Master of Fist

Chapter 248 Blood Soldier

"This is what I passed down from my family ancestor, old guy, I have to call it ancestor!"

Yujia underground secret library is a large underground space like a palace.

It seems that after many expansions, the walls here are different from old and new, and there are some totems and carvings on the huge stone walls.

The furnishings inside are very simple, except for weapons, there are only weapons hanging all over the wall.

There are all kinds of densely packed ones, some are covered with rust, and some look old and dusty but still relatively sharp.

This place should be a huge underground forging room. There are some forging platforms everywhere on the ground, and there is a giant furnace with a diameter of fifty meters in the center. Although there is no fire, there is always some hot air coming out of it.

The old farm owner Yu was standing in front of the huge furnace at this moment, looking at the dark scene inside the furnace with a slight smile.

Jiang Heng glanced at the huge square furnace, a little suspicious.

He looked at the old owner Yu with a confused look.

The old farm owner Yu chuckled, and then gently pushed the raised iron block on the side of the furnace.

With his push, the entire furnace began to vibrate slightly.

"It's connected to the ground fire vein. The ancestors of the Yu family chose the ground fire here to build the Yu family here."

The dark furnace began to be full of red spots, and as time passed, the red spots gradually expanded, and the heat gradually rose.

A stream of crimson bubbles burst out, making a gurgling sound.

At this time, as the crimson color emerged, a black metal was slowly emerging from the crimson stickiness.

"This was built by my ancestors and all the ancestors of my Yu family's generation, and it was originally intended to be dedicated to the former Emperor Chen.

It's a pity that Chen Guo disappeared before it was fully released. "

The old owner Yu shook his head and sighed, these are the past, and it is not a pity.

Jiang Heng stared at the object in front of him with fixed eyebrows, and the weapon gradually revealed its overall appearance.

This is a long knife with a length of 1.9 meters. For ordinary warriors, it must be said that this is a huge knife, and it must be very inconvenient to use it.

But considering that the martial arts masters of the former dynasty were majoring in foreign training, this is somewhat understandable.

Most of the warriors who practiced outside were extremely tall and strong.

Jiang Heng has a deep understanding of this point, not to mention that he is now 1.8 meters tall, and if he pumps up his blood a little, his body will be directly raised to three or four meters tall, so this knife is perfect for it.

However, Jiang Heng still frowned slightly. In fact, he wanted a pair of boxing gloves more, and a knife was not necessary.

"Go pick it up and try it. It's a bit heavy. Whether it can be used depends on whether you have the ability."

The smile on the old owner's face was a bit weird, he looked at Jiang Heng with a smile while stroking his beard.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, stepped forward and held the knife directly with one hand regardless of the scorching heat on the handle.

At this time, the old owner of the villa was also staring at Jiang Heng's movements. His gaze followed Jiang Heng's movements.

But when Jiang Heng pulled the blade out of the furnace very calmly. The old master Yu's complexion was somewhat stagnant, and he looked at Jiang Heng in disbelief.

He said earlier that he couldn't lift the knife now. In fact, even his heyday can't be mentioned.

This is not for a martial artist like him who practiced internally.

It was the blood soldier embryo prepared for the foreign training master back then.

Jiang Heng was secretly startled, what a heavy knife!

Looking at the black blade in his hand, he estimated that it weighed nearly 20,000 jin, nearly twice the weight of the original demon bone, and he could even hear a dull low hum clearly when he swiped it lightly.

"Cough cough!" The old farm owner Yu coughed lightly: "This blood soldier has not yet been sacrificed, and now it is stronger and heavier than some ordinary weapons."

To be honest, Jiang Heng didn't like this thing very much at first, mainly because he thought it might not be related to his own martial arts, but after holding it in his hand, the feeling is different, it feels very convenient, the key is that it is heavy enough!

Even if this thing is picked up to hit someone, it is much heavier than hitting someone with a fist, right?

"Sacrifice? Do you need human blood?" Jiang Heng frowned slightly. If there was a small amount of human blood, he might be able to get it from some short-sighted guys. But if you sacrifice the whole city like that overlord, there is probably no way. It's not that you can't do it, but you don't want to do it.

He is not a monster, so naturally he cannot do such a thing.

"No, it's fine if you can get demon blood, but...hehe!" The old master Yu stroked his beard and grinned lightly.

The blood of demons was something his ancestors had used. When he first created this blood soldier, he planned to have Grandmaster Chen Guowai use some corpses of demons to sacrifice on the battlefield.

It's just a pity that everything happened too suddenly, the Kingdom of Chen was destroyed, and the entire Juxian Villa never had the opportunity to use the blood of demons to sacrifice the blood-refining soldiers since then.

"Blood of the demon?" Jiang Heng gently put down the black long knife in his hand, and the point of the knife hit the floor and exploded a piece of brick in an instant.

"Senior, are you serious?"

Being looked at solemnly by Jiang Heng, the old master Yu frowned and looked at the smile on his face slightly stiff.

"When...of least two monster corpses are needed to allow the blood soldiers to absorb enough demon blood to complete the sacrifice."

"Haha! Forget it, don't think about the blood of the demon, this thing..."

The old owner Yu thought it was a bit funny as he said that, just now he looked at the other party's solemn expression, and at that moment he really felt that the other party had the blood of a demon, but in a blink of an eye, how could this be possible?

Not to mention two monsters, just one monster is not something the young man in front of him can do.

"Okay! I'll have someone pull up the demon's corpse tomorrow, and then I'll have to trouble seniors to help with the sacrifice!"

As he said that, Jiang Heng stretched out his hand and put the black long knife back into the giant furnace again.

"Put this long knife here first." Jiang Heng waved his hand and didn't care about the dazed expression of the old owner.

"Wait, what did you just say?!"

The old owner Yu was a little excited, his lips trembling: "You mean you have two demon corpses on hand?"

Seeing that the old man was so excited, Jiang Heng didn't answer immediately, and let the other party wait for a while before nodding.

"Really...really there!!!"

The old owner Yu was so excited that he almost danced, he kept muttering something, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Bless the ancestors! Bless the ancestors! Haha! Haha! I never thought I could witness the successful sacrifice of this blood soldier in my lifetime!"

Owner Yu was very excited, he put his palms together and kept laughing wildly.

After nearly 800 years, Yu Youdao really never thought that he would have the opportunity to sacrifice this blood soldier by himself in this life!

He doesn't know exactly how strong the blood soldiers are, but from the ancient books of his ancestors, he knows that the blood soldiers are extremely terrifying to a foreign master and to the promotion of demons.

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