Master of Fist

Chapter 240 Yan Qingqing

"Do you think that old ghost values ​​you? What he values ​​is the entire branch! As long as we can't finish this branch, he will find all kinds of reasons." Liu Chongshan said weakly on the sick bed.

"Father, Liu Fa said that there will be someone coming from the chief rudder today, but you said that the general rudder is gone, so..."

"shut up!"

Yan Chongshan interrupted his daughter's narration decisively, but soon he coughed, and then he said in a deep voice: "Speaking of which, someone will definitely come! The old leader's kindness to my Yan family is as great as a mountain, and I, Yan Chongshan, will die here Divide the rudder!"

Hearing Yan Qingqing's bitterness, she put her small face on her knees and muttered to herself in a small voice: "It's always like this."

"Steamed buns, buns!"

Yan Qingqing raised her head and said loudly.

"The servant is here!"

Two different but extremely thick voices rang out, and I saw two strong women with a solid figure walking in. If it wasn't for the fact that they were wearing maid clothes and their chests were different from men's, I would have thought that these two were burly The burly man.

However, these two are 1.8 meters tall, with strong backs, and they are enough to act as goalkeepers at the door, and they can probably be fierce generals on the battlefield.

"My Canglang branch is in danger now, if that old ghost brings someone again, can you stop it?"


The two sturdy female servants looked at each other, with sweat dripping from their foreheads, how dare they respond, they are masters of the sixth rank of pulse refining. They are only in the third-rank realm, and they can't take care of themselves since others can beat them with just one finger.

And they are just Miss's personal maids, this...

"Little...Miss...we will take good care of you." After thinking about it, the two maidservants who were not very flexible still responded.

Hearing this, Yan Qingqing felt distressed for a while, and she waved her hand in annoyance to let the two continue to guard, while she slashed alone with her beloved sword in her hand as if venting.




Fu Qingshui and Jiang Heng walked ahead according to Liu Fa's guidance, but saw two very burly men standing in front of should be...

"Get out of the way! I am..."

Just as Fu Qingshui was about to narrate, the two men in front of him came to chop straightly with a big ax in one hand.

Fu Qingshui frowned, and drew his sword to block, but when the big ax fell, he felt an indescribable force coming, and he had no choice but to take a posture of unloading the force, and retreated a little embarrassedly.

Fu Qingshui saw that the two gatekeepers were third-rank martial artists, and they were divided into two groups, so it was not easy to vent their inner anger and hurt others, so they suffered a big loss.

Just about to explain, but the two people in front of them were very reckless, and without saying a word, they each carried two big axes that weighed a thousand catties, and came to hack with great force.

Fu Qingshui's face was shocked, if he was really hit, he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.


The two people, one on the left and one on the right, raised their axes high and directly lowered them down hard.


But there was a sound of metal and iron clashing, and a burly figure stood horizontally in front of Fu Qingshui. Mantou and Baozi watched in a daze.

However, they saw a total of four big axes from the two of them slashing at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him, but...



With a burst of cracking sound, all four large axes exploded, and the axes turned into a pile of broken iron, exploded and fell to the ground, shaking the ground with thumping noises.

At this time, no matter how nervous the two female servants were, they knew that this man was not easy to provoke, and they were about to tell the young lady to run away, when a beautiful figure came out aggressively toward the blade.

"I will never marry..."

Halfway through the speech, he stopped. Yan Qingqing's beautiful eyes stared at the scene in front of her without blinking, especially at the stern and burly young man in front of her.

Immediately, he looked at Fu Qingshui who was behind Jiang Heng again, then put the sword in his hand behind his back in a daze, his pretty face flushed red.

"Brother Qing... Qingshui!"

Following Yan Qingqing's "Brother Qingshui", the two maidservants, Mantou and Baozi, withdrew their hands in embarrassment, scratched their heads and stepped aside.

"Qingqing! I didn't expect that after so many years, she would be so juicy!"

Seeing his acquaintance Fu Qingshui also felt a little better. He had been to Bazhou a few years ago, so he had naturally seen the daughter of Yan Chongshan, the rudder master, but at that time Yan Qingqing was just a little girl, spending all day with a tomboy She seemed to be running and jumping around, and seeing her again now, she felt that she was really a girl.

"Brother Qingshui...this is..." Yan Qingqing nodded, and then looked at Jiang Heng with a blushing face and whispered.

"Oh, this is Jiang Heng, but the benefactor of my Fu family!"

Seeing this, Fu Qingshui hurriedly made an introduction, and what he said was true, because it was indeed Jiang Heng who saved him and Fu Yuehong that day when the Canglang Gang was destroyed. It's not too bad to say that they saved the Canglang Gang.

"Brother Qingshui is serious, I just did it casually, and besides, Senior Fu has a great kindness to me, these are just trivial matters." Jiang Heng waved his hand, in his opinion, that matter is really nothing compared to Senior Fu's kindness what.

"Jiang Heng...remember it!" Yan Qingqing murmured softly, but the blush on her small face never faded.

"By the way, how is Rudder Master Yan?"

Speaking of Fu Qingshui has already entered the small courtyard first, Jiang Heng just came here to see if he could help, so he also followed after seeing this.

Seeing the two leave, Yan Qingqing seemed to have recovered from the distracted expression just now.

She looked at the two sturdy female servants angrily, and said viciously: "It's all your fault, I almost hurt them!"

As he said that, he trotted after him, leaving two maidservants scratching their heads depressedly.

As soon as he entered the room, he could smell an extremely strong smell of medicine and blood. Jiang Heng frowned and looked at the person on the bed inside.

"Master Yan Duo, you are..."

Looking at Yan Chongshan on the bed, Fu Qingshui's eyes were flushed and his pupils were bloodshot.

Yan Chongshan is not an ordinary person. He was originally a scholar. Later, he met a water bandit on the road and survived with the help of the old gang leader of the Canglang Gang.

With outstanding talent, he had the opportunity to step into the sixth rank. But these years for the Canglang Gang to take care of Bazhou's situation, his hair turned gray in his middle age, and he is loyal to the Canglang Gang.

If it weren't for this brave and loyal person to sit in Bazhou, given the complicated situation in Bazhou, unless the old gang leader Fu personally sits in Bazhou, the channel from Cangzhou to Bazhou would have been cut off long ago. up.

You must know that Bazhou is located in the Central Plains, and nearly half of the funds of the Canglang Gang come from here.

The most important thing is that Fu Qingshui and Yan Chongshan are both teachers and friends, so it goes without saying that they have a relationship.

"'s the Young Master! Old Yan, problem.."

Yan Chongshan wanted to get up and salute, but he moved, grinning his teeth in pain and helpless.

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