Master of Fist

Chapter 1182: Departure again for Kuli

"Kill you?" Jiang Heng sneered.

The other party should indeed be killed, no matter how extravagant the words are, after all, since he did it, he should think clearly about the consequences.

"It's too cheap to kill you, go in, I will take you out, and fight for the human universe until you die!"

Jiang Heng said that he had already revealed his own phantom of the inner scene.

Seeing this, everyone was slightly silent, and no one spoke well of Fuxi, because they had already admitted it.

Even those people who were close to Fuxi just couldn't bear it at this time, but they didn't say anything.

At this level of cultivation, of course, there will be no love for children like ordinary people. If you do something wrong, you have to admit it.

Fuxi nodded, his figure quickly disappeared into the inner scene, and he was bound by those chains on the road of self-proclaimed law.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, which is used by old bookworms,]


The matter of Chi is already a thing of the past, what Jiang Heng pays most attention to now is the last obstacle! There is only one last step left before leaving the Almighty Dojo alive——

A certain day after more than five thousand years of coming to the ancient magic palace.

The fierce sun hangs overhead.

On the other edge of the ancient magic palace, Jiang Heng and Senior Zhuyin were standing there looking at the front.

Senior Zhuyin pointed to the distance: "Look, there is the alien pass leading to the next palace! It will be the last pass leading to the fifth palace. As long as you pass the alien pass, you can reach the fifth palace. Get out of here."

"Is it the alien pass again?" Jiang Heng looked at the suspended passage in the distance, and there were countless densely packed swords, guns, swords and halberds standing in front of the suspended passage.

"What is the strength of the gatekeepers on the alien Xiongguan, and what should we pay attention to?" Jiang Heng asked.

This is the last obstacle, Jiang Heng understands that the gatekeeper who can sit here must be extremely terrifying.

Senior Zhuyin and Senior Qiongqi glanced at each other and then laughed, Senior Zhuyin looked at Jiang Heng: "The opponent of this alien hero... only you!"

"Me?" Jiang Heng was startled.


Senior Zhuyin explained, "When you kill the alien Xiongguan, the enemies that appear have the same physical body, supernatural powers, mana, etc., as you. The only difference is the supernatural power he uses, which is the supernatural power of a family with similar laws outside this region."

Jiang Heng was a little shocked.

My own advantage is that the third level of the "Avenue of God of War" is close to the later stage, but this advantage has been wiped out under the exact same situation in the foreign race Xiongguan.

"At the alien Xiongguan, the comparison is pure fighting skills." Senior Qiongqi also said with emotion, "For me, it is better than the martial arts skills of magic soldiers, but for Jiang Heng, you are better than physical supernatural powers! Your supernatural powers are stronger than the enemy , to kill the enemy.

And there are 20 such enemies in total. They all have the same physical and magical powers as you, but the magical powers they display are different. The later the gatekeepers, the higher the magical powers. "

"There are twenty gatekeepers in this alien gate, as if twenty people are twenty of you. Only by beheading these twenty of you who are exactly the same as yourself can you reach the fifth palace and get out of this damned place. Da Neng Dojo." Senior Qiong Qi said.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly.

Is it okay to compete on your own?

And there are still twenty identical selves, how can this be fought?

Knowing the horror of this alien race, Jiang Heng also felt a lot of pressure at this time. I am stronger than other internal scenes because of the God of War. The physical body is strong enough and there are enough laws, but now they are all gone. If it's simply a comparison of supernatural powers... Fortunately, I passed through a foreign race and fought for thousands of years before, and my supernatural powers can be regarded as rising!

But Jiang Heng himself knew that a large part of his supernatural power came from the power of the God of War as the engine.

"If the advantage of God of War Dao is wiped out, can I still kill through the alien Xiongguan here?" Jiang Heng was a little uncertain.

"Brother Jiang Heng, you are the one that the commander of the foreign race said has the most hope of surviving from the Da Neng Dojo. We are all counting on you." Uncle Zhenwu laughed.

"If you go out, we can go out with you."

"Brother Jiang Heng wants to go out. It must not be difficult."

At this time, everyone was setting up simple food outside, and the digital insiders gathered together. They looked at Jiang Heng with great anticipation, because in their hearts, Jiang Heng was indeed the most hopeful person to leave here.

In the previous battle, Jiang Heng also proved with his strength that he was indeed the most capable person to leave this place.

They've been here too long and bored. Just like some prisoners, trapped in one place all day long, always want to go out and see the outside world.

"Hehe, don't put too much psychological burden on Brother Jiang Heng." Senior Zhuyin shouted, "How can it be so easy to kill this powerful dojo? Let Jiang Heng be careful. It doesn't matter if you fail many times, anyway. I’ve been waiting here for countless years, and it’s not too late.”

"Well, we're not in a hurry. We're in a hurry. It's a war when we go out. We can relax here."

"Yes! There may be many troubles when we go out. We are not in a hurry."

"Now there are alien races outside. Of course, we have to go out early, otherwise it will be slow. We couldn't eat warm food in this battle, how boring!"

The crowd burst into laughter all of a sudden.

Senior Qiongqi and Zhuyin came to Jiang Heng's side, and Senior Qiongqi said calmly: "Jiang Heng, to tell you the truth, this alien race... I have tried a lot with Zhuyin Suzaku back then. Second-rate.

But when I was only eleventh, I couldn't kill anything.

Suzaku is stuck at the eighth enemy. Zhuyin was better, and had to retreat in front of ten enemies.

These 20 gatekeepers gradually become stronger as they go on, and their strength is based on your foundation in all aspects.

I still have nine gatekeepers who have not been killed!

They are worse than me, but our hopes are slim.

The previous Yuanfeng managed to kill the 18th gatekeeper, and Chi Zai had 16 gatekeepers, but they were still a bit behind. "

"Yes." Senior Zhuyin also sighed. "Twenty gatekeepers, I'm only halfway through.

There are ten more!

I really have no confidence.

In fact, Yuanfeng was very promising back then, when he beheaded eighteen gatekeepers.

Only the last two Gatekeepers remain. It's a pity that he died in the hands of Na Chi, who was also stronger than the two of us, and now Chi also beheaded sixteen gatekeepers, but only the last four remained. "

Jiang Heng nodded slightly.

He felt that seniors Zhuyin and Qiongqi seemed to have lost their fighting spirit, as if everything had been taken out of their spines because of repeated failures, and they lost their vigor.

"The two of us left this place with no hope and relying on our own strength." Senior Qiongqi looked at Jiang Heng, "Now everyone here can only look at the three of us, but the two of us are very self-aware that there is definitely no way, so This important task still has to be entrusted to you.”

"Jiang Heng, it's all up to you." Senior Zhuyin also looked at Jiang Heng.

"I can only do my best. I have never fought against myself, and there are still so many selves who are getting stronger, so I am not sure." Jiang Heng said.

"Hey!" Senior Qiongqi asked, "Remember, if you kill the nineteenth gatekeeper, then leave immediately, come back, and return to the Ancient Demon Palace."

"Why is that?" Jiang Heng was taken aback.

"If you directly killed twenty gatekeepers, then you will go directly to the fifth palace, and you will be considered as leaving the dojo directly." Senior Qiongqi continued,

"Then what do we do with so many people here? They are waiting for you to take them away from here.

So as long as you can kill twenty gatekeepers, then come back and bring everyone together to kill the twentieth gatekeeper. "

"That's right, Hongjun back then, it is said that he didn't say a word in the alien Xiongguan, directly beheaded all the gatekeepers, and finally left the dojo alone, without even carrying a single scene." Senior Qiongqi said angrily again, "This Hongjun, it's too selfish."

"Of course, it's not necessarily his fault." Senior Zhuyin said, "Maybe he got carried away when he killed, and some forgot the exact number of gatekeepers, so he went out in a hurry, and when he looked back and wanted to come back, he couldn't go back. coming."

"Hmph." Senior Suzaku was displeased, obviously resentful towards Hongjun.

"Hey, what's the use of saying this." Zhu Yin looked at Jiang Heng with a smile, "Jiang Heng, we really can't do it, and we can only rely on you from now on."

"Let's take a rest today, and work hard tomorrow. Of course, don't kill too hard, take it slowly, and don't rush for quick success." Senior Zhuyin said with a smile.

"If I can kill the nineteenth gatekeeper, I should be thankful." Jiang Heng shook his head. He didn't have much confidence, after all, he had never tried it before.

next day

In the sky above the ancient magic palace, the digital interior scene and Jiang Heng are saying their final farewell.

"Brother Jiang Heng, be careful when you go."

"Yes! Just remember to turn around when you kill the nineteenth."

"Jiang Heng, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about no firewood. Don't act rashly and lose your life."

The seniors all made entrustments.

Although there is no precedent for Nei Jing dying in the Xiongguan of a foreign race, he has to be cautious, as it is easy to fall into it once he gets on top.

However, Jiang Heng was not worried. The gatekeepers he met in the inner scene had exactly the same physical body and supernatural powers. When other inner scenes met the gatekeepers, they might be easily trapped because of their weak physical bodies and poor escape speed, but he himself No such consideration.

And I have the way of God of War, a strong physical body, and the avenues of order and time and space. The former can restrain the opponent, and the latter can strengthen my speed and movement ability

"I'm leaving now." Jiang Heng waved goodbye, and immediately stepped onto the suspended passage alone.

The digital interior scenes all watched Jiang Heng disappear at the end of the suspended passage, and went to the alien race's Xiongguan in the distance.

"The war in the human universe really seems to be involved earlier."

"It depends on whether brother Jiang Heng can succeed."

Everyone in the interior scene is more nervous than Jiang Heng at the moment.

They didn't really feel much about going out before, but with Jiang Heng, they really went to kill the alien Xiongguan.

Instead, everyone worried about gains and losses. After all, being trapped here for a long time will produce a prisoner effect.

Living in one place for too long, I am a little afraid of going out. It seems that I have become a habit here, and suddenly coming to a strange place has some unknown fears.

And this is normal, even the gods cannot avoid it, because they have stayed here for too long.

"Jiang Heng... can it be done?"

There is hope and even anxiety in the eyes of the digital interior scene.

They longed to go out in their hearts, but they were a little uneasy. It seemed that going out was a major decision for them, and it was indeed the case.


Walk in the suspended passage. I don't know how long it has been.

Jiang Heng ignored the walls of the corridor on both sides formed by the dense swords, guns and halberds along the way, but at this moment he stopped suddenly.

Just because a black-haired young man appeared in the distance ahead, his appearance was almost indistinguishable from Jiang Heng, as if carved out of a mold.

"Is this the treacherous engraving ability of this place?" Jiang Heng was slightly taken aback.

"Jiang Heng, I'm the first gatekeeper. Look at that wall." The black-haired young man pointed to a translucent wall not far away, and a phantom appeared on the huge translucent wall. She is practicing a supernatural power, ranging from the superficial to the subtle, from the simple to the tedious. A powerful set of supernatural powers is being demonstrated.

"The supernatural power that emerges from this transparent wall will be the supernatural power that I will display soon." The black-haired young man looked at Jiang Heng. "You can watch this magical power several times until it disappears. Then we can start fighting."

"Is there such a good thing?" Jiang Heng was a little unexpected.

I didn't expect that here I could let myself understand the enemy's supernatural powers first.

But it's normal to think about it, Qiongqi and Senior Zhuyin can pass through so many levels in one go, if they have no advantage, it's really not so easy if they have exactly the same strength and supernatural power.

Now it seems that this is a hidden benefit. As long as you understand the other party's supernatural powers, it will add a lot of help to deal with it.

Jiang Heng kept observing a magical power that appeared on the translucent wall. Jiang Heng's comprehension ability was still very strong, and at this time, there were many incarnations in his inner scene who began to deduce it at the same time. It took only an hour to analyze this magical power. When he arrived, he thoroughly understood this supernatural power.

"Very ingenious and unique supernatural power." Jiang Heng sighed, but he didn't panic in his heart, because the supernatural power of the first gatekeeper didn't seem to pose much threat to him.

"Is that enough?" the black-haired young man asked suspiciously.

"It's time to start." Jiang Heng nodded.

"Then be careful!"

The black-haired young man suddenly swayed, revealing the Sanctuary of Brahma Martial Arts, and at the same time, he used the Star Picking Hand to kill Jiang Heng directly.

Jiang Heng is a bit complicated, because everything about this enemy is exactly the same as himself, and the appearance is also the same. It's like looking in a mirror, which is very weird.


Although the enemy's strength skyrocketed and he used the Star Picking Hand, but Jiang Heng's law was unified, and the opponent was sent flying with a slap of the big hand. At the moment the opponent made a move, another magical power in the opponent's body, that is, the magical power demonstrated earlier, had already been released. It was analyzed by him.

It was a supernatural power that could temporarily increase strength, but after being analyzed, these powers were directly removed, and naturally they were directly slapped away by Jiang Heng.

"You are much stronger than me." The black-haired young man landed on the sky above the suspended passage, his forehead slightly raised, "You have won this battle."


Immediately, the black-haired youth was blown away by the breeze like smoke.

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