Master of Beasts

Chapter 987 Thunder Leopard Emperor

Henry Zhang's mocking voice spread in mid-air, and Yuan Zong's face suddenly turned cold. He stepped on the ground with his feet, and his figure shot into the air, and violent thunder burst out beside him.

In the thunder light is a majestic leopard, the hair all over its body stands upright like a steel needle, and a fourth-order high-level emperor-level aura sweeps around without any concealment.

Where the thunder light passed, the nearby spiritual masters and spirit beasts all hurriedly retreated.

"Thunder and Leopard King?"

Glancing at Leibao, Henry Zhang flapped his wings behind his back, turned into a white flame, and sprinted up the peak wall. The speed was staggering.


A cold hum came out, and Yuan Zong followed closely.

The towering giant peak stands like a sword, as if it wants to pierce the sky, but above it, it is extremely open, like a flat rock face.

Halfway up the giant peak.


When someone flew here, he couldn't help covering his head with his teeth bared, and then stretched out his palm in shock, stroking the air above.

"There is a barrier!"

"You must hold runestones in order to break through the restriction and ascend to the Tianlingtai!"

All of a sudden, one after another of ruthless gazes moved towards those who held the runestones. Some of the strong ones were fine and broke through the blockade with wings, but those of the weaker ones all turned pale and sweated profusely.

"If you don't want to die, just give me the runestone!"


The chaotic battle broke out on the mountainside, and ripples of spiritual power spread in all directions, shaking the space trembling.


Appearing above the mountain in a flash, Yuan Zong stared at Henry Zhang gloomyly, the arc of his mouth was full of chills: "Today, you will never leave Shenlingtian alive, I will be here to build a big one for you tombstone."

"Thunder King Leopard, Arc Lightning!"

Accompanied by the roar of a leopard, the Thunder Leopard Emperor's figure flashed continuously, and dazzling arcs of lightning shot out,

Like a dense stream of light, piercing the sky.

"He's fine." In a Tianling Terrace, Hong Shuangyue looked at Tang Honglian angrily.

Although she didn't think highly of Henry Zhang, but that was Tang Honglian's sweetheart after all, and she couldn't just stand by and watch the latter die.

"Don't worry." Tang Honglian pursed her lips and smiled.

"I really don't know, where do you have confidence in him, in case..."

Looking at the scene in front of her, Tang Honglian's voice stopped abruptly, and immediately there was a shock in her eyes.

Under the dazzling lightning arc, Henry Zhang did not retreat at all, and the white flames that enveloped him shattered all the falling lightning arcs.

"What kind of flame is that?" Mu Ling's face changed slightly.

It was the first time he had seen a white flame.


Appearing above the Thunder Leopard Emperor in an instant, Chiyan's eyes flashed coldly, and the sharp right claw, wrapped in white flames, swung down suddenly.

"A second-level high-ranking emperor-level spirit beast also wants to head-to-head with my Thunder Leopard Emperor?" Yuan Zong sneered.


The thunderous leopard claws and the white flame-wrapped fox claws collided in mid-air, and a violent air wave swept away, both retreating quickly.

"How is this possible!" Yuan Zong was shocked.

The power of the spirit beasts of the Leopard Clan is already stronger than that of the Fox Clan, and his Thunder Leopard King has been strengthened by the strength of its claws. Now, it can't do anything to Henry Zhang's spirit beasts?

"Bai Yan, Bai Yan..."

After murmuring in a low voice for a moment, a look of shock appeared on Hong Shuangyue's pretty face: "Could it be that this is the legendary Huangyan that only appears with a very small probability?"

Huang Yan, one of the most domineering flames.

If this is the case, then it can be explained why it is only the second-level Firefox that can head-to-head with the fourth-level Thunder Leopard Emperor without losing the wind.

"It doesn't matter how powerful it is, my Thunder and Leopard Emperor has the strength to suppress it!" Yuan Zong gritted his teeth: "Spiritual skills, heavy thunder!"


With a sudden flash of figure, dodging the right claw swept by Chi Yan, the Thunder Leopard Emperor's figure was shaken, and thunder light leopard shadows of the same size filled the surrounding space.

Immediately afterwards, those leopard shadows turned into streaks of thunder and rushed towards Chi Yan.

There was indifference in the eyes, the red flame nine tails suddenly spread out, and white pillars of fire spread out bang bang, blasting those leopard shadows to pieces.

Spiritual skills, fire and explosion!

Shattering the shadow of the leopard in the sky, the tip of the red flame's nine tails, the fiery flame soared, and then swung suddenly, sweeping across the place, the space was quite illusory.

"Damn it, what kind of flame is that!"

With cold sweat dripping from his hands, Yuan Zong's eyes sharpened: "Jia Chen, Xu Qing, help me!"

In an instant, a radiant duckweed and a blazing blue flame bird attacked the red flame in the middle.

Guangyao Duckweed, third-tier high-ranking imperial dome class, light attribute.

Blue Flame Bird, same strength as Guangyao Duckweed, fire attribute.

"Despicable!" Anger appeared on Tang Honglian's face.

A fourth-order spirit emperor, fighting against a first-order spirit emperor, is he still called a helper?

Hearing Tang Honglian's angry voice, the corners of Yuan Zong's mouth twitched, and immediately, as if he didn't hear it, he stared at the red flame between the three spirit beasts without squinting.

That strange flame, and Chi Yan's powerful strength made him feel uneasy.

As long as he can win, he doesn't care about face.

"Hey, let me tell you two, don't pretend that I don't exist."

Accompanied by this sound, golden light bloomed in front of Guangyao Duckweed and Blue Flame Bird, and then exploded suddenly, knocking them back.

"It's you?" Seeing Cheng Kun with an indifferent face, Jia Chen and Xu Qing were startled.

They had inquired just now that Henry Zhang and Cheng Kun had a lot of conflicts in the Thirteen Peaks. They thought that the latter should sit idly by, but why did they still try to stop them?

"Thank you." Henry Zhang smiled.

"Leave these two guys to me, and you can deal with Yuanzong with peace of mind."

With an extremely calm face, Cheng Kun cast his eyes on Jia Chen and Xu Qing, and said quietly: "Even without me, you can't take advantage of him, but as a member of Xingyun Peak, I have to do something, so you two Bad luck for a guy."



The arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Jia Chen and Xu Qing gritted their teeth and fought hard.

At this time, a dozen or so figures approached the top of the mountain. They looked at the five vacant Heavenly Spirit Terraces with greedy eyes, and even more viciousness when they moved their hands.

"Henry Zhang, don't think that your spirit beast, relying on that kind of strange flame, has the capital to compete with the Thunder Leopard Emperor!"

With his hands quickly sealed, Yuan Zong yelled violently: "Thunder Leopard Emperor, Thunder Cannon, blast that fox into dregs for me!"

The head was slightly tilted, and a bloodstain was drawn by the fire tail of the red flame. The painful Thunder Leopard roared, and a thunder vortex swirled behind it. Bombarded out.


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