Master of Fist

Chapter 293

Looking back at the direction of Qiong Ding Peak where only a little shadow of the mountain remained, Huang Wen let out a sigh of relief.

Now I feel a little scared, he is not a face-saving person, Huang Wen has always attached great importance to the feelings in his heart, for example, he felt a very bad feeling just now.

"No wonder the sixth brother and the fourth brother are here!"

Huang Wen's face was very ugly at this time, from the loud noises from inside just now, it was not difficult for him to guess that there must be a terrible existence inside.

"It's a good thing to bring this group of black armored soldiers!" Huang Wei felt extremely fortunate, if he came here alone, he might end up in the same fate as his two brothers.

"Just who is this Qiong Ding Peak?

Lu Yixin?

I've met Lu Yixin before. He seems to be a person who can hide his clumsiness, but can he really hide his clumsiness to this extent? "

Huang Wen was a little puzzled. Lu Yixin was always on guard, and he suggested to his elder brother Huang Qi more than once that Qiong Ding Peak seemed to be very low-key, but the actual threat was bigger than Ba ​​Dao Sect.

But the aristocratic family has been sitting on the world for so many years, and has long developed a temperament of contempt for the human race. He didn't pay much attention to Huang Min's words.

"Damn it! If this continues, I will be buried with these idiots sooner or later!"

Huang Wen cursed secretly, but still headed towards Fucheng. Anyway, this matter still has to be resolved by my elder brother.


Wangfu, in a side courtyard.

"You said that the fourth child is gone? Even the hundred black armor troops that he brought out are gone?"

Huang Qi looked at Huang Min in front of him with a gloomy expression, his face was so gloomy that water almost dripped out.

"Brother! I'm afraid there is a big problem with the Twelve Swords Alliance in the Sky! This matter should be resolved this morning, otherwise it will become a serious problem!" Huang Wen clapped her hands anxiously.

Huang Qi didn't respond to Huang Wen, but walked back and forth in the courtyard frowning.

"It's the prince's birthday soon, why did such a thing happen at this time!"

Huang Qi was talking to himself, his voice full of anger.

"Brother, it's better to report this matter to the lord!" Huang Wei frowned, but still suggested.


Huang Qi refused without even thinking about it. He waved his hand and said coldly: "My lord's birthday, this is the top priority! People from the aristocratic families in the capital have come to congratulate one after another, and even His Majesty will send envoys come.

Just now there are several envoys staying in the palace. Are you trying to discredit the prince? "

Huang Qi's face was irritated, while Huang Wen who heard the words on the side frowned. He naturally knew that this kind of thing was indeed a shameful thing in the eyes of the aristocratic family.

After all, Bawang's fiefdom is Bazhou's capital city and its surrounding areas. It can be said that the people of Bazhou are Bawang's servants or captive livestock.

Let me just ask, if other aristocratic families saw that the overlord was killed by domestic animals and slaves, several vassals were killed in a row, it would definitely be a very embarrassing thing.

Huang Wen could even imagine that if this matter really got to Bawang, Bawang's good mood approaching his birthday would be gone.

And he will be the first to take the Huang family under the knife!

After all, the Huang family now has a total of three people folded in. Why keep such a useless vassal?

But Huang Min vaguely felt that the consequences might be more serious if he didn't tell Ba Wang about this matter.

Huang Wen was planning to continue persuading him for a while, but Huang Qi waved his hand and spoke first.

"Okay! This matter must not be stabbed to the prince! This matter..."

Huang Qi pondered for a while before saying: "Well, things are busy in the palace now, you should stabilize the situation here, don't let the prince notice.

This time, I will take the second and third child together! I would like to see what happened in this Bazhou, and it actually killed the three of my Huang family at once! "

Hearing this, Huang Min was relieved, but also nodded in her heart. Although my eldest brother has a strong family style, he is also very rigorous in his work. This time the three of them made a move, and things are sure to be sure.

Needless to say, my eldest brother, ?-level ninth-rank is almost half a step of the dominance. Although ten? The strongest bit exists.

In addition, the second brother and the third brother, one at the 7th rank and the other at the 6th rank, needless to say their strength, the third brother alone killed ten of him, Huang Min, with ease!


"You said you were the deputy commander of the Black Armored Army?"

A huge black heavy saber directly pressed down on the feminine man below, making the feminine man Zhu Fugui unable to move at all. When he heard the question from the human man in front of him, he nodded repeatedly, his eyes were actually terrified.

The scene in front of him really subverted his three views. The whole hall seemed to have been thoroughly plowed, the ground was in a mess, there were black armor fragments and blood clots everywhere, and the dust on the ground was very sticky because it was covered with too much blood. Like a bloody quagmire.

Of the one hundred black armor troops under his command, not even half of them were intact, and some of them only had some remaining blood clots and blood.

"Your name....."

" surname is Zhu! Zhu Fugui from the Zhu family!" Zhu Fugui quickly responded in fear, fearing that the human man in front of him who looked like a man of blood would cut him to pieces with a knife.

"This... this is not what I want to come here, everything is from the Huang family, Huang Min! He insisted on looking for his elder brother, this... I was also forced to help him, he is a direct descendant of the family, I... .I'm just from a collateral lineage, and I'm far behind the others in terms of status!"

Zhu Fugui repeatedly explained that at this moment, he seemed to be completely unable to show the expression of disdain he used to face the human race, and some only had fear and prayer.

"The Huang family?"

Jiang Heng nodded, it seemed that the Huang family had a deadly fight with them. It's just that Jiang Heng is a little curious. It seems that he has killed several members of the Huang family in a row. Why is the overlord still acting so cautiously?

The imaginary Overlord himself did not seem to appear, or did the Overlord disdain to make a move?

"Tell me what's going on in the palace!" Jiang Heng raised the back of his knife and patted Zhu Fugui's face. After just a few strokes, Zhu Fugui's rather feminine and handsome face instantly swelled up like a pig's head.

"Wang's mansion...what's the situation there?" Zhu Fugui didn't know what Jiang Heng wanted to ask, but after seeing Jiang Heng's unfriendly eyes, he quickly said tremblingly: "Wang's mansion...Wang's mansion is recently I have been busy preparing for the prince's birthday.

Even Mr. Kuishan was busy receiving distinguished guests from the capital. The adults in the mansion attach great importance to this birthday banquet, and it is said that even His Majesty will send a special envoy to congratulate him..."

"A lot of distinguished guests have come to the capital?" Jiang Heng frowned and said in a deep voice, "Then the Overlord can't get away now?"


Zhu Fugui quickly echoed: "My lord is the birthday star of this birthday. Many people from the aristocratic families who came from the capital came here for Bawang's sake. Naturally, Bawang has to entertain these people in person."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded, thinking quickly in his mind, this is good news right now.

"Does the prince know what happened outside the city recently?"

Zhu Fugui was taken aback for a moment, he knew what the human man in front of him was referring to, and quickly said: "I don't know! The status of the Huang family in the palace is not as good as that of Master Kuishan. If this matter is brought to Bawang, the Huang family will definitely I can't eat and walk around!"

Zhu Fugui didn't even think about concealing this matter at all, he just complained about Huang Min's attitude towards him before, and he had already been at odds with the Huang family, and he wished that the Huang family would continue to fill this hole with their lives.

He now felt that the human race in front of him seemed to be a little different from the human race he had seen before, and it might really make the Huang family suffer a lot.

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