Master of Fist

Chapter 238 Changgang Wharf

But after knowing that the main rudder of the Canglang Gang was wiped out, he started thinking about what he shouldn't.

Then this guy became a dead soul in the water. Fu Qingshui only sent a guest minister and a hundred or so people to kill these water bandits. Fan food reserves.

The next few days were not peaceful every day, and all kinds of water bandits appeared, ranging from hundreds to thousands of people. The leader of the water bandit also ranged from the first rank to the fourth rank.

Thinking that they were just some miscellaneous fish anyway, in order to train Zhang Fu and his group of little devils, Jiang Heng simply let these children go up to see the blood. Since this world has gone this way, seeing blood is a matter of time, and it is also a good thing to adapt early.

There was a Maid Refining Realm Keqing sitting in charge, and the Maid Refining Realm Keqing in front took the lead in the charge. Later, I saw that although these children were small, they were not good enough, and they were timid at first. Until Zhang Fu led them to easily kill hundreds of water bandits, these little ghosts rushed forward one by one screaming.

"The Canglang River is so chaotic, does the imperial court not care about it?" Looking at the water bandits and Zhang Fu's party who were already fighting with several small and medium-sized boats in the distance, Jiang Heng asked Fu Qingshui, who was on the side.


Fu Qingshui laughed lightly.

"How to manage it? And those big figures in the imperial court don't care about these small and small matters. They only care about how many death row prisoners and people will be handed over to the imperial court by the Zhenfusi and the big sects in various places every year. They don't care about it, but some small officials along the river. I don't care anymore.

To put it bluntly, the dignitaries above want money. Even if you are running rampant on the Canglang River, the imperial court will not care about you. "

Jiang Heng understands it, it's really realistic, but it seems reasonable when he thinks about it, even if officials with a sense of justice want to control them, but they don't have the strength to support them, how can the cross-river dragon fight against these local snakes?

You must know that all the chief officials of a state are officials from other places, and the term of office is five years. When the term of office expires, they have to slap their ass and leave.

This is true for a state official, and even more so for some county officials. At any rate, a state official can bring a large number of followers, while a county official cannot bring anything except a few servants.

If you want to deal with local snakes that have been entrenched in various places for many years, if you don't have a good brain, you will lose your head the next day.

This world is more chaotic than the ancient times in the history books of Jiang Heng's previous life. There are demons sitting in the upper echelon of the court, although the forces in the lower world dare not do too much. But it is really easy to target these external officials in certain matters.

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It can be said that in this world, of course there are upright officials, but they are definitely human beings.

After entering the boundary of Bazhou? It took another three days to arrive at Changgang Wharf outside Bazhou City? Because there is a Changgang Town here, it is also called Changgang Wharf.

Haven’t docked at Changgang Wharf yet? The people in the fleet are attracted by the prosperity of this place just by looking at it from a distance? Although Bazhou is close to Cangzhou, the customs here are somewhat different from Cangzhou.

Cangzhou is more of a place in the northwest, and the clothes are more rough? And Bazhou is close to the Central Plains? The clothes are more reserved. You can't see this from the men on the pier? But you can see it from the clothes of some women who pass by occasionally.

However, Jiang Heng's vast fleet of seventy or eighty ships attracted many people at the docks to stop and watch, and many people wanted to see who was crossing the river again.

The reason why I think it is a dragon crossing the river is because of the dense population protruding from these ships. If so many people deliver goods, who will believe it?

And no force has sent so many ships to deliver goods at one time? This is almost a scale that can only be achieved by all the forces.

But anyone who saw the flag on the ship was surprised.

"Look quickly? Isn't this the Jianghe flag of the Canglang Gang?"

"Didn't you hear that the Canglang Gang is finished? Why are there so many Canglang Gang ships coming from the direction of Cangzhou?"

Some people don't understand? This is really the news that the head of the Canglang Gang was wiped out by the imperial court in Cangzhou City not long ago. Why did such a large group of people come from Cangzhou in the blink of an eye.

"There are so many people in the Canglang Gang who are aggressive. Could it be that they want to take revenge some time ago?"

"Tell me a fart! I think this is a bereaved dog who was kicked out of Cangzhou City? Did you see that there are women and little dolls on board!"

Many people are talking about it? The pier has always been a mixed bag? It's different in Cangzhou. How chaotic is this Changgang Wharf? Many forces are entrenched here? Various forces have also planted a lot of eyeliners in it.

Ships slowly docked at a corner of the pier. Fortunately, Changgang Wharf is very large. Although there are not enough 70 or 80 large ships to dock, it is enough to take turns to unload.

Jiang Heng found that there was a group of people standing on the pier where their big ship was berthed. This group of people were all wearing the navy blue strong suits of the Canglang Gang, and they all looked happy when they saw the big ship.

It seems that these should be the brothers of the Canglang Gang in Bazhou.


Looking at the people on the pier who were in charge of welcoming them, Jiang Heng had excellent eyesight, and found that some of these people's faces were bruised, and they seemed to be limping when they walked.

Fu Qingshui also saw it at this time, his face was gloomy, until the ship docked, he was the first to board the pier.

Jiang Heng followed closely behind, listening carefully.

"Young Master!"

"Young Master!"

There were only about 20 people in this group, and some of them obviously knew Fu Qingshui, so they hurried forward and said respectfully, when the brothers behind him saw this, they also kept yelling at each other.

"Liu Fa! Where are your sub-rulers?" Fu Qingshui looked at the young man at the front with a gloomy face and said in a deep voice.

The young man had pockmarks all over his face. He was already unattractive, and with the addition of several bruises on his face, he looked even more unattractive. He saw that Fu Qingshui's face was not very good, and he was a little upset.

"That our rudder...the rudder...he...he was abolished!" After hesitating for a long time, the young man with a pockmarked face named Liu Fa pockmarked said it out.

"Abandoned?" Fu Qingshui frowned at this time, and Jiang Heng could feel his anger beside him.

"Who did it!"

"Then...the Sishui League and the Qingshui Gang Liujiazhuang, and the Hulu Gang..."

"I'm asking you who abolished him!" Fu Qingshui interrupted the young man categorically and shouted in a cold voice.

"It's Yang Da of the Sishui League who is in charge! He is the one who abolished our helmsman!" The young man named Liu Fa said with his eyes reddened and his neck stuck.

He seemed to want to vent his recent grievances, and tears flowed down his face.

"Damn it, cry a ball! Why are we crying, Erlang who went out of the Canglang Gang?"

With a bang kick, Fu Qingshui kicked the young man in front of him, and cursed directly without politeness.

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