Master of Fist

Chapter 263 Desperate Power

"10,000 people? How many people are going to be handed over to Badaomen this year?"

Jiang Heng didn't respond directly to the other party, but instead asked quietly.

Looking at the young man who had always been calm and carefree, Huang Qi frowned slightly, feeling a little displeased in his heart.

This kid really doesn't know how to flatter him. Didn't Cao Shouxin greet him with a smile that time? What do you want to do with a stinky face?

That's all!

Thinking that Cao Shouxin was dead when the grain payment period was approaching, and if he was killed again, the grain payment would have to be delayed.

"Ten thousand people! Including this birthday, there are a total of 20,000 people!" Huang Qi said in a cold tone, after thinking for a while, he reminded again: "Give you half a month, the prince's birthday will be in the middle of next month, and the prince's birthday will be delayed. You can't bear the consequences!"

However, Huang Qi's words did not get any response, and the young man in the distance still looked at him silently.

"Why do you..."

Before the words fell, the young man in the distance came to him almost in the blink of an eye.

Before Huang Qi could make a move, a big hand like pouring steel was strangled tightly around his neck.

too fast!

Jiang Heng's whole body erupted with blood almost in an instant. Halfway through, the iron armor on his upper body exploded like a bullet casing ejected. Nine blood dragons burst into bloody red light on the body surface, originally like the blood of dead tattoos. The dragon started swimming around.

Huang Qi didn't react at all, he was used to domineering in front of ordinary warriors.

He's used to that kind of uncommon means.

Even master masters are vulnerable in front of him, and ordinary martial artists at the pulse refining level and the lower third rank don't even have a chance to attack him. Because whenever there is a slight change, he can see it in advance with the opponent's weak movements.

Secondly, when the habit becomes normal, the vigilance will be kept to the lowest level.

Especially the demonic aura that their race naturally carries is highly poisonous to human beings, even the grandmasters of the human race cannot avoid it.

He didn't even think that the ants would attack him, especially the tamed ants!

Huang Qi began to struggle violently, because the pain on his neck began to increase rapidly, as if the other party wanted to kill him instantly.

At this moment, he had no time to think about why the human beings in front of him were not afraid of his monster aura.

Huang Qi's figure began to swell rapidly, and the gorgeous brocade robe began to be torn apart like pieces of paper, and brown-yellow strands comparable to gold and iron grew rapidly. The head also began to become less human-like, and a pair of semicircular long-haired brown-yellow ears began to grow on both sides of the head.

The nose began to turn black, and some white hairs appeared around the nose and mouth in a small area, and a long brownish-yellow tail sprang out quickly.

"Hey, it's a weasel!"

Jiang Heng grinned. The monster in front of him was indeed very similar to the familiar weasel. The difference was that it was bigger and more ferocious. blade.

This is indeed the case. Under the opponent's struggle, his claws as fast as lightning moved towards Jiang Heng's right arm. Suddenly, several clear bloodstains appeared on the original arm.

Feeling the pain, he let go of his hand, and the opponent began to distance himself from Jiang Heng, jumped back tens of meters, and then kept shaking his head, as if the pinch just now really hurt.

Jiang Heng frowned slightly. The opponent's speed and strength seemed to be slightly stronger than the horned vipers he met at the beginning, and his strength should belong to the first-rank level among the monsters.

It seems that any monster's talent has its advantages.

This one in front of him is those two pairs of extremely sharp claws!

"Who the hell are you?"

Huang Qi was three meters tall at this time, much shorter than ordinary monsters, but his figure was extremely long. If he didn't stand on all fours, he would be nearly six meters tall when standing upright!

The key is that the waist and abdomen are extremely long, and they are very soft like snakes. This is the strength of their lineage. The soft waist can make their attack range wider and more strange!

"Why do you like to ask this?"

Twisting his neck, there was a crackling sound, and the bloodstain on his arm had healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the next moment, his figure shot away like a cannonball, and a sound wave visible to the naked eye exploded in the air.


Huang Qi's heart was ringing with alarm, but the weird young man opposite seemed to be rushing straight at a speed that was completely inhuman.

The point is that he still can't keep up with the opponent's speed.


The ferocious animal head that was punched raised high, before Huang Qi could react. In the next moment, I felt a big hand clasped firmly, and then my body exploded towards the ground.


The ground sank suddenly, and the bluestone ground that had been cut into fragments by the knife air before was completely cracked at this moment, and it exploded inch by inch, the ground shook, and rubble could be heard falling outside.

The bosses on both sides of the Badaomen have completely ignored them. If they are still staying here at this time, they are afraid that they will die without knowing how they will die. They run and crawl out in a panic.

When they fled in a hurry, they didn't know that a pair of cold eyes took the time to glance at them.

At this time, Chen Xu, who was hiding in a corner, was completely stunned. After recovering, his fists were clenched and rattling. He looked at the situation inside the house with excitement, regardless of the possibility of being injured by the rocks, just Try to keep your eyes wide open, trying to remember everything inside.

"Good... so strong!"

Who is this man?

Chen Xu's heart was full of shock and excitement, just like a young man who was full of confusion and despair on the road of life suddenly saw a tall figure exuding a great light.

"You... you are dead! No matter who you are, if you dare to attack the special envoy of the palace, no one can save you!"

Huang Qi jumped out of the depression, clasped the beams of the house with his limbs, and stared at Jiang Heng wildly with eyes full of resentment.

"You should think about yourself first!"

Looking at Jiang Heng who jumped up again and quickly approached, Huang Qi felt the hairs on his back standing on end, this guy in front of him was really difficult to deal with, he frowned, kicked his hind legs violently, and his figure quickly shot out .

"Come down!"


I only felt my hind legs tighten, and a big hand had already clasped it, and then the things in front of me quickly retreated.


The ground was sunken again, and before Huang Qi could catch his breath, a huge fist glowing red had already crashed down.



Huang Qi's head was in a daze, his eyes widened, and he tried to stay awake even though his eyes were already covered with blood.

But every time he wanted to struggle, an iron fist would come crashing down, attacking suddenly with heavy air pressure.

"?? level, third grade?!"

Huang Qi's mind was a little unconscious, and he could only feel a deep sense of powerlessness, as if he was a child, facing a muscular man with no strength to fight back.

Desperate power!

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