Master of Fist

Chapter 954: The Secret of Jiyinghou

If you look at it at the level of Bai Lao master craftsman.

After talking for a year, Jiang Heng roughly figured out that Bai Lao should belong to the level of a sixth-level craftsman, and if it wasn't for his age and physical strength, he would already be a seventh-tier craftsman.

Even if it is possible, Bai Lao will try his best to refine a seventh-level magic weapon.

In comparison, those who can be called formation engraving masters must at least be sixth-order formation engraving masters or even seventh-order formation engraving masters.

With such a master's advice, Jiang Heng felt like he was lucky when he thought about it.

"This is an opportunity. Joining the Jiying Hou Legion can be regarded as an opportunity for me. It is certainly a proposal from the prince to me to sharpen in the Eye of Tianyu, but if I can rely on my own efforts to find another way to achieve something in other places, I don't even think about it." It is against the will of the prince!"

Jiang Heng didn't forget who arranged for him to join the Eye of Tianyu.

"Joining the Extreme Shadow Legion will only have more resources that I can use. Then I will have more time to improve my level of refining and formation inscriptions, and I will further improve the killer's magic gourd."

Jiang Heng has always been thinking about the improvement of his own strength.

And these thoughts and considerations are actually just a momentary thing in Jiang Heng's mind, and when he looked at Bai Lao again, Jiang Heng nodded.

"Okay! I am willing to follow Senior White to the Extreme Shadow Legion."


As Bai Lao said, after Jiang Heng agreed to join the Jiying Legion, he would have nothing to do with the subsequent matters.

Mr. Liu Langwan greeted Ji Haihou directly and the matter was settled.

Before Jiang Heng even had time to say hello to his dear students, he boarded Bai Lao's fleet and headed for the Jiying Legion.

And the first thing after entering the Jiying Legion's garrison is to meet Jiyinghou.

Looking at the man sitting in the first seat whose whole body was almost shrouded in shadow, Jiang Heng kept imagining what kind of image this man was.

It should be mastering some kind of shadow-like law, which is often better at assassination.

This also reminded Jiang Heng of the mysterious assassin he met when he first went to the southern border.

The other party seems to be good at the law of shadows, hiding in the shadows of others and waiting for an opportunity, and can immediately use the shadow jump to escape if he misses a hit.

Perhaps such an experience made Jiang Heng inexplicably wary of this Ji Ying Hou.

"Are you silent?"

Ji Yinghou looked directly at Jiang Heng, and an invisible divine sense began to scan Jiang Heng.

"Although you are not young, since Bai Lao said that you are very talented in refining weapons and engraving formations, then you can't be wrong!" Ji Yinghou laughed as if he was very satisfied with the talents he had recruited.

This is very realistic, if Jiang Heng is just an ordinary second-order demigod, then Ji Yinghou won't even look at Jiang Heng in the eye.

But if it is a genius who is inscribed with refining formations, that's another matter.

Ji Yinghou exchanged pleasantries with Jiang Heng, basically asking about Jiang Heng's past experience, and Jiang Heng also recounted the past experience that the prince forged for himself and added some experience in the Eye of Tianyu to dismiss the past.

In the end, he said that Jiang Heng can rest assured in the legion, the legion will protect him, and so on, and then he will enjoy the title of weapon refining consultant in the legion, and together with Bai Lao, he will control the 100 weapon refining masters of the legion.

And Mr. Bai is the chief craftsman consultant of the legion, and he can be regarded as Jiang Heng's immediate boss.

After listening to Jiyinghou's description, Jiang Heng also understood his status in the legion. He was almost on the same level as Wan Fu, second only to Jiyinghou and Bai Lao, and he could walk sideways in the legion.

Moreover, a consultant like him can use the army's refining resources at will. Of course, he also needs to serve the army. For example, he is responsible for teaching the hundreds of refiners in the army. Make weapons.

But this is not mandatory. It is a task that needs to be completed every 100 years. The task is not heavy. Compared with the rear base, I don’t know how many times more comfortable.

Jiang Heng felt relieved after leaving Jiyinghou's cave.

I don't know why when facing Jiying, Jiang Heng always feels that there is a big stone on his heart.

"Is it because the glance of the divine sense makes me uncomfortable?

But judging by Ji Yinghou's attitude, he may not have seen through my real appearance, so it seems that the disguise mask given by the prince is still very good. "

Jiang Heng murmured in his heart.

At the same time, when Jiang Heng left the cave, Ji Yinghou's face hidden in the shadows was always frowning.

The laughter he made when talking with Jiang Heng was just intentional.

With a thoughtful look on his face, he tapped the armrest unconsciously with his fingers.

"There seems to be some high-level treasure on the face. This kind of treasure is obviously not low-level. And this kind of treasure can be obtained by such a second-level craftsman. It's interesting, so who are you?

To be able to obtain such a level of treasure, who is the big man standing behind it?

The spies from the central imperial capital or the eyeliner that the prince probably arranged by my side? "

There was no one else around, and Ji Yinghou was still whispering in a voice that only he could hear.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly noticed something, the shadow on his body squirmed, and soon a wisp of shadow swirled in front of him like green smoke, and soon turned into a paragraph of words.

"Find the target as soon as possible! The target has been missing for too long, I need an explanation!"

The font is short, but the message conveyed slightly changed Ji Yinghou's face under the shadow.

With a wave of his sleeve, the shadow font in front of his eyes quickly atomized and disappeared.


"If it wasn't for that idiot in front of me, the target would have been a corpse!"

With a soft snort, Ji Yinghou regained his composure. He stared at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window, his eyes narrowed slightly and lost in thought.


Compared with the rear base, the weapon refining room of the Jiying Legion is actually not much different. If you insist, there is a difference, that is, the refining room here is similar to a large military enterprise, and it only serves the military industrial enterprise of the Jiying Legion alone. .

Bai Lao is the chairman of this military enterprise, and Jiang Heng is the second in command.

More than a hundred refiners lived in this giant metal building every day. It was divided into five floors. In addition to the living quarters of ordinary refiners on the fourth floor, the fifth floor was Shirao Jiangheng's refinery room. , the bottom three floors respectively represent the refining areas of the first-tier to third-tier refiners.

Jiang Heng walked through the first to third floors, and found that the layout here is really no different from that of a handicraft workshop.

There is no separate compartment here, and there are many cabinet shelves on one side, and the shelves are full of various forging hammers and templates for various refining shapes.

On the other side, they will visit some blueprint inventories. According to Bai Lao, a large number of forging blueprints of this class of magic soldiers are stored on each floor, and there are all kinds of blueprints related to armor stomachs, weapons, etc.

In addition, there are rows of neatly arranged refining furnaces and forging tables in the area, which are organized in an orderly manner.

It’s just that Jiang Heng almost thought that he had entered a certain oriental chef school in his previous life when he saw it at first glance. It’s really that these well-arranged stoves are so visually appealing.

"There seem to be very few people on the third floor?" Jiang Heng found that only seven or eight people were busy on the third floor.

"Hey! The old man is not the same, these are relatively competitive, but these guys have limited aptitude and can reach the third level, which is not bad." Bai Lao sighed and seemed to be very worried about this.

"Why not recruit from outside? I remember that there should be some high-level craftsmen among casual cultivators?" Jiang Heng was curious.

"I don't want to think about it, but all the refiners who come from casual cultivation seem to be the biggest of me. No one is pleasing to the eye and everyone is garbage. These people's hearts are higher than the sky, and their skills are all wild ways. Although the refining things are of good rank It is relatively high, but it is difficult to form a large scale. There are too many private goods, and I like to add a lot of back doors. Such a thing can be used by other casual repairers, but isn’t it harmful to the soldiers of the legion? "

Old Bai shook his head with emotion, and Jiang Heng also had some understanding of this.

There is indeed no shortage of great talents among the loose cultivators, but limited by the environment and resources, they are all arrogant.

Just imagine that there can be a refiner among many casual cultivators, even if this refiner is only a low-level craftsman, he can still be famous far and near for his ability to refine magic weapons, and even be respectfully called by other casual cultivators A master.

The arrogance and arrogance of these people after years of touting can be imagined.

Secondly, these magical weapons made by loose practitioners are also uneven as Bai Lao said. The better ones can be refined into good products, and the poorer ones can barely be shaped. This kind of refined magic weapon is very easy to break, and may have to be repaired and recast after a few uses.

In short, the casual weapon masters are not saying that they are not good at technology, but that there are too many people with problems, and they don't like to be restrained. Recruiting into the army may cause a mouse to spoil a pot of porridge.

"But if it's okay, it's that little guy."

Said Bai Lao pointed to the young man who was refining weapons on the third floor. The age of the other party should be within one or two hundred thousand years, which is not too old at the demigod level.

"This is a registered disciple I recruited tens of thousands of years ago. This kid's talent is considered good among this group of people, but he can barely be called good, and he is still far behind you."

Old Bai was talking on one side, but on the other side he seemed to be aware of something. The young man looked over, first nodded to Old Bai, and then looked at Jiang Heng with some vigilance.

"This kid is now a fourth-tier craftsman. It took him a hundred thousand years to climb from the first-tier craftsman to the fourth-tier. When the old man accepted him as a registered student, he was already a second-tier craftsman. His The disadvantage is also more obvious, that is, the foundation is not solid.

His grandfather was a general of the Standing Division. Xu had no access to some formal learning before, which led to his rather complicated foundation of refining weapons. It is he who is said to be complicated but not perfect. It is his talent to be able to reach the fourth level. I'm afraid it's impossible to go any further. "

Bai Lao Chuanyin said his comments, as if he was afraid that his words would irritate the young man.

"Come up with me, and then you will refine the weapon with me on the fifth floor. The various refining facilities over there are better than here, and you and I can discuss as much as we want."

Bai Lao seemed impatient to discuss matters related to refining with Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng was helpless, he knew his own situation, and the reason why he was able to talk about weapon refining knowledge with Bai Lao, the master craftsman, was mainly because he had read a lot of classics on various levels of crafting some time ago.

Maybe the practical operation is only limited to the second level, but the theory is close to the fifth level, and even a little bit of sixth level knowledge.

If it weren't for the lack of a complete set of classics for obtaining sixth-level refining equipment, Jiang Heng's theory would be even more terrifying.

As Bai Lao said, the fifth floor he is on does contain a large amount of refining equipment. There is a separate refining furnace from the first level to the sixth level. Even the forging hammers are hung on the wall in a dazzling array, like It is collectible.

Not only that, Jiang Heng also saw a dense collection of classics on one side of the bookshelf.

Jiang Heng casually picked up a book and flipped through it, and his eyes immediately brightened. This random book turned out to be related to the sixth-order level.

"Look at it as you like. No outsiders come in here all the year round. You will live here in the future. You can read and use the things and books here as you like. Old man, I am not in good health and rarely refine weapons. I will leave you alone Feel free to use it."

Jiang Heng couldn't help rolling his eyes at Bai Lao's words.

Are you old and weak?

Looking at Bai Lao's figure, which is almost like a devil's muscular man, Jiang Heng feels that even a martial artist with a physical body is not so exaggerated.

Even Jiang Heng could vaguely feel that this Bai Lao seemed to have also cultivated the Dao of the physical body, but his own realm was too low, and the other party could not see any clues under the deliberate concealment.

But hearing what Bai Lao said, Jiang Heng was really impolite. As soon as he thought about it, tens of thousands of incarnations appeared in the huge space on the fifth floor, like locusts, each holding a book and gnawing on it.


Bai Lao was a little dazed, watching the scene in front of him, but didn't react for a while.

"Good boy, you are really amazing outside of the incarnation. This is the first time this old man has seen a person who can divide so many incarnations in one breath."

While stunned, he saw that Jiang Heng's reading speed was extremely terrifying, and he was simply not a human being.

Jiang Heng is indeed a bad person now, seeing so many books that he had no access to before, how could he care about them, so he naturally read them first as a respect.

"It's good that the seniors don't blame, and the juniors also rely on this skill to improve rapidly in the art of refining." Ontology didn't read the book, but looked at Bai Lao with a smile and apologized.

"I don't mind! I don't mind! You are the first real weirdo I've seen in so many years!"

Bai Lao's words made Jiang Heng want to complain, it sounded too weird.

However, the main body was also idle when he was idle, so he simply chatted with the master craftsman.

While the avatar was crazily absorbing the knowledge of refining equipment to expand his knowledge reserve, he and Bai Lao confirmed each other, and asked about some things they didn't understand.

Jiang Heng's progress in this situation is obviously several times faster than before at the rear base.

Bai Lao is equivalent to the best teacher at this moment, Jiang Heng will naturally not let go of this good opportunity to take advantage.

So time flies by so fast, ten years have passed in the blink of an eye...

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