Master of Fist

Chapter 267 Tony Yu

But the next day, before Jiang Heng could transport the corpse of the monster to Juxian Villa, Yu Shouren, the young master of the Yu family, came to Jiangfu and brought a carriage with him.

The wheels of the carriage were extremely laborious, Jiang Heng knew his purpose when he saw this.

"Brother Jiang, I have sent this item here by my father's order!"

At this time, Yu Shouren looked a little rough, and he looked extremely haggard. But the spirit is good, and even a little excited.

Open the curtain of the carriage, and there are two wooden boxes inside.

There are two things quietly lying in the wooden box. The same is a pair of white gloves with faint black stripes, and the same is also neatly arranged arrows, and the whole body is also white with faint black textures.

Black and white seem to be distinct, but they are self-contained, as if they are natural.

"Fifty arrows and a pair of gloves are all smelted at a ratio of two to one. The weight is twice as heavy as a demon bone of the same weight."

Yu Shouren seemed quite proud. It was his own way to further melt down the demon bone and temper it again.

"The young master and the old master are being polite. I didn't expect the Yu family to have such skills. This favor Jiang has recorded!"

Touching a row of neatly arranged arrows, he weighed his glove and nodded in satisfaction.

In particular, the white bone glove seems to have taken into account the problem of stretching, and the stretching belt is specially forged with the tendons of the demon in the middle, so that the size of the glove can be freely stretched.

It directly solved the problem that Jiang Heng's body size might increase during the battle.

Of course, the key point is the quality of the glove itself and those hideous blood grooves on the outer layer of the boxer armor, which is very much to Jiang Heng's appetite.

He stayed with Yu Shouren for lunch and originally planned to stay with him for a day. But this guy was very excited when he learned that Jiang Heng brought another demon corpse.

Finally, Yu Shouren returned to Juxian Villa with the corpse of the demon.

At the same time, Jiang Heng's blood soldiers were brought along with him.

When Yu Shouren saw the two pairs of extremely sharp claws on the demon corpse. He slapped his head and decided to further temper the blood soldiers.

As for the matter that the blood soldiers can be further tempered, the old owner Yu said.

Yu Shouren was very happy about this. After all, the better the weapon he made, the more exquisite his skills would be.

After seeing off Yu Shouren, Jiang Heng returned to the yard and put on this pair of gloves. The inside of the gloves seemed to use the leather of the previous demon as a cushion.

This also causes the glove to appear thicker on the hand. From a distance, it looks like the fist has become bigger.

The white gloves with black stripes had a metallic luster.

Coupled with Jiang Heng's bald head and dragon pattern all over his body, the fierceness is even stronger.

With Jiang Heng in this shape, it is no exaggeration to say that most people would look weak.

"There is still a mechanism!"

Jiang Heng took a look and found that there was a push button on the inside of the glove near the wrist.


With such a slight push, the surface of the hideously shaped glove began to undulate rapidly at this moment.

Pieces of large pieces of glove armor all undulated at this moment, splitting into pieces that were as fine as snake scales and began to quickly gather together.

In the end, they all retracted into two white rings on Jiang Heng's wrist.

Now Jiang Heng was really surprised.

"The Yu family's craftsmanship... black technology!"

Unexpectedly, the Yu family father and son could play with such a thing.

If it wasn't for the fact that the weight of the bracelet didn't change, Jiang Heng would have thought it was a spell or something.

"It's much more convenient."

Jiang Heng nodded, after all, wearing such a pair of boxers is a little troublesome most of the time.

Just how to change back to the original?

Looking at the tight white ring without the slightest gap, Jiang Heng felt a little troubled.

There is only a small red dot on the inside of the entire white ring.

"This is a blood stone!"

Jiang Heng found that this small red dot seemed to be exactly the same material as the bloodstone he saw in Juxian Villa.

Could it be? !

A little bit of qi and blood gushed out, and in an instant, the originally tight ring was like an automated hand exoskeleton at this moment.

Countless fine fish scales began to spread rapidly along the palm.

After a while, the glove returned to its original state.


Jiang Heng took a deep breath, he really wanted to tie up Yu's father and son now, and asked these two guys if they knew Mr. Tony.

The past few days have been the busiest days for the Jiang family. Jiang Heng packed up the bone arrows and Dou Shi let Laifu spread the word.

It turned out that the third uncle's big wedding was just two days later.

"No wonder the house is so festive!"

Jiang Heng rubbed his chin, he was busy adapting to his strength and solving the issue of Ba Dao Sect these days, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

"I don't know what's going on with the Canglang Gang recently."

Regarding the matter of the Canglang Gang, since the Jiang family moved out of Fucheng, they have not paid much attention to it.

Some things help too much and are not always a good thing.

While Jiang Heng was deep in thought, Yang Dalang came in worried.

"go out!"

The cold drink instantly cleared Yang Dalang's mind a lot, he bowed his hands and hurriedly backed out.

This time Yang Dalang knocked on the door again, and Jiang Heng said after a long time, "Come in!"

Yang Dalang cupped his hands a little ashamedly, "It's my subordinate who is being rude!"

Jiang Heng had reminded him about the need to knock on the door when he came in. But just now I was really thinking about things and I forgot for a while.

"Forget it this time, and next time, you know the consequences!"

The cold words made Yang Dalang sweat drip from his forehead.

He knew that his boss was more tolerant in other matters, but in this matter, it was very difficult to be tolerant. As soon as this remark comes out, it means that if you dare to commit another crime, the consequences will be very serious.

"Yes Yes!"

"Okay, what happened in such a hurry that made you so flustered?"

"It's Badaomen, according to the news we arranged for the gang members in Tingfeng Town to find out! Badaomen died overnight!

Up to Cao Shouxin, the master of the Badaomen, down to the ordinary disciples, not even a single sparrow in the mountains survived! "

Yang Dalang frowned and said worriedly.

"You didn't make a mistake? Badaomen are all dead?"

Jiang Heng was a little horrified, he obviously only killed the evil leader and those high-level Badaomen who had seen his appearance.


"At first I thought it was a mistake, but our people went in to have a look before the people from the yamen arrived.

It is true that there is no one alive, and the entire Badaomen is like a ghost town! "

Yang Dalang's face became more dignified as he spoke.

Jiang Heng heaved a sigh of relief, lying on the chair as if all the strength had been relieved from his body.


After a while, Jiang Heng spit out these two words slowly.

The palace did a great job!

This is something that Jiang Heng never thought of. At first, he thought that the palace would take care of the overall situation and should support a puppet anyway.

I didn't expect it to be Thunder's method directly...

"By the way, I heard people say that early this morning someone saw two figures, one tall and one short, going up the mountain.

It didn't take long for the two to descend the mountain. During the period, it was only half a stick of incense time.

Do you think this matter has anything to do with these two people? "

Jiang Heng did not directly inform Yang Dalang of the existence of the special envoy of the palace, so Yang Dalang could only make some judgments of his own.

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