Master of Fist

Chapter 334 Arrival

Because of the previous attack by the orcs, the Frederick tourist ship almost went directly to the interstellar port in the Samsung ring belt this time, without spending much time on the way.

It has to be said that although the Samsung Ring Belt is just a small constellation-level civilized space port, it showed Jiang Heng the spectacular scene he imagined to appear in science fiction movies.

Outside the porthole, the interstellar port with the Samsung ring appears extremely huge. From Jiang Heng's point of view, the commercial spacecraft of Freed Travel Company is already very big, like a small sci-fi city suspended in space, but it is still different from the interstellar port in front of him.

In front of the interstellar port, the huge Freed ship is like a mosquito entering the body of a giant beast.

The three-star ring belt interstellar port is completed by the three-star civilization using the power of the entire civilization to spend hundreds of years. Perhaps it is because of the different technological developments of the Samsung civilization over the past few hundred years, so that it looks diverse in style, but overall it is still very technologically aesthetic. The artificial metal star ring structure is definitely a good idea.

The port surrounds the parent star of the Samsung civilization in an elliptical shape, and there is a circle of translucent transparent material around the ring, which is used to build an environment suitable for the survival of life for the port.

From time to time, you can see ships berthing or leaving the port coming and going, and the exhaust flames of various spacecraft engines are like shooting stars, which is really beautiful.

The whole port is in a very busy and lively atmosphere.

The bracelet on Jiang Heng's hand was given to him by Lucy before. Later, Lucy asked him to help him untie the bracelet and bind it with Jiang Heng. Of course, Lucy also asked Jiang Heng account number.

Jiang Heng thought the binding of the bracelet would be complicated, but in fact, the registration of this ordinary bracelet is very simple. It has a built-in gene recognition function, which detects Jiang Heng's genetic information and automatically generates a registration code, which is very simple and quick. At the same time, the gene itself is an extremely complicated thing. It is impossible for such a simple device to detect the owner's complete genetic code, so there is no security problem.

Of course, relatively speaking, the function is very simple and can only accept nearby communication channels, while long-distance communication is completely unusable.

For the time being, Jiang Heng can only make do with it. According to Lucy's description, if he wants to have long-distance communication, he has to go to the Warrior Alliance or the three major forces of the Milky Way to register a warrior or citizen account.

After all, long-distance communication also needs communication base stations in the universe, and only the Warrior Alliance and the three major forces have the ability to build base stations.

When he opened the bracelet, he was immediately startled by countless messy reminders.

Among them is the official reminder of Samsung Civilization, which requires every passenger who disembarks to register, and at the same time informs some rules and regulations of the port. The three-star civilization is a subsidiary civilization of the Luohui Empire, so the rules of the port are roughly the same as those of the Luohui Empire.

In short, it is not allowed to kill people in the port without permission, and not to conduct some illegal transactions. There are many illegal activities, which are nothing more than fraudulent buying and selling. Once these armed forces report the port, they will temporarily control it.

At this time, the Frederick commercial ship has begun to slowly approach the nearest berthing port.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the magnificence of the port. It was the first time Jiang Heng saw this kind of situation and couldn't help but feel agitated.

At the same time, there was also a feeling of being extremely small in my heart.

"Tsk tsk... The three-star civilization is definitely the most courageous constellation-level civilization!"

Hansen couldn't help but speak in awe. Jiang Heng listened calmly.

"Using the power of the entire civilization to build such a port seems stupid in the short term, but in the long run, Samsung civilization is making a lot of money!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded approvingly. As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, build roads first, and this applies to the universe as well.

It can be seen from the prosperity here!

"And the three-star civilization also has the technical support of the empire. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a constellation-level civilization to build such a huge port that can adapt to life in the port!"

Then Hansen said a lot of news about the Samsung civilization. In fact, Jiang Heng could see the news about the Samsung civilization on the bracelet. Because Samsung Civilization has sent some information about this port just now, as well as the self-introduction of Samsung Civilization.

But Hansen wanted to say that Jiang Heng was also willing to listen.

This three-star ring port is the intermediate hub of several constellation-level civilizations nearby, and it is also an outpost on the border of the Luohui Empire, although it does not belong to the junction of several major forces, let alone the battle zone of the orcs.

But the empire still has a remote outpost here, and it is also a giant trading center for hundreds of life stars on the border. Many star-level civilizations and constellation-level civilizations nearby have branches here to exchange resources and exchange information. mutual communication.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this port is a large trading platform.

A few days ago, Jiang Heng had received a total of 60,000 energy crystals from Freed Company, but Jiang Heng's expression was a little distorted when he received the star card handed over by Captain Larose.

Because he heard a fat man say that he would give him a 100,000 star card, but he ignored it at the time, which made Jiang Heng very depressed.

At present, Jiang Heng's goal is to improve his strength as soon as possible. According to Hansen's description, Liuwannengjing is a fortune, and it has great purchasing power in the port.

At the same time, Jiang Heng also inquired about the situation of some ports, and learned that the most sold in the ports are technological equipment or technology, but there is also a huge market for things among warriors.

Therefore, there are many items sold in the port that warriors need, among which there are many items that can improve their strength.

Jiang Heng wanted to take a look at these power-enhancing items, and secondly, he had to consider finding someone to obtain an identity certificate, of course it was a legal identity certificate.

It is said that it is now the border of the Luohui Empire. Fortunately, the inspection is not so strict. But if you go to the hinterland of the empire or the hinterland of several other major forces, there are very strict requirements for identity.

Therefore, Jiang Heng must take a look at the trading market at the port. This takes into account the improvement of strength and the future direction in the future.

At this moment, the slightly old voice of Captain Larose rang from the communication equipment in the ship.

"The spaceship is about to dock at the Samsung Ring Port. Please wait patiently for the spaceship to berth. Thank you for taking this trip with Freed. For the accident on this trip, I would like to express my sincere apologies to everyone on behalf of Freed. We will refund the full cost of the flight at the time.

If you still choose my company for the trip after that, our company will give you a 20% discount. Thanks! "

Spaceships of a size similar to Freed's commercial spaceship generally dock at the port to connect with the passage outside the port. After the docking with the passage is completed, there is a sound of air, and the connection door with the passage opens.

There are ten passages, directly connected to ten hatches of the spacecraft, which is the number of exit hatches on the scale of a medium-sized commercial spacecraft. In fact, the spaceship still has many exit hatches, but only ten are set up in the port to reduce overhead.

Several guides were waiting by the passage, and the passengers took their luggage and prepared to leave the cabin.

Jiang Heng did not take the ordinary passage like the passengers, but took the special passage with the crew of the spaceship.

This kind of medium-sized spaceship itself is huge, and the passageway connected to the hatch is also extremely spacious, with a width of about ten meters, even if it is a vehicle.

"Your Excellency Jiang Heng! Your Excellency Jiang Heng! Do you have time to talk?"

Just as Jiang Heng was about to leave the cabin, there was a rush of footsteps coming from far behind. When Jiang Heng turned his head, he saw that the people who came were somewhat familiar. It was the fat man who had met once, and the two bodyguards of the fat man.

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