Master of Fist

Chapter 1228: Troubleshooting

For a person who has always been tortured by illness and suddenly experiences the experience card of being young and strong, this desire will become even stronger.

Gutalink is like a drowning man pleading for help from those on the shore.

Jiang Heng looked at each other silently, and his spiritual sense had long observed the psychological changes of the members of the Gutuo royal family next to him.

This group of people still couldn't believe it, as if their own sky had collapsed. This is also understandable.

But this time Jiang Heng came here to crush the sky in their hearts and make them realize clearly what is reality!

He, Jiang Heng, really wanted to form an alliance with the Gu Tuo clan.

But it is impossible for the two to be on an equal footing, not to mention that Alice, the Queen of Gutuo, was very shrewd and well-behaved before, even if she was a slave or a handmaid, Jiang Heng would not back down in the slightest.

Because at this moment, Jiang Heng represents the entire universe, and no mercy is allowed.

Is it difficult for the Gutuo family? It must be difficult!

But no matter how difficult it is to have them, is it difficult for the human race universe?


Once the human race universe fails, the human race universe will be greeted with destruction, and the Gutuo clan is itself a vassal of the Shengyuan clan, so they can't even talk about failure or not, at most the royal power will be further deprived.

So today, Jiang Heng came not only to negotiate, but also to establish his prestige.

Let the Gutuo family clearly realize that they are not qualified to be equal to the human universe at all, and they can only be forced to serve the human universe.

As for whether this would cause future troubles, Jiang Heng didn't care at all, and even said that he didn't need to care.

This is just a simple cooperation and alliance relationship. Once the human race universe passes this threshold, he will discuss with the Great Zhou Emperor and immediately terminate the alliance relationship with the Gu Tuo clan.

It’s not about abandoning them, but letting them choose for themselves. If they want to continue to join the Human Race Universe Alliance, then continue to maintain this relationship, and our Human Race Universe will not enslave you, and let you be completely free, but outside the Human Race Universe Conquest, or when you are in trouble, you Gutuo clan must not shirk.

To put it simply, our human universe will not interfere with your internal affairs in small matters, but you must unconditionally follow the will of our human universe in major matters!

"Gutuolinke, right? I know you. I have seen through the past from your birth to the present, but why should I help you?" The talker of the Tuo family.

He needs something real, not just plain phony.

Apparently after being slightly dazed, Gutu Linke, who had lived for so many years, also understood this truth. He was slightly absent-minded, glanced around, and saw despair and unwillingness in the eyes of these descendants, but he didn't care.

This group of descendants probably felt humiliated. Now, the dignified elder of his clan is so humiliated, prostrate like a dog in front of a strong man from a foreign domain.

But he didn't care at all, he was fed up with the feeling that these responsibilities were on his own.

Since he was a child, he has been instilled by the previous generation of the royal family with the concept of continuing the ethnic group, and the idea that he must give everything for the ethnic group, but now he has devoted so many years to the ethnic group, and he really can't bear it.

He was really afraid that one day he would not be able to bear the temptation of the countless babblings, and began to completely turn to the Shengyuan clan, twisting and deforming into a killing machine, which would do more harm to the clan.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, knocked his head directly on the ground, bowed heavily, and said loudly: "I am Gu Tuo Linke, I am willing to worship senior as my teacher, and please teach me!"

Jiang Heng looked at the other party silently, and a golden light appeared in his eyes, and he began to examine the other party's heart carefully. He wanted to see if the other party was sincere or not, and whether he still held resentment.

However, the result he got surprised him.

This person has no resentment at all, he only has respect for Jiang Heng in his heart, on the contrary, he is full of resentment and resentment towards his ethnic group.


Is this the reaction to being repressed for too long?

Look, what kind of children are being forced.

Jiang Heng couldn't help but sigh a little. Gu Tuolinke's behavior is understandable. Judging from the past experience of the other party, this person has been struggling with various negative emotions all year round.

Enduring endless pain all day long, and countless babbles, those are the situations that need to be faced in a state of distortion, the kind of temptation that exists all the time, if the willpower is a little weak, it is easy to go astray, It was completely distorted into a deformed monster.

Jiang Heng looked at this person, originally he hadn't thought about accepting this person as a disciple, but at this moment he was a little moved.

Because after observation, he found that this person's talent is good, and under the influence of perennial distortion, his mind has been honed to be as tenacious as steel.

It has to be said that this kind of person who has been struggling with distortion all year round is like walking a tightrope. If he persists for a long time, his character will become extremely strong, but if he can't help him get rid of this state, he will always be beaten Overwhelmed by the distortion, he was completely reduced to a monster.

It is estimated that if there is no external force to help him, this person will be completely deformed into a deformed monster within a million years.

Therefore, this person really has nowhere to go.

But as the saying goes, saving the emergency is not helping the poor, Jiang Heng feels that now is the time for him to subdue this person.

This person may have a slight possibility of rebellion in the future, but Jiang Heng thinks it is not a big problem. With this person, it is equivalent to completely controlling the Gu Tuo clan.

And as long as one's own strength is always maintained at the peak state, or even maintains a state of continuous improvement, it is absolutely impossible for this person to have the slightest influence on his master.

And Jiang Heng hopes to step into the old level within 10 million years, that is, the wonderful habitat that is integrated into the origin of the world, and the wonderful habitat will exist in the later stage.

Looking down, it was Gudolinke who was still anxious.

"I can accept you as an apprentice, but if you want to get back to the original state and get rid of this state, you need to practice again. Do you have the determination?"

Jiang Heng asked again, this sentence is actually just a test.

In fact, after Jiang Heng had seen this person's character, he knew that if this person recultivated, he would probably be able to return to the third level of the interior scene soon, and this process might not take too long.

And as long as Jiang Heng provides some help, the process will be faster.

"The disciple is willing!"

Hearing this, Gu Tuo/Link nodded and agreed almost without even thinking about it. He is still willing to pick and choose. He is lucky to be able to get rid of the damn risk of distortion and the twisted way of cultivating the Shengyuan clan. Ask for so much.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng nodded.

Accepting apprentices is a very formal and serious matter. Whether it is the Human Race Universe or the Gu Tuo World, everyone has a corresponding understanding.

However, everyone followed Jiang Heng's method and held the apprentice acceptance ceremony according to the customs of the human universe.

Following Jiang Heng's instructions, the members of the Gutuo royal family began to get busy, preparing for various apprenticeship ceremonies.

In the end, under the witness of all the Gu Tuo royal family, their ancestors formally worshiped under the command of a strong foreigner and became his third disciple.

"You are the third disciple under my command. What I need to tell you as a teacher is that I have accepted several apprentices as a teacher before, but some of these disciples have passed away now, and some of them are not as talented as you, but You don't need to be complacent either."

Jiang Heng said calmly.

"It's the master, the disciple will definitely live up to the teachings of the master!" Gu Tuo Linke, the ancestor who had recovered his youthful appearance, bowed his head again.

"Okay, as a teacher, I will strip away this trouble for you!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand, and at the same time signaled everyone to step back, seeing the members of the Gutuo royal family showing anticipation.

The ancestor has paid too much for the family for so many years. Although many people in the ethnic group are dissatisfied with why the ancestor joined a foreign clan, there are more rational and smart people.

Smart people have heard a lot about the deeds of this senior Jiang through the mouth of Alice, the princess who has talked with Jiang Heng for many years.

After convincing that this senior Jiang is the key figure in the human universe's ability to resist the two conquests of the Shengyuan clan, the smart people among the royal family members still don't understand what's going on.

Combined with the strength that this senior showed casually before, this is definitely a golden thick leg!

Properly thick legs, if they can be hugged tightly, then their Gu Tuo clan really have the possibility to break free from the quagmire.

What does the Gu Tuo family need most now?

It’s not that there is really a top powerhouse in the ethnic group. After all, even a top powerhouse is useless even if it’s a wonderful life environment. useless.

In fact, what the Gu Tuo family needs most at present is actually autonomy, that is, to have their own independent power just like the human universe.

Right now, the human race universe is such a precedent. Although the human race universe is not strong enough to rival the Shengyuan family, they already have such potential.

And after hearing that there is another top-level power in the Wonderful Life Realm besides Senior Jiang in the Human Race universe, the attitude of the Gu Tuo clan immediately changed 180 degrees, and many people even expected the ancestor to worship under Senior Jiang Afterwards, this senior Jiang began to give a lot of support to the Gu Tuo clan without hesitation.

But they were doomed to be disappointed, because Jiang Heng never thought of giving a lot of support directly.

What he needs are allies, not oil bottles.

But right now he has already started to deal with the situation with Gudolinke.

I saw densely overlapping halos floating behind Jiang Heng. These halos overlapped each other and looked unusually cumbersome, making one look as if they were about to fall into a state of distortion.

"Don't look directly at the seniors!"

Alice's father, who is also Emperor Gu Tuo, quickly shouted loudly, reminding the people not to look directly at the real top powerhouse.

In fact, Jiang Heng has restrained himself too much, otherwise, even if they don't look at him, they will easily have a distorted reaction if they are so close.

Seeing Jiang Heng's big hand protruding, Gu Tuolinke, who had returned to his youthful appearance, began to recover in an instant, becoming an old man again, and immediately began to show the distorted external characteristics of the densely packed Shengyuan clan.

Roar! ~

Gudolinke let out a roar of unknown meaning, like a beast roaring.

This is a reaction that is about to get out of control and become completely distorted.

Everyone's face changed drastically, and some timid ones already wanted to escape.

On the other hand, Jiang Heng was not in a hurry. This was part of the plan. In order to display his supernatural powers, he had to revoke some of the time rules he had added earlier.

Just when the last sliver of clarity in Gu Tuolinke's eyes was about to disappear, Jiang Heng's big hand quickly stretched out, and this grabbing to the void actually directly penetrated the void and entered some unknown time and space.

When it reappeared, an imaginary big hand had already pressed on the top of Gutolink's head, and dense phantoms appeared on Gutolink's body.

These phantoms are all Gutolink, which is obviously Jiang Heng's means to make Gutulink appear in countless time nodes in an instant.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng began to pick and choose these phantoms like picking goods in a vegetable market.

Soon he found a Gutolink who was nearly middle-aged, and directly brought him out alone.

At the same time, he slapped Gudolinke's body with his big hand, and the dense phantom that appeared on the surface of the body immediately merged into one and disappeared.

At this moment, Jiang Heng once again pressed the middle-aged Gutu Link who was standing alone next to him on his body.

And just like this, in an instant, Gudolinke's appearance began to change drastically, as if time had flowed back again, all his distortion reactions disappeared, and the original old face also began to fade away, gradually returning to his middle-aged appearance.

"Huh! It's not bad, how do you feel now?" Jiang Heng withdrew his palm, and the dense halo behind him also disappeared one after another.

Hearing this, Gu Tuolinke was stunned for a while, and then moved his body after a long while, and soon his face showed joy.

Although under the cover of Jiang Heng's time law, he returned to his youth, but the feeling was separated by a layer of veil, which was not real. After all, it was only temporary, so it felt like a dream, like a dream. realism.

And at this moment, he felt extremely real, that he had indeed returned to his youthful appearance.

The only unsatisfactory thing is that his realm has fallen to the level of a mortal, which means that he is a mortal at this time.

"I banished the deformed body in your body into the long river of time. Do not touch the laws of time in the future, and do not try to avoid fighting with the strong law of time at the same level. Once you let them chase your past, it will be easy. Pull out your deformed body again.

Unless you step into the Wonderful Living Realm, where countless times of yourself are reunited, then no one can do anything to you, and you will no longer be affected by the so-called distortion. "

Jiang Heng Dandan explained that he naturally doesn't have that much ability to directly change the physique of a third-tier internal scene powerhouse, so he can only forcibly exchange the past and present bodies, and replace them with two different time nodes.

In this way, the current Gudolinke is still him, the only flaw is that the realm is gone. The second is not to chase the past, otherwise the backlash will appear in an instant, swallowing the whole body in an instant, and completely reducing it to a deformed monster.

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