Master of Fist

Chapter 198 You Damn

"I just don't know if you can still laugh next time?"

A deep voice slowly spewed out, and at the same time, his 1.8-meter-long physique began to move slowly, and red stars bloomed from the surface of his body, which were particularly conspicuous in the slightly dim alleyway.


The man in the armored iron tower let out a small sigh, and put his arms around his chest down again at this time, tightened the armor on his wrists, and his face became a little dignified.

The red light in the red star seems to be distorted, as if many blood lines are escaping. These blood lines are slowly swimming on the squirming muscles, and they start to form twisted red dragons, one after another, a total of The six were swimming all over the body, and finally fixed on their respective parts, exuding a faint red glow.

At this moment, the air also seemed to be getting heavier, and the muscles were still rising one by one, and the body that was only 1.8 meters began to be gradually lifted up by these muscles, getting higher and higher.

The man in the armored iron tower slowly opened his mouth, and slowly raised his head upwards. The sunlight was gradually blocked, and the figure of more than two meters in the armored man was gradually shrouded in shadows.


A silent face was still hanging down, but at this moment Tiebi was able to see the face hidden in the shadow clearly. A pair of eyes staring at him as if looking at someone dead, made him feel chills down his spine!

The burly figure began to tremble a little, he had seen similar situations before, it was at the border, on the battlefield of flesh and blood, he was a deserter!

It was because he couldn't contain his fear of that kind of monster that he ran away!

Seeing the same terrifying physique at this moment, the memories that made him deeply fearful emerged in his mind once again.

"No! Impossible! This is impossible!"

He moved back in horror, but the monster in front of him was still changing.

The hugely growing muscles filled almost every corner of the body, and the clothes had long been shattered and burned to ashes under the high temperature.

Even due to the density of the muscles, the muscle lines become a bit blurred when crowded, but at this moment, the incomparably clear meridians seem to wrap around the muscles and dance continuously.

The meridians are even more crimson in color, like the roots of the six evil dragons stretching their teeth and claws.

His stature and physique have also climbed to the limit at this moment. With a body size of nearly four meters and his slightly raised arms, there is no doubt that he can crush ordinary people into flesh.

"How do you want to die?" The deep voice spit out slowly, and a wave of heat sprayed on the face of the armored man, and his cheeks were scorching hot.

"No! You are not them! You are not them! You die for me!!!"

The man in armor who was eroded by the fear in his heart and about to collapse roared, his whole body was filled with qi, and a streak of the same crimson qi surrounded his right fist, and he jumped up suddenly with the sound of piercing through the air, and slammed towards Jiang Heng's door Smash it.

boom! ! !

A wave of air suddenly exploded in mid-air, and the armored man's eyes widened. His hand was firmly clasped like a chicken's claw by a big hand full of muscles that looked hideous.

"Your fist is too light!"

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the man in armor were spinning, and his huge figure was directly thrown to the ground, splashing billowing dirt and stone chips, and the alley was filled with dust and gravel.

Seemingly not planning to take advantage of the victory to pursue, Jiang Heng let go of the opponent's fist, but his eyes remained flat as if looking at a corpse.


The next moment, the dust exploded, and a small figure in Jiang Heng's eyes jumped to the top of his head in an instant.

"Ba He Fist!!!"

With a loud shout, he opened his arms and waved them quickly. The raging qi was like a torrent. The majestic air wave directly blew away the turbid air in the alley, and his fists fell towards Jiang Heng.

But at this time, Jiang Heng's whole body's perception is even more sensitive and terrifying. You are all keen on the flow of Qi and blood of warriors and even the flow of breath. In the same state, his strength and speed soared in a straight line.

Unlike Fu Hai who gathers all the strength of his body at one point, he directs all the energy and blood in his body to be exerted several times on his body.

"court death!"

Accompanied by a shout, the armored man's eyes widened, and the incomparably huge monster in front of him turned around in an extremely dexterous and swift way, facing a rapidly enlarged fist.

The body guard burst from a punch, and the bones all over his body crackled, almost bursting.

Boom! ! !



Accompanied by a roar, the huge figure jumped up suddenly, the alley collapsed inch by inch, and the stone walls on both sides also fell down in the middle without any resistance.

A fist that was even half the size of the armored man struck again, bang! The bone in the injured part suddenly exploded.

The terrifying crashing sound exploded in the sky like thunder, creating a layer of air waves visible to the naked eye and scattered in all directions.

The huge hands were grasped suddenly, and the arms were raised instantly.


With a blow of the explosive hammer, the armor on the armored man exploded into pieces, and his body also exploded. The entire lower body exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and the upper body fell straight to the ground with a piercing sound.


The man in armor fell to the ground and blasted a huge pothole. At the same time, the surrounding soil was like a wave of water surging several meters high, spreading outward, and burst into roars.


Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and the mud that had already been thrown away was stirred up again. Most of the houses on both sides had been destroyed, and it was filled with gray fog as far as the eye could see.

Regardless of this, Jiang Heng came to the huge pothole that was smashed out, silently glanced at the pothole, and rummaged through the mud with his big hands until he picked up a body with no lower body covered in blood and water. A broken body of dirt and dirt.

The man was already exhaling more air than inhaling at this time, he struggled to open his eyes, because most of the bones in his upper body were broken, and Jiang Heng held him in his hands like noodles, limp.

"So weak!" Looking at the guy who has changed beyond recognition, the anger in Jiang Heng's heart still hasn't subsided, but he feels powerless to vent, too weak! too weak!

"...cough are strong...but..." Every time the man said a word, his internal organs and bone dregs spurted out, but he still held on and squeezed Let out a smirk.

" Lord..."


Countless blood exploded between the fingers, and only the head of the man whose upper body was pinched and exploded fell to the ground, and finally rolled into the hole again.

"You...damn it!"

The muscles gradually shrank, and the blood dragons began to turn into tiny blood lines and retract into the stars. The stars gradually dimmed, and their body gradually returned to their original shape. Looking not far away, they were covered with a little dust due to the fierce battle. After getting the head of Mr. Fu, he looked at the head of the man in the pit.

Jiang Heng came to the pothole in silence, picked up the man's head with one hand, and stood in front of Mr. Fu's head in silence for a long time...

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