Master of Fist

Chapter 246 The Familiar Breath

The stooped old man in a large brocade robe put down his fishing rod and reel and faced a group of brash men standing in front of him.

The name of the old owner is Yu Youdao, his eyelids are drooping, and his face is wrinkled. It stands to reason that even fifty or sixty years old would not look so old at the Pulse Refining Realm.

He looked at these men with hideous faces, and he let out a long sigh.

"Brother Yu! Our brothers are very urgent recently!"

The leader's appearance is not bad, but his eyes are a bit treacherous and gloomy, coupled with a scar across his face, he looks a bit ruthless.

These people were all well-dressed, and they were all strong and strong men. In addition, the person in charge was a fifth-level master of the Pulse Refining Realm, and there were two or three fourth-level Meridian Refining Realm among the crowd.

The rest are full of energy and blood, and the weapons are brand new, so they don't look like they are living in distress.

"Everyone! The old man's Zhuangzi has been in some difficulties recently, and I'm afraid he won't be able to entertain you anymore."

Yu Youdao's face was a bit ugly, but he forced a smile, and he seemed to be in some physical inconvenience while bowing his hands in salute, and the corners of his mouth twitched in pain.

"Father, why is this so! These guys are robbers!" Yu Shouren, who was on the side, couldn't bear to yell, and looked like he was about to strike with his sword around his waist.

And standing behind Yu Shouren and Yu Youdao, the three or four differently dressed Juxian Villa Zhongyizhishi also took a step forward.

"Humph! Brother Yu, why, don't tell me your son is ignorant, and you are too confused?"

Seeing some changes in the group of people in Juxian Villa, the man in the lead didn't have the slightest concern and grinned sneeringly.

"Nonsense!" Yu Youdao glanced at the leading man coldly, then turned back and shouted at Yu Shouren.

"Then I don't know why the heroes of the rivers and lakes came to my Juxian Villa today?"

Yu Youdao's voice was a little weak, but he still asked in a calm tone.

"It's nothing, it's just that the weapons in our brothers' hands are broken, and we want to borrow some weapons from Brother Yu!"

"Borrow? I think it's borrowed but not repaid!" Yu Shouren couldn't help shouting anymore, and at the same time drew out the sword at his waist and jumped directly.

"Shouren stop!"

Yu Youdao wanted to stop him, but how could he do it in this state? Right now, his strength is probably not as good as that of an ordinary old farmer.

"Since brother Yu doesn't take good care of you and write about your son, then Zhang will teach him a lesson!"

Speaking of which, the leading man grabbed the back and pulled out the big ax carried on his back.

Look at how complete the ax is, and where the weapon looks damaged.

Yu Shouren's swordsmanship is also decent, but it's too stylish, his moves are fancy, but they also appear to be well-regulated, and his internal energy looks even more ordinary under such moves.

It was also not seen that the leading man made any other redundant movements, and directly struck down with an axe.

Yu Shouren blocked with the blade of his sword, but the blade was bent once, and he quickly drew his sword again and threw out another sword.

Two consecutive strikes did not shake the axe at all, and the axe's downward trend remained the same.


"Haha! Ignorant boy, if you play all these fancy things, I will destroy you with one axe!"

Smiling grinningly, the ax of the man surnamed Zhang became even more powerful and heavy. A fast and heavy ax directly broke through Yu Shouren's defense.

Yu Shouren's flamboyant swordsmanship was forced by this straight ax and had no choice but to return to defense, but the ax in front of him was too powerful.

The owner of the Shaozhuang, Yu Shouren, turned red not only because of his strength, but also his own internal energy was far inferior to the opponent's. The fourth rank is not as good as the fifth rank. In addition, the opponent is a reckless quack who is very good at fighting How could Yu Shouren, a Shaozhuang owner who had never experienced life and death, be able to compare.


Yu Shouren flew upside down, fell to the ground and rolled a few times in embarrassment, vomited several mouthfuls of blood, his face turned blue and then turned white, and the internal qi of the other party was playing with each other in his body.

"I'll just say something today, to borrow or not to borrow?"

The man surnamed Zhang grinned sternly, matching the ferocious scar on his face, he looked extraordinarily fierce.

Yu Youdao was silent for a moment, looking at his son vomiting blood on the ground, and at the loyal men who had been following him all the time, he already had some calculations in his heart.

Although knowing that Juxian Villa is in trouble, these knight-errants who have been favored by Juxian Villa have come here to help without hesitation, but after all, these few warriors are only lower-rank warriors with limited abilities, and they are very grateful to come to Youdao.

"That's all..."

Yu Youdao was about to respond to these people, but at this moment, there was a sound of unhurried footsteps from behind.

"Are you also here to observe Juxian Villa?"

This flat voice attracted the attention of everyone who was nervous because of the confrontation.

Everyone looked at the past in unison, but saw three people walking forward one by one. The leader was a tall and strong young man, he was handsome, with sharp edges and corners on his face, and his black hair was tied up casually. The wind blows.

"Watching?" The reckless man surnamed Zhang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he laughed loudly: "Watching! It's good to watch! A certain person said the same thing before, and it seems that this brother and I have the same purpose. This will cause you to bleed profusely Ah! Haha!"

The man surnamed Zhang at the head smiled, and all the men behind him also laughed together, as if mocking the incompetence of Yu's father and son in front of them.

"Master, these are the ones who visited Zhuangzi earlier today."

Seeing Jiang Heng and the others appear, the old servant Yu Shixian at the side hurriedly reminded the old owner Yu Youdao in a low voice.

"Father! I let them in, but I didn't expect them to be of the same breed!"

Yu Shouren had recovered by now, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said bitterly.

Hearing this, Yu Youdao was not in a hurry to express his opinion. He looked at Jiang Heng and his party with a gloomy expression, and then looked at the man surnamed Zhang. He remembered Jiang Heng, and he had seen this young man when he was passing by.

"My son, you..."

"I want to know if these are the guests of the old owner?"

It doesn't mean you have a way to speak, Jiang Heng took the lead and asked with a smile.

Yu Youdao was silent and didn't answer, but Yu Shouren who was at the side said coldly: "Hmph, why do you need to talk? I entertained you kindly at Juxian Villa, but you actually..."

"Okay! Since you are not a guest of Juxian Villa, then..."

Jiang Heng turned his head to look at these people slowly, ignoring the meaning of Yu Shouren, the owner of the young village, Yu Shouren's complexion turned green and pale in anger.

Why does this person like to interrupt others?

"Everyone, please go back! Since you are being treated with good wine and good food by Zhuangzi, there are still some things that need to be taken care of."

Jiang Heng paced between the two teams, and just casually stood in front of the man surnamed Zhang.

This move made no one expect it, and the faces of both sides were astonished.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

The man surnamed Zhang raised his head first and laughed loudly, and the brothers behind him couldn't stop laughing either.

As for Juxian Villa, the Yu family father and son hadn't recalled it.

"Father... this..."

"Don't talk, just wait for me!"

Yu Shouren nodded obediently. He was a little ashamed at this moment, so he was weak and dared not speak.

"Boy, I can treat you as an ignorant young man, and now take this knife and slash that kid, and I can save your life with my blood mad knife!"

The man surnamed Zhang pulled out the knife from the waist of the brother next to him with one hand and threw it in front of Jiang Heng, his face turned cold and he shouted.

Jiang Heng looked down at the knife on the ground, bent down to hold it in his hand and weighed it.

Watching this scene again, the expression on the side of Juxian Villa tightened slightly.

"Yes! Slash that kid with a knife!"

He pointed at Yu Shouren and smiled wildly.


As soon as the words fell, the man surnamed Zhang widened his eyes, looked down at his abdomen, and saw that a huge blood hole had appeared in his abdomen at this time.

And behind him, there was also some man covering his abdomen in disbelief, but there was a long knife stuck in his abdomen.

The long knife pierced directly from the waist to the back, and blood spurted out suddenly.

bang bang!

Two people in a row fell to the ground with a plop. The man surnamed Zhang and the brothers behind him fell silent one after the other.

All of this happened too fast, completely faster than anyone could see.

The crowd started to be in an uproar, and all the gangsters looked at the young man in front of them with some horror.

My boss is a master at the fifth level of the Pulse Refining Realm, but he was killed in such an instant?

Juxian Villa was equally astonished, and everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

Only Yu Youdao's expression was a little different. He looked at the two corpses on the ground, and then looked at Jiang Heng's thoughtful look.

"Head... the head is gone?!"

"Run away!"

A group of people hesitated for a moment, unable to stop the panic in their hearts, they started to move back one by one, and finally scattered like birds and beasts.

Looking at the group of people receding like the tide. Jiang Heng ignored it, and turned to look at Juxian Villa.

"Meet the owner in Xiajiangheng!"

Jiang Heng smiled and cupped his hands towards Yu Youdao.

"Haha! Mr. Jiang is not only extraordinary, but also his strength is impressive." Yu Youdao nodded while stroking his beard with a smile.

"Young Master Jiang is kind to me at Juxian Villa today, it's quite funny to think about it. I have been friends with Youdao for many years.

But in the end, only a few friends, and Mr. Jiang, whom he had only met once, extended a helping hand. "

As he spoke, Yu Youdao looked a little lonely and waved his hands.

"Master Jiang, let's go into the room and have a chat, so that Yu can thank you very much!"

Hearing that Jiang Heng nodded, he also wanted to chat with the old man in front of him.

However, Jiang Heng found that the old owner did not let other people follow him, including the young owner.

The two walked in front of each other, and the old owner walked very slowly, but his pace was still steady.

The two came to a secluded courtyard, which should be the place where the old owner usually lives.

The yard is relatively large, and there is a small pool inside, and there are some ornamental fish swimming in the pool.

There is a pine tree among them, which adds a lot of greenery to the courtyard.

The layout of the house is a bit elegant and plain, without any extra decorations, especially in the old owner's study room, where there are only some scattered books on the bookshelves.

The overall tone of the room is a bit dark, but because the lighting in the room is very good, the curtains of the windows are rolled up to make the room brighter.

The old master Yu took the lead in taking a seat on the cushion next to the study, and immediately motioned for Jiang Heng to also take a seat.

The study room also had a heater, a maid hurried past the door, and after a while she sat down on the cushion and felt a little warm.

The stove in the house is connected to the stove outside the house, and relatively speaking, it will not cause heavy smoke in the house.

Jiang Heng was seated, when the maid came in again, this time after serving tea, she quickly closed the door and left.

Jiang Heng was about to say something, but Yu Youdao stretched out his hand to signal Jiang Heng to drink tea first.

"I didn't expect it to be true!"

The old man took a sip of his tea, but he was the first to say a word that others found inexplicable.

Jiang Heng's eyes flickered slightly, and he was a little surprised, but kept silent and waited for what the old man wanted to say next.

"The move just now is not something that a warrior of the third rank can do."

The old owner Yu seemed to be in a good mood at this time, and blew on the tea in his hand.

"That's right, the old owner has good eyesight." Jiang Heng didn't say anything directly, but continued to stare at the other party with a smile on his face and didn't continue to say anything.

"Well, not bad. Be vigilant enough!"

The old owner Yu nodded, and the next moment he slowly put down the teacup in his hand, and then began to slowly take off the large robe on his body.

The robe is not very luxurious, but it is dusty and looks a bit plain.

The robe was taken off, revealing a thin body covered with white cloth.

Looking at the body of the old man in front of him, Jiang Heng really couldn't imagine that it would be the body of the sixth-grade pulse refiner.

Even if they are over 50 years old, most people in the pulse refining state can manage very full muscle mass.

But in front of the old owner, not to mention the muscles, the whole skin is loose and dry, with many folds.

The chest rises and falls slightly, and the breathing seems a little heavy.

Jiang Heng frowned slightly, and did not stop the other party, not knowing what the other party wanted to do.

The old master Yu grinned and twitched the corners of his mouth, looking a little painful and his expression distorted.

However, he continued to untie the bandages layer by layer. When the bandages were untied layer by layer, Jiang Heng's complexion gradually changed.

Under the bandages of the old man in front of him is not blurred flesh and blood. It's the dense white bones, the ribs are clearly visible, and even the slightly moving viscera can be seen through the ribs.


Jiang Heng took a deep breath, such an injury.

Some looked at the old man in disbelief. Even if this kind of injury is his own, if there is no black ball, his physique will not be able to bear it.

Pieces of corroded flesh could even be seen beside those wounds.

"Master Jiang, did you scare me?"

The old owner Yu paled and forced a smile, and at the same time took out a dagger from between the bookshelves next to him, and took out a small tray from under the table.

Immediately afterwards, the old man began to scrape off the carrion with the dagger.

When cutting off the carrion, the old man's expression was relatively calm.

It seemed that these rotten flesh had become completely dead flesh, without any feeling.

"Is this the breath of a demon?!"

Jiang Heng stared at the carrion, and after a long time finally remembered what this familiar smell was, and couldn't help blurting it out.

"A monster? That's right!"

Putting down the dagger, Yu Youdao patiently wrapped the bandage little by little again, with a helpless expression on his face.

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