Master of Fist

Chapter 1178 Hope

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen to the outside world. The goddamn bastards of the Shengyuan alien race have been eyeing our human universe billions of years ago. They deserve to be killed." Hearing Jiang Heng's description, Senior Suzaku felt Angry.

"Is it already like this outside?" Senior Qiongqi looked worried.

Unexpectedly, they have been trapped here for so many years, and the outside world has undergone such earth-shaking changes.

The former Taoist friends are almost extinct now, and the four major organizations that once flourished, and even the ancient council with the most say have also been destroyed now.

There are even three powerful existences of the old level in the Shengyuan alien race.

After hearing this, even if Qiongqi and Suzaku didn't say anything, they felt extremely lost in their hearts.

The idea that Jiang Heng would be able to clear the dojo and take them out of this place was gradually extinguished, and the brilliance in his eyes gradually dimmed.

"Brother Jiang Heng, what do you think we can do even if we go out?" Suzaku sighed and said indifferently, with a somewhat bleak look on his face.

"That's right! Brother Jiang Heng, I can't wait until I have mastered the third-order law, even if I master the fourth-order, even if I have integrated a world origin achievement, so what?

There are three old existences in the alien race of Shengyuan, can I really help when I go out? "

Qiongqi also had a dejected look on his face.

Before Jiang Heng came, the three of them often discussed and discussed some ideas after going out.

First of all, it must be a good display of their current cultivation and attainments in front of those old friends.

After all, the third-level internal scene probably has already thrown off a lot of people, and even some interior colleagues of the Council of the Elders were actually at the first level when they left.

Even today, these fellow Taoists have broken through to the second level, and some of them are even the third level, so they are also the third level, and they are also super-first-line existences after they go out.

It's just that I didn't expect that the changes would be so amazing now.

Hongjun, who was the first to leave this place, suspected of breaking through the fourth level, and even about to step into the old days, traveled far away, and has not yet returned.

All the former friends who stayed in the human universe died in battle.

Although Jiang Heng also mentioned the Neijing-level powerhouses who are still alive, they don't know any of them.

For example, Jiang Heng's master Wuwei Taoist, or Li Shenjiang, they don't know these two at all.

Both Taoist Wuwei and Divine General Li are late risers, while Suzaku Qiongqi is an early batch of original gods.

When entering here, the ancestors of Daoist Wuwei and Divine General Li were probably just born.

Jiang Heng also understood the state of mind of these two seniors at this time, and after thinking about it, he said seriously: "Senior Suzaku Qiongqi, to be honest, if the juniors say that we can turn the situation around by going out, then I must be lying to you.

But there are some things I also want to talk about. "

Seeing Jiang Heng's solemn expression, Suzaku and Qiongqi listened carefully, wanting to see what Jiang Heng wanted to say.

"The two seniors, during the first catastrophe, countless senior gods at that time gave their lives and everything in their lives in order to continue the human race.

That battle was very tragic, and it is also the most tragic battle so far. The four leaders fell, and the four organizations no longer existed.

But this battle is extremely valuable, the human race has not been destroyed, and the race is still multiplying throughout the universe.

There were many generations of inheritance in the middle, but the two cosmic empires of today's Great Zhou Empire and the Chaowei Kingdom of God still developed.

It's just that that battle almost emptied the foundation of the entire human universe, and the avenue was almost exhausted, making it extremely difficult to become a true god.

Even so, there are still some of us who have stepped into the true gods, and even the warrior gods of the Great Zhou Empire have stepped into the half-step interior level. "

In fact, after hearing what Jiang Heng said, Suzaku and Qiongqi shook their heads secretly.

In their eyes, this half-step interior scene is like an ant, so they want to block the catastrophe?

However, Jiang Heng seemed to have seen through their thoughts, and continued: "And soon we will encounter the second catastrophe.

At that time, we only had one half-step interior scene, and a few true master gods. And we need to face a full two internal scene-level powerhouses!

We won this battle and won it very beautifully! "

Jiang Hengyin withdrew from General Li Shen to join the battle. Sure enough, Suzaku Qiongqi and the two of them became serious when they heard this.

Although with their current strength, ordinary interior scenes are nothing to them.

This is a very small-scale battle, but it is very unusual to be able to block the army led by two inner-level powerhouses with a half-step interior and a few true gods.

"How about the loss?" Qiongqi asked curiously.

Jiang Heng smiled and shook his head, "No loss!"

"How can this be?!"

This time it was Suzaku and Qiongqi who exclaimed in unison.


It was so unusual, how could they have imagined that Jiang Heng used the power of law to forcibly resurrect him.

"It's normal for you seniors to be trapped here and not know many things."

Jiang Heng smiled faintly, and continued: "And then there was another small-scale collision, but that time was extremely special, because the enemy who was driven into a desperate situation used a drop of old blood!"


All of a sudden, the two of them were shocked again.

"So now the human race universe is over?" Suzaku asked, indeed this is what the two of them thought at this time.

This is a drop of old blood.

The power of the old days has already exceeded the fourth-order interior scene too much, and they have integrated into the origin of the world. They are a large-scale mobile natural disaster, and it is easy to destroy the world.

Even a drop of blood essence is estimated to be close to the level of the third-order peak.

How can an existence led by a half-step interior scene compete with the power of the third-order peak level? Isn't this the old birthday star who is tired of hanging himself?

However, Jiang Heng shook his head again.

"No, the human universe is still in good shape today. At that time, the younger generation just broke through the inner scene, and used the power of time and space and the way of order to control the old phantom that had not yet fully formed, and took it away from this time and space."

"No, even if you control time and space, put this bomb into different time nodes, track you with the ability of the third-order peak, and even meet you, you will not be able to return to the original time and space at all!"

Suzaku was very suspicious, this was beyond his understanding.

According to what Jiang Heng said, doesn't that mean that the first-order internal scene not only played tricks on the other party, but also exiled the other party in front of the third-order peak internal scene.

Not only exiled the opponent, but also successfully escaped.

What is this operation?

"These are some secrets of the juniors, so it's inconvenient to share them with the two seniors." Jiang Heng smiled, he wouldn't say that he played so many tricks in the space-time dimension.

However, it was indeed extremely dangerous at that time. If there was no help from Master Wuwei Taoist body, if there was no help from the unknown old man, I am afraid that I would not be able to return to the original time and space alive.

"So, I really should go back, my hometown..."

Suzaku Qiongqi's eyes were deep and deep, and a trace of nostalgia appeared on his face involuntarily.

Jiang Heng calmly said: "Senior Chi killed Senior Yuanfeng, and there is hope to leave the extraterritorial dojo. Once he leaves alive, he will be a threat after he goes out. Maybe he can even break through and achieve the past once he goes out. I can't guarantee that he will There is no such thing as the origin of the world in my treasure harvest!"

Senior Qiongqi and Suzaku nodded.

"The two seniors also want to kill this beast, right?" Jiang Heng asked.

"I want to kill him, of course I want to kill him. We have been trying to get rid of this thief all these years. Yuanfeng is our friend. Over the years, he has witnessed the rise of the human race. It is so wronged to fall." Senior Suzaku Gritting his teeth, "I can't help it. I know Brother Jiang Heng, you want to help, but Senior Chi is very cautious, he rarely goes out, and he hides in the treasure, how to kill him?"

"There's no way, brother Jiang Heng, you brought a group of helpers here, giving us an absolute advantage in numbers, but the other party is hiding in the treasure, and with the help of the treasure, they can completely resist." Senior Qiongqi shook his head.

"But if you don't try it, how will you know?" Jiang Heng said calmly.

"Do you have a way?" Both of them were excited.

The two had wanted to kill a thief like Chi for a long time, but they never found the right time.

"We must try." Jiang Heng said, "But don't be reckless, you have to cut your flesh with a soft knife."

"Brother Jiang Heng, that Chi is not easy to deal with, don't use a soft knife to cut flesh, and set yourself up." Senior Suzaku was worried, he was worried that Jiang Heng was delivering food.

"No problem." Jiang Heng said.

Although he is very hostile to Chi, but if given the opportunity, Jiang Heng will not hesitate at all!

However, I heard that Chi is very powerful, and he has the hope of leaving the extraterritorial dojo... Jiang Heng's murderous intention suddenly arises. If the other party really goes out, if he breaks through, he will become the old days.

That is the help of the Shengyuan alien race, this guy is a bone boy, he must be eliminated!

Jiang Heng absolutely does not hope that the alien race of Shengyuan will have one more combat power of the old level.

Judging from Chi's performance, once this guy leaves here, he will definitely be forced to return to the Saint Yuan alien race.

Senior Suzaku and Senior Qiongqi walked side by side, looking at the majestic ancient magic palace in the distance.

"Jiang Heng encountered some setbacks when he defeated the gatekeeper in front of him this time, but the gatekeepers behind him are more powerful than each other...I'm afraid we have to go out, I don't know how many years it will be." Senior Qiongqi sighed , he had killed Xiongguan of a different race, so it was very clear that it seemed that he had only persisted for ten thousand years, but how many people were trapped in the Thunder God Palace.

Like the previous Yuanfeng, she was as imposing as a rainbow when she first arrived at the Ancient Demon Palace, but she couldn't go any further! And Jiang Heng is facing the last gatekeeper... The further the strength is, the more difficult it is to improve.

As for Senior Qiongqi and Senior Suzaku, their strength has improved little over the long years, only slightly stronger than when they first entered the Ancient Demon Palace.

"It's hard to say." Senior Suzaku shook his head, "We have been in the Ancient Demon Palace for a long time, and our cultivation is already very slow.

That's because we have been trapped in the palaces in front of us for too long and too long, and we have squeezed too much of our potential. Our strength has been improved to the limit now, and it is naturally very difficult to improve. But Jiang Heng entered the Da Neng Dojo and killed him here in one breath. His potential has not yet reached the limit, and his potential is much higher than ours. You must know that Hongjun back then broke through one after another, killing all the last gatekeepers in one go, and left this place forcefully. "

Senior Qiongqi was stunned, nodded and said: "You're right, our potential is almost exhausted, and we can hardly improve at all. Jiang Heng is completely opposite to us."

"Actually, I've always been surprised." Senior Suzaku sighed, "To be able to kill the ancient demon palace in one go. Such a talent, such strength, in the human universe... is definitely the most extreme interior scene. With his talent, in the The human race universe can become the old days after a period of time, right? How could it be so risky to enter this extraterritorial power dojo?"

"That's true." Senior Qiongqi sighed, "I was also wondering."

"In any case, since Jiang Heng appeared, it is our good fortune." Senior Suzaku looked at the ancient magic palace in the distance with emotion, "We have hope to leave this place."

"Well, this kid Jiang Heng has already started to retreat. From my point of view, I'm afraid he has gained a lot of insights, and it is estimated that he will go a step further." Senior Qiongqi said.

"Even we gained a lot from killing the alien Xiongguan for the first time, let alone Jiang Heng."

"Well, it would be even better if he made great progress this time and cleared the Ancient Demon Palace in one go!"

"Let's wait slowly, maybe there is a chance!"

Both interior scenes look forward to it.

They don't have any confidence in their clearance.

Now Jiang Heng's opportunities are infinite, this newcomer feels very unusual!


"Brother Jiang Heng is retreating."

"I hope this time he can surge in strength again!"

Zhenwu and Yan also looked at the ancient demon palace from a distance, and they followed Jiang Heng all the way to kill, and they were all eager to talk to each other.

All the interior scenes in the entire ancient magic palace are all focused on Jiang Heng who is retreating in the ancient magic palace, because these interior scenes have long since given up, and even the long-famous Suzaku and Qiongqi are far away from their strengths .

They can only pin their hopes on Jiang Heng and bet everything on Jiang Heng.

However, they couldn't put too much pressure on Jiang Heng... they could only wait and pray silently.

Longing to return to the human race universe to see the familiar star universe and the magnificent scene belonging to the human race.

Looking forward to seeing those past scenery.

Even in the face of the current enemy of the human race, the Shengyuan alien race, and this is another reason why they want to return to the real battlefield.

Fighting here, they have no dreams, they just want to live, but fighting against foreign enemies in the human race universe is for the continuation of the group, for counterattack, and for venting the anger in their hearts!

Even if it is death, they are not afraid!

It's just that compared to death, living without dreams, hopes and pursuits is the scariest thing. Here they don't even feel the passage of time.

There are only a few people who can accompany you, and you are extremely lonely.

Just like Zhenwu, his situation was the most serious. He was alone in the Imaginary Palace at that time, and that kind of loneliness almost drove him crazy.

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