Master of Fist

Chapter 1341: Becoming a Senior

"Baron Dover, please don't deceive us! If you let me know that fellow Taoist Jiang Heng was deceived by you, I won't punish you severely!"

Viscount Thunder snorted coldly, his tone gradually becoming more serious.

Almost as soon as he opened his mouth, the other barons were stunned, and immediately began to criticize Baron Dover.

"Yes! Baron Dover, don't make a mistake!"

"That's right! Don't treat such a genius to fool the other party like this. I think you are crazy! Your move may very well harm all of us!"

"Yes, yes! Baron Dover, if fellow Taoist Jiang Heng finds out the truth later and gets angry, don't expect me to put in a good word for you."

Everyone criticized Baron Dover, and seemed to be very sad.

However, Baron Freya on the side was holding back a smile and her face was turning green and red. It was obvious that she was having a hard time holding back her smile.

"Freya!!! What do you mean? You seem to be laughing!"

Viscount Thunder suddenly looked at Baron Freya with sharp eyes, and everyone also looked at Freya.

Only then did I realize that this woman, Freya, was shaking her shoulders crazily. It seemed that she was still holding back her laughter and could no longer hold it in anymore.

"What's so funny about Freya?"

Viscount Lei Ming frowned. It was hard for him to imagine that Freya was a very serious woman. She would never laugh or be sad because of certain things. She always had a cold personality. How could she be so rude today.

It's okay now, at least we're all our own people here, but if we wait until fellow Taoist Jiang Heng succeeds in breaking through and laughs in front of this noble man, something big will happen.

It would be useless to explain it later. It might be more serious than what happened in Dover or it might completely anger the other party.


With a loud roar, the terrifying power of thunder exploded, and electric currents began to wrap around Freya's body. In an instant, Freya's smile quickly froze on her face.

"Now! Freya, you should be able to speak well, right?"

After a while, seeing a slight look of pain on Freya's face, Viscount Thunder finally restrained his thunder power.

Freya finally relaxed. The feeling that her soul and physical body were all locked by the thunder made her very unhappy. She glared at Viscount Thunder fiercely.

She raised her white neck high and hummed, "The Taoist friend you are talking about, Jiang Heng, is also a good friend of mine, and he is my man!"

Freya is usually very cold, but once she meets a man who can completely surrender to her, she will be like a proud white swan, and she will especially like to show off her man.

But when these words fell into everyone's ears, they were stunned. There was a strange silence and stalemate in the conference room, and then bursts of laughter broke out.


"Haha! Freya, are you going to laugh me to death?"

"That's right, this old maid has not said a word to any man for so many years. Unexpectedly, she wants to marry into a rich family!"

"Yes, Freya, you may make up another reason and we may still believe it, but now you are so smart with your abacus. I used to think you were so noble, but now it seems like, bah! You are just a bitch. One, didn’t he just take a fancy to the identity and background of fellow Daoist Jiang Heng?

It's just that you want to marry into a wealthy family, so why can fellow Taoist Jiang Heng like you? "

Everyone laughed and dismissed Freya's statement.

The main reason for this situation is that Freya was too cold before.

But now that you show such admiration and admiration for someone, this contrast suddenly makes people angry. Before the relationship, you, a woman, have been pretending to be cold in front of us.

However, they really misunderstood Freya. She was indeed affected by the Law of Frost. She was able to do this mainly because Jiang Heng was too good.

It is estimated that if it were an ordinary woman, she would have thrown herself into his arms long ago, but she still persisted for a long time due to Jiang Heng's display of strength.

"Freya, please stop talking nonsense at this time. If you offend Fellow Daoist Jiang Heng, you and I will not be able to bear the consequences!" Viscount Lei Ming said in a deep voice. He did not expect that everyone would be like this.

Baron Dover was not worried, and Baron Freya also joined in the fun.

"But I'm not talking nonsense!"

Freya was very dissatisfied. Why didn't everyone believe her when she told the truth? Why?

However, seeing the serious look in Viscount Lei Ming's eyes, she still wisely stopped saying anything, but her eyes were restrained with a faint sneer.

Watch it! If you don’t believe it, I will slap you in the face later!

With a sneer in her heart, she waited for Jiang Heng to break through to the realm of creation.

At this time, Jiang Heng was indeed breaking through the realm of creation, and the heavenly catastrophe had not yet fallen. The realm of creation would not experience these, it was mainly a process of accumulating a combined orifice.

After all, blocking the acupuncture points is already a disaster. If it is not blocked in time, all the energy in the body will be completely dispersed. This is simply a disaster for some powerful people in the Wonderful Life Realm who are not wealthy.

The reason why Jiang Heng was able to seal all the acupuncture points was that this acupoint completely drained away the energy savings of the entire Barony of Dover for so many years.

These energy reserves are the results of the Baron of Dover's continuous foreign conquests over the years, but now these results have become nutrients for Jiang Heng's cultivation.

In order to be able to regain consciousness, Jiang Heng even emptied the entire family fortune of Baron Dover, and even Baron Freya's family fortune was emptied by him.

However, once you break through the Creation Realm and want to break through from the early stage to the middle stage of the Creation Realm, it may not only be the emptying of two baronies, but probably an entire subcounty! even more!

This is genius. If a small force wants to cultivate a genius at the level of a marquis and prince, the resources required are unimaginable. Even if they exhaust all their savings, they will never be able to grow up.

The reason why Jiang Heng chooses to participate in this war now is, on the one hand, to transform the God of War again, and on the other hand, he also wants to make a name for himself in this war and gain a firm foothold in the Iron Buddha Alliance. It would be best to gain a noble birth through this battle.

In this way, their human universe can be regarded as having a huge foundation in another world.

While the Shengyuan clan was still struggling with the one-third acre of land, Jiang Heng had already established a firm foothold on the side of Tiefu Tu. That is to say, Jiang Heng did not have the time at the moment, otherwise he could easily destroy the so-called Qingyun Sect!

"Give it to me!"

With a low cry, the last two acupoints in Jiang Heng's body began to merge for the last time.


A roar like the earth was shaking erupted in Jiang Heng's body, and the two acupoints began to collide like two dazzling blazing suns. At first, they were a little repelled, and almost smashed into pieces, but after taking the last pill, After taking the medicine, this fusion started to get on track.

As time passed little by little, as the two acupoints completely overlapped, a terrifying breath spewed out from this acupoint.


The terrible pressure began to wreak havoc in all directions with Jiang Heng as the center.


The sleeping soldiers of the giant ship did not feel anything because they were disconnected from their bodies at this time, but the situation of the Creation Realm nobles in the conference room was not so good.

Almost immediately, all the barons knelt down one after another. Some of them were still supporting themselves on one leg, but soon there were crackling sounds from the bones. If they continued, the leg might be completely scrapped.

Especially the spine, which is the main organ that supports the body, is now bent under the burden.

Bang bang bang!

Everyone could no longer hold up and knelt down one after another. Some of the early-stage Creation Realm people who were less powerful even lay on the ground in a posture of prostrating themselves to the ground.

At this time, the only one still standing was Viscount Thunder. He was still gritting his teeth and persisting. The terrifying power of the Thunder Law began to envelope his whole body, like unusual spines that supported him from kneeling.

It's just that this pressure started to come one after another, like a big wave rolling in. Under the constant impact, the law of thunder on his surface had been diluted to an extremely thin level.

Click! ~

As the sound of bone cracking resounded, Viscount Thunder could no longer hold on and half-knelt on the ground. He held his hands on the ground and his blood veins swelled to the point of bursting. His eyes were even more bloodshot.

The thunder in his body wanted to explode, but he was suppressed by this terrifying aura and could only curl up in his body.

"No! I am a viscount! I am the master of this viscounty. I cannot kneel!"

Viscount Thunder roared out, the inner universe was running wildly, using the power of the acupoints to erupt with terrifying power, the terrifying law of thunder bloomed again, like a blooming blazing sun covering the whole body.

He could only hold on for a few dozen breaths, and soon he couldn't hold on anymore. This time he simply knelt on the ground. However, it was impossible to stand up after kneeling down.

No matter how hard Viscount Lei Ming tried, the pressure was like a mountain pressing on him and he could not move at all.

After trying a few more times, Viscount Thunder finally gave up completely.

In front of such a genius, my so-called pride may be worthless!

"It seems everyone is here?"

At this moment, the space in the void was distorted, and a young man with black hair and black robes walked out of it. The man looked around and smiled lightly.

"But Fellow Daoist Jiang Heng? No, Senior Jiang Heng!" Viscount Lei Ming exclaimed when he saw Jiang Heng.

"Senior Jiang Heng? Well, if you say it is Jiang Heng, it is indeed me. Who are you?"

Jiang Heng smiled and nodded.

"I am the Lord of the Viscount here, Viscount Lei Ming! Viscount Lei Ming is here to pay his respects to Senior Jiang Heng!"

After truly seeing Jiang Heng's appearance, Viscount Lei Ming was completely unable to resist, and could only surrender.

This senior Jiang Heng is too young!

Being so young means infinite possibilities. The previous speculations may be true. This senior Jiang Heng is probably the disciple of a big shot in the Tiefutu camp.

Only a disciple of a great man could produce such a genius.

Just after breaking through the Creation Realm, this aura and coercion directly crushed the ordinary late-stage Creation Realm, catching up with the half-step Chakravartin Realm experts at the peak of the Creation Realm.

"Viscount Thunder? You are Viscount Thunder!"

"Oh! Could it be that Senior Jiang Heng knows this?"

At this time, Viscount Lei Ming was not even half as proud as a noble Lord. He was like a humble servant, begging for the care of a big shot like Jiang Heng.

On the one hand, they are in awe of the energy behind Jiang Heng, and on the other hand, they are in awe of Jiang Heng's powerful strength that has just broken through the Creation Realm and is enough to rival the later stages of the Creation Realm, or even the Half-Step Wheel-turning Realm.

All these things had to make him put down his arrogant head.

This is what the Iron Buddha Alliance is like, respecting and worshiping the strong!

"Well, I heard Baron Dover mention that you are a Viscount who is very keen on the battlefield!" Jiang Heng said lightly.

These words made Viscount Thunder a little embarrassed.

I just scolded Baron Dover.

Now that Jiang Heng said this, Baron Dover also said a lot of good things.

Thinking of this, Viscount Thunder glanced at Baron Dover and nodded.

"Senior Jiang Heng, do you know that I am rushing to the battlefield this time?" Viscount Lei Ming hesitated for a moment before asking.

"Of course!" Jiang Heng nodded.

Hearing this, Viscount Lei Ming was startled. After thinking about it, he asked again, "Senior, you may not know much about this battle. It's like this."

"Needless to say, I know this. This battle is a life and death battle between counts. Both sides will fight to the last person. So I know it very well, so I am here."

Jiang Heng's words once again made Viscount Lei Ming stunned on the spot. He couldn't help but look at Jiang Heng in astonishment, wondering if this senior had any serious illness in his mind.

Since you know this war is so cruel, why do you still want to join in the fun?

"Senior, since you know about this battle, you should be very clear that in this battle, even those at the level of the Wheel-turning Realm will have their lives in danger. As for the late-stage Creation Realm and the Half-step Wheel-turning Realm, there are many on the battlefield, but the same dangers Heavy.

You are risking your life! "

"Alright! I know Viscount Thunder, but there are some things that we should not describe again."

Jiang Heng shook his head with a calm expression, which once again made Viscount Lei Ming fall into deep thought.

There seems to be something wrong with this senior.

Forget it, it’s better not to say it!

Seeing that Senior Jiang Heng really didn't care, but was looking forward to the war, Viscount Lei Ming still had the sense to say nothing.


At this moment Freya was about to open her mouth to speak, but the next moment she found herself speechless. She wanted to rush out, but found herself nailed to the spot.

It was as if a powerful pressure alone had fixed her, and this pressure did not cause any substantial harm to him, but it did not allow her to speak or move.

What does this mean? Does Jiang Heng not want him to announce their relationship?

Freya felt extremely wronged for a moment and wanted a name for herself. However, after what happened, Jiang Heng refused to admit it!

Isn't this a scumbag? !

For a moment, Freya felt really wronged and sad. She felt that she had been greatly wronged by this heartless man!

However, Jiang Heng didn't even look at her. He just naturally sat in the seat that originally belonged to Viscount Lei Ming under the guidance of Viscount Lei Ming.

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