Master of Fist

Chapter 221 Joining forces

There was hardly any time for hesitation, the stars on the body surface quickly lit up, and the stature was raised rapidly again, and the qi and blood that could not be superimposed were raised again. Jiang Heng had already stepped on his legs, and rushed into the smoke with a sound of breaking through the air. middle.


With one hand, he suddenly grabbed the fleshy and squirming head, and directly slapped it away!


But as soon as the palm came out to touch the opponent, a strong sense of corrosion was directly fed back to the hand.

Enduring the severe pain, his blood still exploded.

Overwhelm the sea!

This time, the time was short, and it was only two or three out of ten of the energy and blood. Even so, a cloud of blood mist exploded on the head of the flesh and blood figure, but it did not cause much real damage.

Jiang Heng's forehead was already profusely sweating, not only because of the high temperature, but also because of his anxiety, so he had to take advantage of the rare gap between the opponent and make a quick move.

With a wave of his hand, a wave of air burst out suddenly, and a lot of the smoke was blown away in an instant. Without the slightest hesitation, his hands grabbed the opponent's shoulders and pressed him firmly to the ground.

The flesh and blood figure began to struggle violently. It was already growing rapidly, and its injuries were also recovering rapidly, and its breath was getting higher and higher.

"Cum on me!!"

Shouting to the surroundings, Jiang Heng began to hold down the opponent with all his strength.

But at first he was able to hold down the opponent steadily, but in just a few breaths, the opponent's aura and strength began to rise to a level that was no match for Jiang Heng, and it became higher and higher.

A black mist began to emanate from the surface of the flesh and blood, and the power of corrosion increased again. The five fingers trapped in the opponent's flesh and blood have turned into bones, but now Jiang Heng can't let go!

Whoosh whoosh!

With the previous buffer time, the bed crossbows at the commanding heights of the meeting have been reloaded again, and more than a dozen sharp arrows that are like spears, or specially made, suddenly burst out.

Struggling harder and harder, Jiang Heng directly exploded with six layers of dragon energy!

The surge of power again held the opponent tightly, but with the strength of the opponent's struggle getting stronger, Jiang Heng knew that he would not be able to hold on for long.

Fortunately, in time!



A series of piercing sounds sounded, a total of thirteen arrows, except for four that missed, the rest all hit the target.

Some pierced through the opponent's chest? The penetrating arrows directly drove the opponent to the floor? The rest of the arrows also sank into the legs and other places one after another.


Jiang Heng took a deep breath, looking at the same four arrows that passed through his back and directly connected to the monster, his face twisted in pain.

If it is an ordinary bed crossbow? Jiang Heng is completely unafraid? The monster in front of him is even more so.

But this is a special bed crossbow? The arrow alone is made of very scarce black steel, and more than a dozen high-grade warriors are fully pulling the bed crossbow.

It seems that the combined strength is the same? But thinking that Jiang Heng can directly burst out an arrow that can severely damage the demon with a demon bow? This is evident.

Enduring the severe pain? Jiang Heng let go of the opponent's hands? He pulled out from the end of the arrow and retreated a few meters before looking solemnly at the inhuman monster nailed to the ground not far away.

Nine thick and sharp arrows like long spears were nailed to the ground, and the flesh and blood figures were twisted even more strangely. At this time, the breath seemed to be depressed for a moment.

The courtyard was quiet for a moment? Jiang Heng felt a faint bad feeling.

The pure energy in the body gushed out again, healing the penetrating wounds on his body and the corrosion wounds on his palms.

At the same time, adjust your breathing to maintain the best state? Just about to add another palm.



But at this time, the nine black steel arrows nailed into the opponent's body actually emitted puffs of blue smoke? They were directly corroded and broken and fell to the ground? At the same time, the distorted human form began to grow rapidly, and the breath stopped just now. After that, it seemed to erupt suddenly, and the rate of increase suddenly increased sharply.

What? !

Unexpectedly, Jiang Heng gritted his teeth and stepped forward to make up for it again.


But before he took a step forward, a smear of blood appeared in front of him, and a bloody hand that was still growing and covered with thick blood pressed Jiang Heng's chest at some point.


No sign at all? I only felt numbness in my chest, and I lost consciousness in that part instantly, my vision quickly retreated, and my body was shot backwards like a cannonball.

"Destroy my skin, then eat your meat and use your skin!"

The flesh and blood humanoid monster sneered, and when it was about to pounce forward again, its bloody body froze suddenly, and immediately trembled continuously.

"Tian... Hitomi... Fox... Clan?"

The flesh-and-blood figure moved his head with great difficulty. He slowly moved his head to the left. A pair of eyes that had turned into vertical pupils were staring at a dark corner. There was only a pair of dark green lights emitting from it. eyes fixed on him.

" is...heavenly... Tuanhu clan? Is it...could it was spread by Dayan some time ago... The news that the Tiantong fox family was it false?"

The flesh and blood figure seemed to be muttering to himself, but now he was thinking very slowly, as if he had to consider every word for a while.

"Just... right now... cut it off!"

Seeing this, Jiang Heng, whose whole body sank into the courtyard on the other side, shouted hastily.

As soon as the words fell, the flesh and blood figure was stared at by Lu Jin, and his thinking was slow, but he didn't react.

The next moment, a silvery-white thread suddenly appeared on the roof on the right and slashed downwards, and there was an ear-piercing sound of swords in the air.

"Song with one breath.... Slash!!!"

Liu Shizong, who had been waiting in the dark for a long time, had already slashed his sword with all his strength. After seeing the true face of the person below, his first thought was to escape.

But especially at such moments, the warnings given to him by the head teacher and the elders of the teacher's sect when he was young will often appear in his mind!

When you meet a monster, you must kill it!

It is almost a sword that has been cultivated to the peak, a sword that is cut at the peak of energy and spirit.

The flesh and blood figure slowly moved its head and looked to the upper right, but the talent of the Tiantong fox clan was really difficult, and he could not get rid of this state for a long time.

Even when the human skin has just come off and the main body has not yet fully stretched out, after this gaze, the recovery speed of the main body suddenly slows down.


There is no gorgeous sword slash, just a silvery white silk thread suddenly falling down, falling on the neck of a flesh and blood man, splashing blood and splashing on the ground, making a burst of sizzling sound.

The flesh-and-blood figure suddenly lowered under the sword, and felt a sharp pain in the neck. The muscles and skin were tightly blocking the sword, but the sword was too thin, too thin!

It is definitely a model of breaking through the surface, directly penetrating layers of skin-level muscles, and directly cutting on the bones.


Immediately after a bang, the head of the flesh-and-blood human figure hangs down, revealing the cut neck wound, but the wound is only half cut, and the other half cannot be cut no matter what.

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