Master of Fist

Chapter 234 Shame

In fact, His Royal Highness did escape...

On the tree-lined country road, His Royal Highness, who has recovered his childish appearance, is walking slowly with heavy steps.

There are only two arrows in his hand, they are arrowheads polished by bones. The sharp point of the arrows has become a blunt weapon because of the previous violent impact, but His Royal Highness is holding these objects tightly, his face The expression on his face was particularly ferocious.

His body was bare, and the original brocade robe had been completely turned into rags, but he didn't care about it, but the twisted and hideous face on his face was particularly terrifying. Such an expression appeared on the face of a child who seemed to be only about ten years old, which was particularly weird.

"Today's shame, this son has recorded it!"

His Royal Highness gritted his teeth. Today's incident is simply a great shame. He was so embarrassed by a mere blood. If this spreads to the circle of the aristocratic family in the capital, he doesn't know how he will be ridiculed by those guys.

"If it wasn't for laying the groundwork, this son would directly break through the threshold of the ?

The anger in his heart could not be vented, His Royal Highness's eyes were red and bloodthirsty, and he had stayed in Cangzhou for such a long time, on the one hand, because of the remnants of the Tiantong fox clan, and on the other hand, it was because of this high-quality blood food. As long as he swallows this high-quality blood food at the critical moment of breakthrough, his foundation is enough to crush those royal bloodlines.

That anger in my heart!

"No! I can't just let that lowly ant go! I'm at the critical moment of breaking my foundation, I'm seriously injured, and I have to make up for the shortfall as soon as possible."

His eyes scanned the surroundings, his nose sniffed slightly, and for a moment he galloped towards a certain direction with a ferocious expression on his face.

After a stick of incense, His Royal Highness lay on a big rock and burped, licking the blood from the corner of his lips, his gloomy complexion improved a little. All the injuries on the body surface have also healed.

"Forget it, it's not advisable to take risks at the critical moment of laying down the foundation. Although the ant is an ant, it is very weird! After I finish laying down the foundation, I will personally kill him!"

Glancing in the direction of the Canglang River behind him, a look of fear flashed in his eyes, he shook his head and walked slowly in the opposite direction.

A market town that seems to have been washed by blood was left behind. This is a market town with a population of a thousand households, but at this time, from the officials and small officials in the market town to the ordinary people, there is no one left, not even a corpse. , only some splashed blood can be seen on the ground from time to time.


After a little reorganization and appeasement, the fleet went down the river again. Jiang Heng stayed vigilant at the bow for a long time, and he was relieved to see that the giant tiger monster did not appear again, and went back to the cabin to have a full meal.

Fu Qingshui, who had been busy for a long time and ran back and forth on several boats to appease his subordinates, felt that his whole body was about to fall apart. Seeing Jiang Hengzheng feasting, he swallowed his saliva and joined the ranks.

On the other hand, Zhang Fu and Liu Shizong were already full. There were only a few people on this boat whose names Jiang Heng could remember, so they just ate together.

As for Zhou Yan, because he has the most brothers in the Black Tiger Hall, and they are also the most mixed, and he can't just leave it alone, so he took a group of Black Tiger Hall executives on a big boat behind.

In fact, in the whole fleet, the one with the most high-end combat power belongs to the former Canglang gang gathered by Fu Qingshui. Although it was said that the upheaval caused the Canglang Gang to be out of ten, the overall quality of the remaining remnants is still much higher than that of the current Black Tiger Hall.

There are five Keqings in the Pulse Refining Realm alone, followed by a sub-ruler of the fifth rank in the Pulse Refining Realm. This sub-rudder is now the most capable general under Fu Qingshui's command.

The rudder master's surname is Yang, with a single name of Wen, and he belongs to the same family as the three brothers of the Yang family under Jiang Heng's command. Moreover, the wife of the rudder master Yang is also a collateral child of the Fu family, so she is naturally extremely loyal to the Fu family.

Looking at Yang Wen, who has always been relatively reserved, Jiang Heng stopped swallowing, wiped his mouth and said softly: "Yang Wen...someone called you Brother Yang, is it okay?"

Yang Wen is a middle-aged man with a simple appearance. Because he has been busy on the river for a long time, he is dark and burly.

He was also dressed more casually in the dark blue strong suit that Canglang Gang disciples often wear, and because he was often busy with matters on the ship, he also cut his sleeves short and rolled them up on his shoulders to expose the tendons of his arms.

A gray cloth towel was tied on his head, and those who didn't know him thought he was some ordinary dock tracker!

It can be said that among ordinary crew members, it is completely impossible to tell that he is the sub-rudder of the Canglang Gang. The only thing that stands out about him is a pair of surprisingly big nostrils. Standing there always gives people a feeling Nostril glaring feeling. But he himself seemed to know this, so he grew a beard, which could at least cover it up.

"Jiang...Jiangye! You... you should call me Lao Yang! I am too old to have any skills, so what do the scholars say... the master... the master runs away It’s fast, so you still call me Lao Yang!”

Hearing this, Yang Wen hastily opened his mouth and said that his mind is relatively straightforward and his brain is not very bright. But fortunately, there is a good woman who knows how to manage the house at home, knowing that his brain is not working well, in order not to let him offend others. Simply let him see someone who is stronger than himself and call him Lord Fang, and then call himself Lao Yang.

Yang Wen's voice was so loud that everyone in the cabin and even the deck could hear it. If it wasn't for the fact that the other party's expression was very sincere, Jiang Heng would have thought that this fellow was swearing.

"Uh...haha! Brother Jiang, this old Yang is like this. He used to be worse than this. He spoke loudly and directly, so he easily offended people. But fortunately, Lao Yang himself fought hard and stepped into it very early. At the pulse-refining stage, our ancestors betrothed him to a marriage, and asked one of our offshoots of the Fu family to marry him. Someone often reminded him, and he improved a lot."

Seeing this, Fu Qingshui quickly explained that he was afraid that his brother would have a bad impression on Lao Yang.

"Oh, it's serious. I like straight-tempered guys like Brother Yang. Come on, let's have a drink together?" Jiang Heng waved his hand, he is not such an unreasonable person. Moreover, he could see that Yang Wen came all the way. This person is indeed relatively simple-minded.

Although my brain is not very good, but I do things unambiguously, and I always work with my brothers. Every time I saw him walking beside those Canglang Gang disciples, the trust and respect in the eyes of those Canglang Gang disciples couldn't be faked.

After a few glasses of wine, Jiang Heng turned his head to look at Fu Qingshui.

"Is there any difficulty in our way to Bazhou?"

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