Master of Fist

Chapter 967 The First Round

"Don't think about it too much, these dead men are refined by some fanatics of the temples that we have captured in the south over the years!

Those fanatics are all crazy elements within the territory ruled by the pantheon. They can kill their wives and children for the gods they believe in, and even sacrifice their own ethnic group and everything.

For so many years, the Temple of the Gods has always liked to secretly send some fanatics to our Great Zhou territory to promote their deformed teachings.

For this reason, many people listened to their lies and their families were ruined.

For these people, our southern border has always dealt with capital punishment, but if the qualifications are good, we will refine them into these dead men. "

Bai Lao's explanation can be regarded as an answer to a doubt in Jiang Heng's heart.

He also has some understanding of the fanatic Jiang Heng. In the territory ruled by the temples of the gods, everything is the supremacy of theocracy.

In the hearts of the people under the rule of the Temple of the Gods, they believe in the three true gods, the twelve gods under their jurisdiction, and then the local gods in various regions.

In this way, the universe of theocracy within the territory ruled by the entire pantheon is constructed.

In fact, the three true gods are the three true god-level powerhouses in the temple of the gods. As for the twelve gods, they are the twelve palace masters.

As for the regional gods, they are the demigod-level powerhouses in the super galaxy clusters under their jurisdiction.

In Jiang Heng's cognition, the Temple of the Gods is a huge brainwashing institution, and they have extremely terrifying propaganda capabilities.

Jiang Heng has seen a lot about the situation in the territory ruled by the temples in some miscellaneous books. It is said that there, everyone is marked as a gift from the gods from birth, bestowed with flesh and soul.

After some children grow up, they will be sent to the local shrine by their parents to receive the guidance of the priest from the gods when they are about ten years old.

It is said that children who can be guided by divine grace represent the ability to communicate with the gods.

And such children will be accepted into the temple by the priests, and the priests will give their parents a large sum of money, after which the parents will not be able to see the children again.

Of course their children will never have the chance to see them again.

Because the so-called divine guidance is actually a scam, it is some domain master-level powerhouses who perceive the power of the law and blood in the child.

Such children will eventually be refined and become part of the strength of the local priests.

As for these priests, they will go to the local gods every thousand years to receive guidance from the gods.

This is actually said, in fact, when the local chief priests pay 80% of the power of the blood law that they have obtained in a thousand years to their superior demigods.

That's right, 80% and 20% belong to the priest himself.

With such layers of exploitation, the local god finally had to contribute 80% of his income every 100,000 years to a higher-level demigod-level powerhouse.

It's just that the temples of the gods are not satisfied with harvesting the power of the blood law of their own territory, they want to expand the breeding circle.

So they tried their best to send fanatics to the territory of various small and medium-sized forces and even the territory of the Great Zhou Empire.

Jiang Heng's gaze once again fell on the slowly landing fleet above.

The things after that were rather boring. Jiang Heng only saw several army commanders and Lord Hou chatting with His Royal Highness from a distance, and Jiang Heng was too far away to bother to watch.

It lasted for several hours before this superficial effort was considered over.

Jiang Heng received a message the next day.

Two days later, participate in the Martial Arts Competition on the Extreme Platform, number: 23!

This is Jiang Heng's number for participating in the conference, the first fifty of the one hundred, representing the low-level competition that Jiang Heng participated in.

There are also lines of small words below the message to introduce the rules of this competition.

The summary of the rules is very concise, that is, do not hurt other people's lives when the other party admits defeat.

Of course, there are some detailed rules, one of which is more important, that is, you must not use magic weapons that exceed one level of your own realm.

Jiang Heng didn't have any worries about this, because he was a Tier 3 man, and Nio Kai was only a Tier 4 in a strict sense.

However, Nioh Armor is comparable to the fifth-order god grade.

It's just that Jiang Heng doesn't think he has a chance to use Nioh Armor in such a game.

As time passed day by day, I thought that this kind of competition was limited to the frontline legions, and the crowd of onlookers might also be limited to these people.

But I never expected that the news of His Royal Highness holding this kind of event became more and more widespread, and finally the rear base also temporarily turned on the remote live broadcast function.

Even the Ten Thousand Stars City in the hinterland of the southern border will broadcast the event live.

Of course, it also includes the headquarters of the Eye of Tianyu organization.

At this time, in the dormitory of the Eye of Tianyu Wuqian team, Fu Gang and the others were a little bored.

Of course, Liu Que was the one who was bored. Fu Gang felt that exercising all day was not enough, so he wouldn't feel bored.

As for Ke, a new team member, she also has her own little hobby, that is, she likes to read some books. In the dormitory, she can always be seen holding a book and chewing on it.

"Hey! Did you see that His Royal Highness has come to the front line, and there is a competition to be held. In the final competition, two contestants will be contested. They have a chance to become His Royal Highness's guards!"

Liu Que, who was flipping through the bracelet projecting current events in boredom, yelled excitedly as if she had discovered something interesting.


Ke sticks out his confused head from the book, and it seems that he still hasn't figured out what's going on.

"This is it! This is it, look!"

"Well, it seems that His Royal Highness held this competition in order to motivate the soldiers who have fought hard for many years on the front line. However, His Royal Highness's main work this time is to negotiate with the super-dimensional kingdom of God."

Ke looked at it for a moment and pondered slightly.

"Why are you so boring?" Hearing Ke's rather dry words, Liu Que only felt demoralized.

"Didn't you notice that this is an opportunity to become the guard of His Royal Highness?

It's just a pity that the participants are limited to people from the frontline legion. I would also like to participate if possible. "

Listening to Liu Que's rather depressed words, Ke just smiled sweetly, pointed to a passage on the projection and said, "Didn't it be said above that the Eye of Tianyu will broadcast the whole process live, and we can watch it here with our bracelets?" , since you can’t participate, then be a spectator.”

"That's the only way to go, but this is on the front line, so I don't know if Lao Shen will have the opportunity to participate."

Suddenly Liu Que remembered Jiang Heng who also went to the front.

"Didn't Brother Shen go to the base behind the front line? Here it is said that the restricted area is the main combat members of the legion, and it needs to be recommended by the head of the legion, so it should be impossible." Ke continued to laugh and shattered Liu Que's fantasy.

"It's true of you, but it's good that Lao Shen can't participate. He has old arms and legs. If he enters this level of ring, he will be eliminated in the first round."

Liu Que also laughed at herself, thinking that Lao Shen seemed to be very old, and he was considered among the ranks of the elderly.

"Isn't there a list of combatants here? Sister Que, see if there are any acquaintances you used to be in the legion."

There is a long list under Kehu's discovery message.

Liu Que felt right when he heard it. He was also one of the main combatants of the legion before, and there might be some powerful people he knew before.

Then Liu Que saw the familiar yet unfamiliar name of Mo Mo in this list.

"That... that... Captain! Captain! Come out!"

Liu Que yelled loudly into the training room, speaking urgently, with a hint of panic.

The team members have urgent matters, as the captain, they tend to respond quickly.

Hearing Liu Que's hasty tone, Fu Gang threw down the high-load gravity device and walked out shirtless.

"Captain, do you remember what old Shen's full name is?" Seeing this, Liu Que said hastily.

"Old Shen? I remember he called Shen Mo. Why?"

While talking, Fu Gang found that the expressions of Liu Que and Ke froze, as if the world froze all of a sudden.

"Team...Captain...Look...Is that the name!"

Liu Que's hands were trembling a little, and she pointed to a certain name column on the projection.

Fu Gang was suspicious, but he carefully distinguished and nodded.

"That's right, those two words, what's wrong?"

"Captain, you should see for yourself!"

Speaking of which, Liu Que directly handed the bracelet to Fu Gang, and Fu Gang took the bracelet and looked down suspiciously. ???.

He took a deep breath for a while, and took another deep breath for a while.

"Will it be the same name and surname?"

"Impossible, there are portrait files here!"

Fu Gang looked at it and fell silent again.

"Third level! Lao Shen is getting better and better with age, how come the old man can break through every now and then?" Liu Que looked confused and puzzled.

Even the captain Fu Gang was a little confused.

But he knew more than Liu Que. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that these things happened to Jiang Heng, and it seemed reasonable.

On the contrary, Ke, who was at the side, showed a clear smile by himself after being stunned at the beginning.

She murmured in a low voice that only she could hear: "You really are not simple, I didn't expect such an unexpected surprise this time."

If the meaning is unclear, perhaps only she can understand it.

At this time, Fu Gang and Liu Que waited for a moment before recovering.

Both of them have great expectations for Jiang Heng at this time, after all, they are the ones who went out of their Wuqian team, so no matter what, they will lose the face of Wuqian team.

So they have become extremely looking forward to this event.

Finally, two days later, the game began.

Jiang Heng left the arsenal early and came to the designated area.

The so-called designated area is an independently built platform above the intersection of several legion garrisons.

It seems to have been manufactured in advance. Although the manufacture is relatively rough, it is indeed a huge suspended platform, and there are already many warships floating around it at this time.

The deck of the warship has long been filled with crowds of main combatants and auxiliary soldiers of the legion, and they are all looking forward to today's game.

Jiang Heng searched for a while, and Bai Lao flew straight to the warship where the Jiying Legion was located, and stood on the deck of one of the warships.

There is another small platform on the outer side of the platform, where His Royal Highness and several Marquis from the front line are sitting. As for the commander of the ordinary army, it is not listed here.

This is the difference in identity, and Jiang Heng can see that Ji Yinghou is also among them.

Counting them carefully, besides Jiyinghou and His Royal Highness Shizi, there are two more.

Bai Lao gave full play to his duties as a commentator, and introduced with a smile: "The one sitting on the left side of His Royal Highness is Ji Haihou, the one on the right is Ji Wuhou, and the other is our Lord Jiyinghou."

"Judging from the number of seats, it seems that the relationship between Ji Yinghou and His Royal Highness is average!" Jiang Heng found that Ji Yinghou and His Royal Highness sat relatively far away.

Another hour or so later, Ji Haihou, who had a pleasant conversation with His Royal Highness, said something in a low voice, and immediately landed on the middle platform with a light leap.

Looking around, he said in a loud voice: "Old man Ji Hai, this time, he was invited by His Royal Highness to be the chief referee of this legion martial arts competition!"

As Ji Haihou opened his mouth, the noise of discussions around him stopped abruptly.

Everyone showed extra respect for this elderly old man.

"You don't need to deliberately keep your hands in this competition. There are three Marquises, Benhou and Jiwuhou Jiyinghou, in this competition. Even if your life is in danger, the three of us can protect him in time.

Some other rules have been explained before, so don't waste time now.

There are hundreds of people in this competition, and the competition is divided into two arenas at the same time, divided into low and middle positions. In the end, the strongest player in the low position and the strongest player in the middle position will be selected respectively.

His Royal Highnesses will reward the two final winners, and I hope you will encourage them together! "

Speaking of this, many onlookers present became excited.

Most of the people in the legion are aggressive, and they like to watch the competition the most. At this time, they are a little impatient and hope that the competition will start earlier.

Seeing this, Marquis Ji Hai chuckled and said: "Then I won't say much, and all contestants are invited to enter their respective venues!"

Following the sound of Ji Haihou, many people from the watching warships flew out and landed firmly on the middle platform.

"Let's go, little friend!"

Old Bai smiled and patted Jiang Heng on the shoulder.

Jiang Heng didn't stay any longer, and jumped onto the platform.

As soon as his figure landed on the platform, Jiang Heng felt his vision blur, and when he looked again, there were no warships around, but a vast sea of ​​clouds.

And the place under his feet is no longer the previous platform, but a suspended island.

"Spatial teleportation formation?"

Jiang Heng figured it out all at once, the moving array was engraved on the platform earlier, and it was moving to a secret cave.

"Gentlemen, look at the people around you, these people will be your enemies in five minutes.

The first round is a time-limited knockout round. If you can stand on the island within a day, and there are no more than 24 people left on the island, you can enter the next round. "

The voice of Ji Haihou resounded out of thin air in this world.

Jiang Heng also found many people standing around, and his heart sank when he took a closer look.

"One hundred people? Didn't you mean to divide the arena into two, and separate the low and middle positions? Why did you get all of them in the first round?"

At this moment, someone shouted depressingly.

Indeed, Jiang Heng also discovered that there were actually a hundred people on the island at this time, that is to say, fifty people here are low-ranking people, and fifty people are middle-ranking people.

And elimination needs to eliminate seventy-six!

This means that if nothing else happens, all low players will be kicked out of the island by the strong middle players and eliminated directly.

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and whenever he met familiar people, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing is already used to it.

Because this is the Zhenmagic Division, an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main duty is to kill monsters and ghosts, and of course there are other side jobs.

It can be said.

In Zhenmensi, everyone's hands were stained with a lot of blood.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it as time went by.

Zhenmus is huge.

Those who can stay in Zhenmusi are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Zhenmagic Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy, and the other is the Exorcist.

Anyone who enters the Town of Demons starts from the lowest level of Demon Slayers,

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Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the town of magic division, and he was also the lowest-ranked demon slayer.

Possess the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with Zhenmusi's environment.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in Zhenmagus, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd. In the bloody Zhenmagus, it presents a different tranquility.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped in.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood hit his face, making his brows furrowed instinctively, but then relaxed quickly.

There is almost no way to clean off the bloody smell on everyone in Zhenmusi.

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