Master of Fist

Chapter 287

Yu Shixian got up quickly and went into the house without much delay, Yu Youdao got up and walked towards Liu Shizong, looked at the two severed arms on the ground, took a deep breath and silently stepped forward to pick up the two arms.


Yu Youdao opened his mouth, but just as he was about to speak, he realized that he still didn't know the name of the person in front of him, "What's your name?"

Liu Shizong didn't say a word, but his eyes were still blank, like a corpse lying on the ground.

"You can't use the sword...but you are still the sect..." Yu Youdao wanted to persuade him, but found that he didn't know how to persuade him. How painful it would be for a swordsman not to be able to use a sword.

After a moment of silence and pondering, Yu Youdao sighed: "Actually, it's not that he can't use a sword at all. Lu Yixin told me that even if he doesn't have hands at the end of his swordsmanship, as long as his brain has the realm of a master, he can cultivate his sword body." To develop a sword pill, you only need to sacrifice the sword pill every time, and you can kill people thousands of miles away invisibly."

These words were naturally lied to by Yu Youdao. Lu Yixin did tell him these words, but they were still at the stage of conception. Even at this stage, Lu Yixin still needs to guide the sword pills to complete a series of driving and guiding sword pills. Actions.

Liu Shizong's eyes trembled slightly, but soon became dead silent again.

Yu Youdao kept staring at Liu Shizong's reaction, and when he saw this, he quickly said again: "And I practice a miracle of health preservation. As long as I practice to a certain level, it is not impossible to reshape my arm."

This is of course a lie. It is true that if Yu Youdao lost his arm now, as long as it is reconnected within a certain period of time, the broken arm can indeed be reshaped, but once the time drags on, the arm will be completely scarred , Even the broken arm has completely lost its vitality, and it is impossible to reshape the broken arm.

But in Liu Shizong's current state, he wants to reach the level of Yu Youdao. You have to re-practice that health-preserving kung fu and practice it to great success. Apparently the daylilies were cold by then.

"Look, Yu, I pierced the vitals just now, and I'm still standing in front of you alive and kicking?" Yu Youdao stood in front of Liu Shizong, showing his completely scarred wound.

This time Liu Shizong's eyes moved a bit, seeing that Yu Youdao's neck had indeed healed, and it seemed that there was no serious problem, at this moment his eyes began to shine.

But he was not a young boy who had just practiced martial arts, and soon his eyes became calm again. But at any rate, there is already a living person's anger in his eyes.

At this time, Yu Shixian had trotted over, holding a small tray full of medicine bottles in his hand.

Yu Youdao grabbed the tray, rummaged through it, and quickly picked out a bottle of ointment and came to Liu Shizong's side without saying anything. He just quickly applied a handful of ointment and began to apply it on Liu Shizong's broken arm.

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The topical medicine from Juxian Villa seemed to be quite good, and the bleeding stopped after just a moment.

At this time, Jiang Heng, who was covered in blood, walked out of the secret room in a little confusion. He had been wandering between life and death just now, and his mental and physical consumption was so great that he was mentally sluggish and almost failed several times to condense the blood.

Even Jiang Heng once felt that he was hallucinating, but now it seems that it is not an auditory hallucination!

Jiang Heng walked out of the small courtyard where the secret room was located in some confusion, looked at the messy courtyard outside and the servants of Juxian Villa who were anxiously coming and going, and finally his eyes fell on Youdao and Liu Shizong on the ground.

Seeing Liu Shizong's appearance, Jiang Heng's eyes suddenly shrank.

"what is the problem?"

Stride to Liu Shizong's side, looking at Yu Youdao's two arms belonging to Liu Shizong, frowning.

"It happened suddenly just now, and it was the Black Armored Army of the Wangfu. I didn't call you. Once you make a move, if the Wangfu knows, even if the Black Jiajun is completely wiped out, the Wangfu will send more people. The next one may be stronger, and if the next one doesn't work, the next one will come, and it will even trigger the overlord to make a move.

Yu Youdao explained from the side that he actually had a chance to call Jiang Heng out. But if Jiang Heng made a move, he would definitely not be able to leave anyone alive.

If the Overlord knows the existence of a martial artist like Jiang Heng, who is left alive, it may be the Overlord himself who will take action next.

Of course, killing it is not necessarily good, because it will also arouse the suspicion of the Overlord.

The best way to deal with it is as before, but the price is a bit high.

Liu Shizong didn't look at Jiang Heng, he turned his head away, looking sadly at the maple forest outside the villa in the distance.

Yu Youdao pulled Jiang Heng aside and sighed in a low voice: "I'm afraid he won't be able to hold a sword again from now on."

"Who said he can't hold a sword in the future?"

Hearing this, Yu Youdao frowned, so he had to pat Jiang Heng on the shoulder, and said helplessly: "Little friend Jiang, I know you don't want to accept this fact, and this little brother also doesn't want to accept it, but everything has already happened. No help!"

He thought Jiang Heng was unwilling to accept this fact.

But Jiang Heng smiled at this time.

"Hey, what are you laughing at? Little friend Jiang, don't be too sad!" Seeing this, Yu Youdao became anxious immediately.

"Who is sad?" Jiang Heng shook his head, ignoring Yu Youdao and snatching his arms away.

At this time, Liu Shizong was trying his best to adapt to the fact that he had become disabled, but it didn't take long before he felt his back collar being pulled, and his whole figure was actually lifted up by Jiang Heng.

"You! Let go!"

Liu Shizong was a little sad and angry, but his arms were gone, so he could only let Jiang Heng use them.


The heavy figure was pressed on the ground by Jiang Heng with one hand, and before Liu Shizong could react, the next moment, Jiang Heng placed the two broken arms at the wounds on both sides of his broken arms.

Seeing this scene, Liu Shizong blushed and shouted, "Are you humiliating me?"

"Shut up!"

Then a ball of rags was stuffed directly into Liu Shizong's mouth. Liu Shizong wanted to struggle, but Jiang Heng's big hands fixed it firmly on the ground like a big mountain.

"Old Liu! This is not like you! If your hand is crippled, how can you be crippled? You look like a bitch now, you almost cried!"

Jiang Heng grinned, he wanted to ease the atmosphere and distract Liu Shizong's attention. Because it may be a little painful to set the bone later.

Liu Shizong was indeed on the verge of crying at this time, and there was a constant whining sound from his mouth. Outsiders looked like a wronged baby.

But this struggle came to an abrupt end.

His eyes were wide open, and he looked at the big hand that was pressing on his broken arm. At this moment, a strange energy was gushing out from that big hand, which was a feeling that Liu Shizong had never experienced before.

It was crispy and numb and a little comfortable, but it soon felt unbearably itchy.

At that time, Liu Shizong was not watching when Jiang Heng was treating Yu Youdao, so he had no idea that Jiang Heng still had this ability, and his eyes were full of surprise.

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