level medium Nirvana-level beast.

Even Henry Zhang faced it alone, it was a bit tricky.

However, he was not the only one dealing with the green vine tree demon at this time.

"Venomous tarantula, quench the poison!" The corner of Langtu's mouth grinned. The venomous tarantula lying on the ground flashed rapidly, with dark green venom condensed on the tips of its sharp and slender limbs.


Skimming to the side of the green vine tree demon, the slender limbs of the poisonous tarantula swept away, and a venom scar that seemed to be corroded suddenly appeared on the trunk of the green vine tree demon.

Poison quenching, a high-level nirvana-level spiritual skill, can inject toxins into the enemy's body, making them slow in action and unconscious. It is a standard equipment for many poison-attributed spirit beasts.

The dizziness that suddenly came to his mind caused the green vine tree demon to retreat one after another, and many crowded bushes burst under his feet and shattered.

That is, at this moment.


A sharp arc flashed, and on the back of the green vine dryad, a pile of shattered sawdust flew.

Flying past behind it was a large praying mantis, but its flesh and blood seemed to have been shaved clean, leaving only white bones and dark green venom attached to its double blades.

The double-edged Poison Bone Mantis, the second-tier mid-level Emperor Qiong, is a bone refining spirit beast of the Poison Bone Sect.

"Yang Ye, it's your turn." Langtu smiled faintly.


Glancing at the wolf map sideways, Yang Ye waved his right hand, and a huge poisonous bee flapped its thin wings and pounced on the green vine tree demon. The tail needle like the tip of a gun pierced the latter's arm that was trying to swing.

"Demon, give it the last blow." Henry Zhang said slowly.

Most of the people who came to the Hall of Poisonous Souls were poison-attribute healers. He didn't want to expose too many cards just after entering Shenlingtian, so he naturally tried his best to let the demons who were also poison-attributes fight.


The mushroom cap rises slightly,

The little demon mushroom opened its mouth, and the emerald green poisonous river of spiritual power roared out suddenly, engulfing the terrified green vine tree demon in it.

Suddenly, the heavily injured green vine tree demon exploded into powder from bottom to top.

Impossibly dead.

"If a few of us join hands, we must be able to fight even if we encounter a third-order Lingpan." Langtu smiled.

"Hehe, I don't want to cooperate with a poisonous wolf that can bite at any time." Yang Ye snorted coldly, obviously he had a long-standing grudge with Wolf Picture.

"I'll just say it casually." With a sneer, the corner of his mouth was raised, Lang Tu stepped forward, and turned over the remains of the green vine tree demon, while the corner of his eye glanced at the little demon mushroom.

He has extensively studied poisonous spirit beasts, but he has never seen any records of such spirit beasts.

worth noting.

"found it."

Standing up with a smile, there is an emerald green boulder between Langtu's two fingers.


A few figures surrounded him in an instant, with wary eyes.

"Don't worry, I can't run away."

Smiling and shaking his head, the wolf picture turned around a few times, and finally stopped beside an old tree, kicking sideways violently, the thick trunk cracked from the middle.


The ancient tree fell to the ground, and a stone tablet was exposed among the broken piles.

There is a small groove on the top of the stele, the shape and size of which are exactly the same as the round stone in the wolf picture.


Putting the emerald green boulders in it, Wolf Tu tactfully stepped aside under the vigilant eyes, and the surrounding ancient trees burst rapidly.

Among them, there are actually dark passages one by one!

"The information recorded in the scroll is true, the shortcut to enter the Hall of Poisonous Souls is here!"

Several people and horses looked at each other, and then left suddenly.

"My friend, I will go ahead and hope that we can still maintain a cooperative relationship in the palace." Yang Ye sent a sound transmission to Henry Zhang while sprinting.

"Well." Henry Zhang nodded silently: "I forgot to tell you, I am from Xingyun Peak, and my name is Henry Zhang."


After the words fell, Henry Zhang and Shen Xue's figures disappeared into a passage.

"Wait..." The moment he was about to enter the passage, Yang Ye stopped suddenly, his face full of astonishment.

Henry Zhang, is he from Xingyun Peak?

And, why is this name so familiar?

"Brother Yang, Henry Zhang, seems to be the top name on the Starfall List." A student from Qingming Lingyuan behind him quietly said.

Hearing this, Yang Ye took a shocked breath.

That handsome young man just now is the new No. 1 person on the Starfall List?

Why is it completely different from the legendary appearance of a tiger's back and a wolf's waist?

If Henry Zhang knew what Yang Ye was thinking, he would probably vomit blood.

He still doesn't know what the affiliated forces of Xingyun Peak have passed on to him.

"The knives array."

Holding Shen Xue's jade hand, Henry Zhang moved at a high speed in a wide passage, and the sharp blade brushed past him every time.

"It's so fast." Shen Xue, whose palms were soaked in cold sweat, was surprised by Henry Zhang's speed.

To get rid of the scroll's information, the secret path they chose is the most difficult one to pass through, because of the impenetrable reamer formation.

However, it is this obstacle that has worried her for a long time, but in front of Henry Zhang, it is like a toy.

"Thank you." Shen Xue, who passed through the reamer array and landed on the ground, had a pretty face flushed because of the violent movement just now.

Henry Zhang chose this passage, largely because of her.

In the branch hall at the end of this passage, there is a snow lotus heart.

She needs to use this thing to break through.

The strength of the ninth-level Lingpan is indeed not weak in the Shenlingtian, but if you want to compete for more exciting opportunities, without the strength of the Linghuang, don't even think about it.

Snow lotus heart and the snow lotus in her hand were refined together, and she was very sure that she would break through the Linghuang.

"Should be, if I didn't have your scroll, I would still be wandering around outside now." Henry Zhang laughed, and the speed suddenly accelerated.

Xuelian heart, he wants to get it for Shen Xue.

However, his real goal is still the treasure of the Hall of Poisonous Souls, the source of ancient poison.

"We'll be at the branch hall soon, I'll go ahead."

The flames exploded under his feet, and Henry Zhang rushed into the branch hall in front of him.

Seeing this, Shen Xue's pretty face was slightly anxious.

In the branch hall, there is a green firefly beetle of the second-order high-ranking emperor's vault, and Henry Zhang broke in like this, which was too reckless.

"Be careful……"

Just after uttering two words, Shen Xue's next words were stuck in her throat, and her beautiful eyes were dull.

In the wide branch hall, a broken beetle seemed to have been ravaged thousands of times, lying on the ground covered in scars, broken carapace, and fragmented feathers scattered around it.

And above it, a cloud of black mist billowed, and the King of Night, who was in it, was indifferently wiping the sickle blade.

Exhaling heavily, Shen Xue muttered in a low voice.

"Is this a mysterious beast..."

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