Master of Fist

Chapter 397: Raging Fist Lin Heng

"Brother, I'm not wrong. This fight is just a show. In my opinion, this kind of strength, not to mention killing the inspector level, I am afraid that even my two brothers can't beat it!" The deacon with the short beard not only Instead of restraining himself, he became even more disdainful, and his words were full of sarcasm.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng frowned, looked at the mustache deacon, and saw that the deacon was frowning slightly, looking eager to try. He looked at the goatee deacon again. He was glaring at the mustache deacon viciously, but there was a hint of approval clearly in his eyes.

I see!

Jiang Heng suddenly said, "I said why these two people are so weird, so they wanted to attack me from the beginning?"

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng grinned.

"Since this deacon has a lot of complaints about Jiang, why don't you and I have a contest?"

Hearing this, the deacon with the short beard laughed out loud.

"Okay! It's just that Junior Brother Jiang is a middle-level warrior after all. After all, this skill is not comparable to mine. I have to admit it. But I need to join hands with my elder brother to make full use of this ability. I don't know if Junior Brother Jiang is willing to do it with one." Enemy two?"

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and was about to speak, when Yang Qi leaned over and whispered.

"This is the normal state of the alliance. A little deterrence to those who make meritorious deeds for the first time is mainly to prevent newcomers from being arrogant."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded, knowing in his heart, wouldn't this just be a blow to the horse?

Jiang Heng nodded but still took a few steps forward.

"Yes, the two deacons can go up together."

"Haha, good! Brother, come and me to try Brother Jiang's skills with both hands!"

The deacon with the mustache laughed loudly, and at the same time flicked his sleeves, and drew out a bright and simple knife.

"Junior Brother Jiang, you see my younger brother is too ignorant, so it's better not to take it seriously. See if I don't go back and teach you a lesson!" The goatee-bearded deacon stepped forward to look at Jiang Heng, and then turned back to stare fiercely. The deacon with the mustache and short beard glanced at him.

"It's okay, it just happens to save trouble like this!" Jiang Heng shook his head, did he really think that the two brothers had a bad face and a bad face?

"If that's the case, that's good. Brother Jiang has offended you."

As he said that, the man with the goatee and long beard suddenly swung the same plain knife and drew it out. Almost at the same time, the two brothers drew their knives and charged at Jiang Heng.

The two were almost at the same pace, and rushed towards Jiang Heng to kill.

The saber techniques in their hands are very treacherous, although the rhythm of the two saber techniques is the same, but the two saber techniques are somewhat different, one is wide open, the other is tricky and treacherous.

Jiang Heng's face froze. The speed of the two was not so fast that people could not handle it, but what was strange was that Jiang Heng found that the two auras were similar and almost mixed together. It was completely impossible to grasp the aura just by perceiving the aura. The two are easily confused.

It can be said that Jiang Heng has just mastered the method of using Qi mechanism, and he really can't catch these two people with a little superficiality.

Fortunately, he still has eyes, and the reaction and eyesight of a middle-level fighter are not comparable to them. It's just that the two swordsmanship was very tricky, one left and one right, Jiang Heng frowned.

Instead, he can directly overwhelm people with his one-handed Oversea Fist or Chongyun Fist. But if this is the case, it will not be easy for everyone in the future.

Jiang Heng thought for a while, and decided to use moves to win, and by the way, he could sharpen his ability to fight in close quarters.

With a slash of the blade, Jiang Heng twisted his waist easily, dodging it very easily. The other knife opened and closed directly from the front door.

Jiang Heng also reacted quickly, instead of retreating, he pressed close, and two quick punches directly hit the goatee's arm and shoulder, causing the opponent to go numb and retreat a few steps.

"Junior Brother Jiang has great strength!"

"To each other, Deacon Yan's sword skills are also amazing."

"Okay, be careful next!"

The two bullied each other again, strangely, Jiang Heng keenly discovered that the breaths of the two were strangely connected together.


A bright pike hit, Jiang Heng dodged sideways. But at this moment, the speed of the spatula light suddenly increased, and the speed and strength increased several times, which is no less powerful than a medium warrior.

Jiang Heng's complexion changed slightly, and in just a moment, the aura of the two of them changed, one's aura was instantly inaccessible, and the other's aura skyrocketed. At this moment, the aura has directly reached the middle warrior level.

"No wonder, there are such secret techniques!"

Jiang Heng understood that under this kind of secret technique, he was indeed not inferior to ordinary mid-level warriors. And such sudden changes can catch people off guard and capsize the boat in the gutter.

Jiang Heng's reaction couldn't be too fast, he turned his body and narrowly avoided the opponent's blade.

But before he could react, the other party's aura suddenly became unattainable, and at the same time, the aura of the deacon with a mustache and short beard standing behind him suddenly increased.

An extremely sinister and treacherous horse slashed out, Jiang Heng broke out in a fine sweat, his body changed and quickly flashed to the left.

Stinged, a stream of blood splashed out, Jiang Heng looked down, and a gap was cut on his shoulder.

Although these two swordsmanship is extremely exquisite and skillful, in Jiang Heng's view, the real headache is the ability to transfer the breath of this hand.

This kind of secret technique was unheard of by Jiang Heng in the Chongyun Gym.

"Could it be because of the physique of these two people?"

Jiang Heng saw that these two people looked almost identical, and his heart moved.

"Haha! Brother Jiang, be careful. My two brothers have special physiques, and they are siblings from the same mother. Both the breath and the martial arts are almost from the same source. They also have combined attack techniques. In the past, the two brothers teamed up with one The orc patrol envoys fought head to head!"

The goatee-bearded deacon laughed loudly. He wiped the blade of the knife in his hand to wipe off the blood on it.

"Well, it's really amazing. I just happened to try the skills of the two deacons!"

Jiang Heng tore off the slashed corners of his clothes, revealing his muscular upper body, which looked extraordinarily muscular.


It's just that when they saw the hideous nine-headed tattoo on Jiang Heng's body, their eyes froze slightly.

"Be careful!"

The two of them just marveled at the rather hideous and frightening tattoo on Jiang Heng's body, without thinking too much, they rushed forward and ran quickly left and right.

The energy and blood of the two were intertwined, and they danced with one hand's saber technique in an airtight manner.

"Brother, get on the beam!"

The long-bearded deacon with the goat leaped forward with a plain knife in his hand, and slashed straight down while the deacon with the mustache and short beard rolled sideways and swung the knife.

Both of them swung upwards and downwards in a whirling motion. Jiang Heng pointed his toes together, stepped on the handle of the knife below with one foot, and kicked away the knife that was slashing head-on.

It's just that at this moment, the strength of the knife on the top suddenly sank, and the breath soared to reach the level of a medium warrior again, and the kick almost missed. Fortunately, Jiang Heng's strength is not comparable to that of ordinary middle-level warriors.

Jiang Heng landed steadily, and the man with the mustache and short beard was about to step forward again.


Hearing that the deacon with a mustache and a short beard paused, he took a look at the goatee brother and stopped.

Deacon Goatee stepped forward and cupped his hands, smiled and said apologetically, "Junior Brother Jiang should not blame you for offending me just now. Junior Brother Jiang's strength is eye-opening today, and it is indeed impressive. You can see the strength of Junior Brother Jiang I'm afraid I still have some reservations. The strength to be able to kill two patrol envoys is really amazing!"

Jiang Heng didn't say a word, he could see the abilities of these two people. The two teamed up against mid-level fighters of average strength, but they were evenly matched.

This must also be the case where the middle-level fighters have not used the energy to attract the stars. Once the middle-level fighters have used it with all their strength, the momentum will not be able to compete with this kind of trickster.

But the strength of these two people is still extremely good, at least by surprise, ordinary middle-level fighters can really capsize in the gutter.

"I can kill these two with one move, but today's behavior can be regarded as buying the face of these two deacons. It will be more convenient in the future."

Jiang Heng thought to himself, he thought about these things very clearly. This is not the time for him to show off.

"Okay, I won't babble today. I'll go back and report to the elders nearby, and then I will give credit to Junior Brother Jiang!"

Speaking of these two people, they went out, Yang Qi hurriedly stepped forward to persuade them to stay, but these two people obviously didn't want to procrastinate, and they saw off all the way with a resolute look.

In the next few days, there were no more orcs passing through the town, and the bustling and lively place in the past was restored, but it still looked more or less bleak when viewed from Jiang Heng.

From time to time, some warriors who are traveling outside come here to settle down.

Jiang Heng and the disciples of the Chongyun Gymnasium went out to find some beast races, and passed through some mine veins to plunder a lot of treasures.

It can be said that Jiang Heng and his party made a lot of money this time.

"Brother, how long are we going to stay here?"

A group of people gathered in the courtyard and were eating wine and meat ordered from a nearby restaurant. Shui Zhi looked at Yang Qi and finally his eyes fell on Jiang Heng.

"I don't know. According to my last experience, a star is usually rotated every year. Of course, it depends on whether the battle is urgent or not. Like our Fusha star, I think it is changed every year. And like the North District, Because of the fierce fighting and huge casualties, it is usually once a month.

Or even once a week. "

Yang Qi shook his head and took a sip of his drink.

"It's a bit boring here, but it's better to be safe, so don't complain."

Hearing this, everyone had no choice but to nod their heads.

Jiang Heng didn't care, he was thinking about how to use his qi whenever he had spare time.


"A visitor is here!"

Jiang Heng took a sip of his drink and said softly.

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, just as they turned their heads to look outside.

"My two brothers just haven't eaten yet. It's a coincidence. I wonder if I can add two sets of bowls and chopsticks?"

A hearty laugh came from afar.

It was the two deacons surnamed Yan who left a few days ago. The two came in a hurry, their hair was blown into a mess, and it seemed that they came here directly after falling from the flying boat.

"Haha, it turned out to be the two deacons, please hurry up! Shui Zhi is going to prepare two bowls and chopsticks!"

Yang Qi got up and strode out to meet him.

The two sat down, and after several drinks, Yang Qi took advantage of the wine to talk.

"Deacon Yan, but is there a result over there?"

"I came here for this purpose. I have already reported it to Elder Wang nearby, and now my two brothers are following Elder Wang's order to invite Junior Brother Jiang to meet."

After taking a bite of the dish, he put down his chopsticks and the long-bearded deacon with a goatee had a smile on his face.

"By the way, Junior Brother Jiang, you don't know something. You have made a great contribution this time. I thought you killed only ordinary orcs. I never thought that this turned out to be the elite transferred from the North District a few days ago. Then Yuan Both Tian and Bai Qing are the masterminds of the beast clan invasion in the Iron Ring Starfield, and they are generals under the command of the ancestor of the Nine Heads Mysterious Qi Clan.

He never thought that he was slaughtered by Junior Brother Jiang. In particular, Niu Wu, who was a vanguard general in the main battlefield of the North District, was also folded in.

Now, due to Junior Brother Jiang's move, those nine beast-race Xuanqi went crazy and wreaked havoc in the North District, and even took action by themselves. It was only with the joint efforts of four high-class warriors that they were able to stop this beast.

Even Tianchen City has heard about this, and now everyone is very curious about who actually provoked these nine mysterious wonders to lose their temper. "

Speaking of this, Deacon Goat Longbeard looked excited, and his face was even more grinning from ear to ear.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, no one expected such a result.

Jiang Heng had expected it in his heart, but he didn't expect that these orc inspectors were not young.

If you think about it carefully, it is true that the strength of this giant ape and that giant eagle should be stable against ordinary mid-level warriors. And the horned man is even more extraordinary, probably because of the part of the increase in the nine mysterious poems. But thinking about it, its own strength must be a mid-level top-notch existence.

"There are still such things? Brother Jiang has made great achievements in this way?" Yang Qi was also surprised, his eyes were full of joy, but he couldn't help feeling a little worried in his heart.

"Exactly! Elder Wang just wanted to meet Junior Brother Jiang this time. In addition, it is said that senior martial artist Brother Nuquan Lin Heng, who will be in charge of the Eastern District, will also meet Junior Brother Jiang!"

Deacon Yan's face was full of blush. There were such people in the area he was in charge of. After all, he was more or less able to shine, and he could also show his face in the eyes of those big shots.

"Brother Lin Heng of Nuquan also wants to see Brother Jiang?!"

Hearing that Yang Qi and An Yu stood up in unison, even some disciples of Chongyun Boulder who had heard about it at the dinner table were shocked.

"Deacon Yan, is that the boxing veteran who once smashed a star with a pair of angry fists?"

An Yu's face was full of excitement, he was also going the way of fist and kick, and he was very concerned about the seniors who had the same martial arts path.

"Who else is there besides this old man?" Deacon Yan nodded with a smile.

"Is it really senior Lin Heng with the fist of anger?!" An Yu suddenly became more excited.

"Brother Jiang, you must tell me what Senior Lin looks like later!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said nothing, he still doesn't know anything about this matter, he only knows that he seems to be going to meet a high-ranking martial artist soon.

There was a little turmoil in his heart, after all, he had never been exposed to the level of a high-level warrior.

"I don't know if seeing that senior can observe some of the other's abilities."

Thinking secretly in his heart, Jiang Heng's eyes once again fell on the opposite Deacon Yan.

"Deacon Yan, I don't know what's going on with these nine mysterious poems. Can Deacon Yan tell me a thing or two?"

Deacon Yan nodded: "It's not a secret, so let's talk about it."

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