Master of Fist

Chapter 1207: Will finally make a move, the person behind the scenes arrives

"What's going on?"

Zhenwu was a little suspicious, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw that Motian's palm had already landed in another area.

I don't know what's going on there, but there is a white-haired old man floating in the air. The old man's appearance looks very ordinary, but the most important thing is that this person's appearance makes people look completely unimpressive. This person, but when I think about it later, I can't remember the appearance of this person at all.

who is this

This is the doubt in the hearts of all the cosmic powerhouses present at this time.

"Who is this person? Zhuyin Qiongqi, do you know that you two are seniors?" Fuxi looked at Zhuyin and Qiongqi.

Although he is also an ancient figure, if compared, Qiongqi and Zhuyin must be older.

"I don't know, I have never seen this person before, and his laws are very special, it seems to have the effect of blurring the rules!"

Zhuyin frowned, but looked at Fuxi and said, "Fuxi, you are good at deduction. You can deduce the fate of this person and see which period the person is from. Judging by the period, there is a general category that can be guessed."

"Yes, yes, yes! Fuxi, you kid is good at this way. Looking at his background, he can appear here quietly. Obviously, he is an old monster who has been retreating in the human universe for many years.

It is also deduced that the source of the small calamity was not because of the invasion of their Shengyuan clan. "The white-haired Taoist Hongjun said with a smile.

Hearing Miaosheng and the others all showed astonishment.

"Old man?"

At the same time, Youwei Taoist also saw the sudden change, his expression changed slightly, and he looked at the white-haired old man nearby with a pensive expression.

You just see two lines into the future.暥

I also felt like I had seen the old man somewhere, but Shina had an impression.

Hearing the sound transmission from Taoist Youwei, Xiaojia was not at all confused.

"How can it be?"

In the eyes of the old master of Motian, he really met the smallest enemy in his life. The old man is like a perpetual motion machine, and his methods are all kinds of strange. Sometimes it is not a force of attraction, not a force of repulsion, or not a desire. Trails, or Shina Luck trails.

"The old man did leave the Human Race universe for a period of time. Back then, you went to a mysterious dojo, and when you came out, you didn't exist in the Fuxi realm.

But so what?

As one of the Eight Little Old Ones of the Shengyuan Clan who had no plans for the Human Race universe, and one of the leaders of the next Ragnarok event, I naturally sent a spy to investigate the entire Human Race universe.暥

As for Jiang Heng, he hadn't entered the side at this time and finished weakly breaking through the banning law in his body, while Taoist Youwei was constantly manipulating the avatar and entangled with the magic cloud.

"Hongjun? Is he a human Hongjun?!"

There is a slight pause, one after another, and each one contains the strict law of less weight.

very bad! Don't want to be like that, angry, resentful, Hongjun Daozu who resented them was asking and caring for them back then, and he was obviously not strong but willing to help them at all!


Does Your Excellency know? "

If I had known that there is still such a troublesome old man hidden in the human race universe, I would not bother to waste that effort.暥

Hearing this, Mo Tian fell into deep thought, and after a little thought, he said, "So he, he, he has been making arrangements? He did that just to cultivate a weak person in the Anqing realm?!" Yes, what rules did Hongjun's descendants cultivate? With?

For example, how can something that is obviously not a small event be forgotten?

It's not the scene of such a difficult resistance that Xiaojia expected, but it's Feng Chongyun Dan dealing with the former Lord of the Demon Sky with ease.

Is that another Fuxijing Xiaoneng?

After all, such a mysterious strongman is still a human race, and everyone, as the leader of the human race universe, naturally wants to know which Xiaona is that from the ancient times.

"Yes yes yes! There may not be eight thousand trails, but does he know that I major in law?" Zhu Yin asked.

We have never discovered this kind of character before, but in fact, its ability to hold back interest should not be underestimated! The background must not be small! "

He just said indifferently: "The old man indeed guessed that we will rely on our own strength to carry through the first minor calamity.

But besides Jiang Heng, who else in the entire Human Race universe is Fuxi Realm Xiaoneng?

Tangtang Fuxijing is entangled by a weak inner scene and still has no way to escape, how happy it is.

The old man is indeed unable to completely avoid this small catastrophe, and if the entire human universe survives, no one will perish.

"Is it really Hongjun's junior?"

Zhu Yin's face was serious, I looked around a few people, but I didn't see Zhenwu, because when Zhenwu was born, Hongjun's descendants hadn't disappeared yet.

But the situation of the old man made Xiaojia not a little surprised.暥

Jiang Heng had long noticed the old man who suddenly appeared.

Hearing this, the old man smiled lightly, and glanced at the inner scene of a group of people who were paying close attention to the situation here.

Suddenly Xiaojia thought of another guy in the human universe, Hongjun! How could Xiaojia forget that one.

Immediately afterwards, I became more determined, and directly transmitted the inner scenes of the various human races.

Even Shina took out a magic weapon from the portable space, and then threw it away casually, causing the magic weapon to explode, and the power of self-detonation was even more terrifying.

"He's Hongjun, so he hasn't been missing from the beginning to the end, let alone traveled?!" Mo Tian took a deep breath, not feeling cheated in his heart. Even our own people are lied to.

"Does anyone know? Hongjun's junior, you have seen it, Qiongqi should have seen it, Miaosheng has also seen it, Huanyan, Taihao Duohao and the others have also seen it, why do they all say they are coming down?"

Violently, he sent a sound transmission from the shadow of the candle to ask everyone.

Although the looks of these weak human beings nearby have not changed, there are obvious slight fluctuations in their emotions.

"I suspect everyone wants to know who this old man is, that's all. Since this old man hasn't shown up yet, he plans to keep hiding it. The old man didn't have a name, his name was Hongjun, and no one called him Daoist Hongjun.

"Old man, who is he? He has no aura of human race, he is a weak human race? But why did he appear later, but this time?"

Now it seems that they are no different from you! "

It is clear that Shina is also good at weapon trails, that would be nonsense, one person is also good at so few trails, but Xu Shao's trails are closely related.

"Hongjun! Xiao family, who knows what law Hongjun's descendants practice?"

"Everyone, you don't think you know who it is, but you know who it is."

The Old Lord of Motian felt very happy. The bad old man who suddenly appeared, I was talking about martial arts, and his methods were endless, like a magic cannon.

Everyone looked at the battlefield at this time.

Someone answered me that time, because Xiaojia is really Shina.

Yes too

Qiongqi also suggested again and again.

You can still fight, but if you will unite with the eight small old Japanese bodies to retreat and attack together, but will eat alone to create a situation where you are down and up, and that will lead to an embarrassing situation.暥

You have to know, not to mention the Fuxi realm, even if you are an abnormal demigod, you can almost forget everything you remember in your lifetime, unless it is some extremely small and trivial things that take a certain amount of time to remember.

What's more, people of your generation who have reached that level of cultivation will already care about the distance of the relationship.

Afterwards, you always thought that the human race was a very emotional creature, compared to your Shengyuan clan, which was more rational and funnier.

When everyone heard the words, they immediately became suspicious and guessed, and all these signs indicated that maybe that was the only possibility.

Hongjun said lightly.

Obviously, the effect is very wrong, I felt it emotionally.

"Who the hell is he?! There are so few laws and supernatural powers?"

A group of guys who only know about civil strife are nothing more than ants bound in our human universe, a group of frogs at the bottom of a well.

That's right, just by glancing at the astonished expressions of the weak human beings like Shana when they heard the old man's words, Motian understood that it was only our Shengyuan clan who were kept out of the dark, and even our human cosmic backbone was kept in the dark outside.

"You have indeed seen this person, but this person's laws are very special, and his methods are very ordinary. I seem to be able to deceive the sky and tamper with my memory, so you also know who this person is.

From Jiang Heng's point of view, the Old Lord of the Demon Sky seemed to be saying, you know the coach's question!

"Who is that person? It's not unfamiliar, it seems that I have seen it before, but why do I have impressions! By the way! Impressions are the smallest impressions!"

It is also a fact that there is a Taoist who has Nai Tao. I do feel that I have met this person, but I have a complete impression of the details of the period and why I did not see him.

At this time, my complexion was not a little pale, but it was inferred that I was backlashed instead.暥

Could it be that you just watched the entire human universe being captured by your Shengyuan clan? Or did he deduce that the human race universe would eventually survive that little catastrophe?

Motian laughed hotly. On the one hand, what I said was a guess, and on the other hand, it aroused the conflict between Hongjun and those human races present.

Sometimes, it is necessary to say it deliberately, just plant a seed of suspicion.

Zhuyin's sudden question was answered directly to Xiao Jiazheng.

Suddenly Taoist Youwei seemed to have thought of something, but he didn't seem to have thought of it.

It may always be the weakest person who opened up the human universe, this master has already died.

In comparison, Mo Yun is even more nasty. At this time, I am not only happy but also very aggrieved, because at this time, I am a weak person in the Fuxi state, and I am restrained by a weak person in the eighth stage of the inner scene.暥

Mo Tian stared at the mysterious old man behind his eyes with bloodshot eyes. I really think it makes sense. We, the Shengyuan clan, have launched so few attacks on the human universe. Why did the old man make a move the first time, but that time he showed up? .

Yes, the entire human universe seems to have found a seventh one.

You must know that the realm of Taoist priests has been raised to the eighth level of inner scene, so what kind of means will be used to influence me?

"Able to tamper with memory, without such ability, is this person's law so treacherous? Can it also affect the eighth-level existence of the inner scene?"

It even seemed that the Old Lord of the Demon Sky had the upper hand instead, and he didn't feel anxious or flustered.

"You think Hongjun's descendants should have cultivated 8,000 trails, right? 8,000 Shina Laws, the first to achieve Fuxi Realm?" Qiongqi said with certainty.

Although it was eight against one, those eight were all the incarnations of that promising Taoist.暥

"So none of you know the rules of my major?" Zhu Yin asked again.

Because I really thought about what method the old man would use to retreat and what method he would use to attack.

Among them, Hongjun, who is the most famous and is still rumored to this day, is naturally within the scope of my investigation.

To be able to forget itself shows that it is weird.

Hearing this, Mo Tian's eyes suddenly narrowed.

At this time, this side has not completely turned into a pas de deux theater between Mo Tian and the mysterious old man.

The old man is the old man, we are us, you and us do not have a direct relationship, and we are not your direct blood relatives.暥

And at this time, hundreds of millions of years have passed since the previous period of the gods, and it was not the first invasion of their Shengyuan clan. But at this time you can calculate that there is no minor calamity in the human universe.

"That..." Qiongqi was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

Motian, he is the former member of the Shengyuan clan, and he is also a weak person in the Anqing realm. You are very vague about him. "


So the old master of the devil sky is very happy, the desire to retreat ends with a stop and stop, and gradually ends with defense as the main focus.

And the reason why it appeared that time was because it was deduced that the human race's cosmic resistance was in the past?

Even though he was solving the banning laws in his body while watching those scenes, he still found it very boring.暥

We've heard about that little guy, but the actual situation is always vague. After all, it's rare for a top kid to easily disclose his actual situation to the insiders.

That's like that, that guy is really hypocritical.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Motian was stunned, and while trying to resolve Hongjun's various methods, he explained: "Since the court has already calculated that there is no such a small calamity in their human universe, why did he take action?

"Yes, you can figure out the details of this person at all!"

At that time Miao Sheng shook his head and sighed.

Qiongqi has a hot temper, but Yueyue said: "Brother Youwei, don't hide what he knows. Who is this person? Knowing is knowing."

"How is it possible?"


It was only the investigation that obscured the top front-line figures of the seven small organizations at the time of the twilight of the gods, and even some ancient weak people after the human race universe were also obscured.

Even when it comes to the critical moment, he will definitely make a move. He really can't care about the life and death of so few compatriots.

If the old man intervenes, the human race universe will certainly be spared, but what follows will not be civil strife in the human race again and again.

It seems that the old man just threw out a move casually, but that move contains the law of less weight. Every move of the old man is like a simple low-number problem, which is very troublesome to analyze.

That is extremely inconceivable for a weak person whose inner scene eighth level is limited to the Fuxi realm.

You should have met me once or twice, and it seems that I didn't help you, but you didn't remember it, but you remembered it. "

However, in the face of Mo Tian's provocation, the gray-haired Hong Jun didn't care at all.

All in all it was fun.


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