Master of Fist

Chapter 250: Cut

The proving ground is right next to this large forging secret room. It is another equally spacious room, but it is even more spacious. The difference is that the walls and the ground here seem to be made of a kind of black rock, paved one by one. It is very neat, but in some places, you can see some shallow traces of knives and swords.

In addition, there are some iron and wooden stakes and some special wooden stakes with many scratches on them.

"The black steel stone is used here, you can use it to your heart's content! Yes! Use it with all your strength!"

Yu Youdao was a little incoherent, and his tone of speech seemed particularly hasty, wishing that Jiang Heng would immediately swing a knife.

The owner of the Shaozhuang, Yu Shouren, also looked at Jiang Heng expectantly, also full of expectations.

Jiang Heng understood the mentality of the two father and son very well. What the blacksmith hoped for most was to see the performance of the weapon he forged.

Jiang Heng took a deep breath, and began to pump his blood, and his muscles began to swell slowly. The eyes of the two father and son widened a little bit, and the look of expectation in the eyes was even stronger.

Of course, the weapons forged by myself do not want to be used by mediocre people. What I hope most is that someone can fully exert the power of the weapons. This will not only show the ability of the forger, but also make the forger famous.

At this time Yu Shouren was already trembling with excitement, he had hammered out this blood soldier with one hammer after another. He is also looking forward to the power that the blood soldiers can display more and more.

"Ancestor bless! Ancestor bless!" The old farm owner Yu had already begun to mutter silently.

Jiang Heng started to surge with all his energy and blood, the muscles of his right arm began to swell rapidly, and the blue veins protruded one by one like coiled dragons, and dense red stars began to appear on his body, and the blood rays emitted by the stars began to shine A series of bloody dragons began to form.

A total of eight were swimming on the body surface, rushing from the back of the chest to the right arm.

The bloody light of the blood soldier in his hand gradually became dazzling, Jiang Heng began to slowly raise the long knife in his hand, the black blade was raised high, the bandages bound on his head began to scatter, the black hair was scattered, and the black hair was under the scorching air waves Flying in all directions, it looked a little frantic.

His eyes stared straight at the black wall not far away, and his forearm was already bulging to the limit.

"Covering the sea!!!"

The knife fell fiercely, and the next moment a smear of blood flashed across, the blood light almost filled the eyes of the father and son of the Yu family, and then they felt that their figures were pushed and shot backwards by a huge force.

Yu Shouren was overturned by this scorching air wave, but he didn't forget his father's body, and quickly adjusted the direction of the shot backwards.


The two flew out backwards, and Yu Shouren was used as a meat pad by his own father.


Yu Shouren spat out a mouthful of blood, his back was in severe pain, his eyes were covered by blood, and his cheeks were aching from the scalding heat, but he still didn't want to close his eyes, they stared round and tried desperately to see clearly In the scene in front of him, even if his eyes were already filled with tears unconsciously.

Yu Youdao's body was similar, his body was almost pale, but he still stared at him with wide eyes.

There was only a long lingering sound of sabers in my ears, which lasted for several breaths. The sound of sabers began to fade away slowly, and the blood in front of my eyes also slowly dissipated, and my vision began to become clear.


The black long knife was inserted heavily into the ground, Jiang Heng supported the blade with one hand, and his chest heaved violently.

The move just now directly used seventy-eight out of ten of Overwhelming Sea, which is the ultimate that can be used so far. The black ball began to slowly restore the blood in the body.

Just now he clearly felt that this blood soldier can indeed perfectly adapt to the eruption of blood energy moves.

Looking to the opposite side, what you see at this time... the wall...


Although he had expected it, Jiang Heng's pupils shrank suddenly. The side of the wall made of black steel and stone was gone, and even most of the walls on both sides were destroyed. A long open space spread from his heel to the distance. .

The small space is already full of distorted feelings, and the eyes look as if everything around them is constantly distorted, full of dense air.

Breathing seemed extraordinarily heavy, and the air that was breathed into the lungs felt like it was burning.

Yu Youdao's hands trembled. He wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him again. What you can see is exactly the same as what you just saw.

Nearly 50 meters away has become an empty space, without torches in the distance, it looks dark and dim, but now it has turned into a white area, and the steaming air is constantly bubbling.

"My ancestors of the Yu family are above all, and the descendants of the Yu family, Yu Youdao and his son Yu Shouren, have finally fulfilled their ancestors' last wish in this life!"


Yu Youdao fell to his knees directly, weeping uncontrollably, and his son Yu Shouren cried and laughed even more excitedly.

Jiang Heng, who finally regained his strength, let out a sigh of relief.

"This knife seems to be vaguely unexpected!"

Jiang Heng silently reckoned in his heart that the knife just now was nearly 100% better than when he used his hands to cover the sea. And this is not to mention the weight of the blade!

This directly doubles? !

Jiang Heng was really pleasantly surprised, no wonder that overlord yearned so much for a blood soldier, and even threatened Juxian Villa.

"It's too long so I have to carry it on my back!"

Jiang Heng shook his head, but this cannot be regarded as a shortcoming.

"Senior Yu, this blood soldier...I am very satisfied!"

Jiang Heng looked at the Yu family father and son who were weeping on the ground, and waited for the two to relax before opening their mouths.

"Good! Good! Satisfied!" Yu Youdao got up to hide the tears on his face, and said with a light smile, "I'm sorry to make Jiang Xiaoyou laugh!"

"Haha, Senior Yu, as long as you don't blame me for ruining your proving ground!"

"Haha!" Yu Youdao stroked his beard and smiled happily. He waved his hands and said with a smile, "I don't mind if you ruin the whole Zhuangzi!"

"Then how can it be?" Jiang Heng laughed.

Father and son Yu Youdao and Yu Shouren led Jiang Heng out of the secret room with a smile on their face, even ignoring the ancestral secret room at all.

The three of them came to the study room, Yu Youdao and Jiang Heng sat in the main and deputy seats, while Yu Shouren sat on the sidelines and seemed still not excited, the owner of the young village rubbed his hands and looked at Jiang Heng, his eyes were full of stars.

After the maid served the tea, she left in a hurry, Yu Youdao cleared her throat and looked at Jiang Heng with a completely different gaze.

"Tell me, Jiang Xiaoyou, what is your current strength?"

Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't answer right away, Yu Youdao tilted his head and smiled and said, "Did you kill these two monster corpses?"

"Yeah! I killed it." Jiang Heng didn't deny it.

Although he had already guessed, Yu Youdao couldn't help but gasp when he got Jiang Heng's positive answer.

The two father and son looked at each other, and the emotions in the eyes were a little hard to calm down, and even a little uncontrollable excitement.

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