Master of Fist

Chapter 435: Brahma Martial Eucharist

After chatting for a while, Zhou Yu finally left with peace of mind. He felt relieved that his goal had been achieved this time.

After walking out of the room, Zhou Yu stayed for a while.

"This time, I have successfully established a relationship with Senior Brother Jiang. After that, I will have to walk around a lot. It's okay, this person has stepped into the upper stage at such a young age, and it is not impossible to step into the later stage of the upper stage in the future!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu became even more satisfied. He was looking forward to this investment. This may be the most successful investment in Zhou Yu's history.

Looking at the closed door, Jiang Heng smiled wryly and shook his head.

If I had known it earlier, I would have asked Lin Heng a few more questions. The relationship between Lin Heng and Chongyun is irreversible. I think others must understand this truth.

This is like that principle, others don't know if you understand it or not.

Soon Jiang Heng's eyes were attracted by the wooden box containing the fragments in his hand.

Martial arts, especially high-level martial arts, are very scarce for Jiang Heng. If his strength is a little stronger, his previous victories will be expanded a lot. It wouldn't let the space war beast escape.

Thinking of the escaped space war beast, Jiang Heng sighed. Space war beast is a very rare forging material, especially the blood crystal of space war beast, which is said to be an excellent material for refining space jewelry.

Although there are other substitutes, the blood crystals of space war beasts can refine super-large-capacity space items, and can even exert some incredible abilities, such as the ability to teleport in short-distance space.


Jiang Heng would rather try to absorb the blood crystals of space war beasts, and he doesn't know if the blood crystals absorbed by this thing can also engrave stripes with the power of space in the ball, so that it can add a running card to some extent.

His gaze fell on the wooden box again, and when he opened the lid, there was a somewhat weird page, made of unknown material, it looked like gold but not gold, like paper but not paper, and it was quite smooth to the touch.

There are densely packed fonts on it, and it looks like it should be the common language of the galaxy, but some grammar is a little different, which should be different in different years.

The Galactic Common Language is the most widely used grammar in the Milky Way, and because this grammar covers the entire Milky Way, it generally does not change much for tens of thousands of years. After all, without the influence of dynasty change and regime change, unless there is some kind of huge change in the Milky Way, sweeping the regime unification of the entire Milky Way civilization, otherwise this font will last for a long time.

'Vatican Holy Body'

Looking at the four words above, Jiang Heng raised his brows slightly, it was indeed a martial arts technique.

Taking a closer look, the expression on Jiang Heng's face gradually became excited, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't stop grinning, but when he saw the disappeared? !


Looking at the traces of the tail being torn, Jiang Heng frowned.

Seeing that the key point is gone, one can imagine Jiang Heng's mood at this moment.

And it's not so bad, because what is recorded on it is an extremely brilliant martial art, it should not be an exaggeration to say that it is a special secret method.

The Sanskrit Martial Body is actually a body-forging martial art, but it is very different from ordinary martial arts. This martial art has three forms, and each form corresponds to the physical changes of the beast race.

It is equivalent to having three transformations!

Although the three beast races that record changes are not considered the top line of the beast race, they are also leaders in various fields, such as the first change, the sky-suspending ape.

It is a terrifying existence that ranks among the top few beast races in terms of power.

The second change, Flying Lei Peng, exists in the forefront of the beast race in terms of speed.

In addition, there are heavy water turtles, which are heavy on defense.

Three kinds of transformations, when all three kinds of transformations have been cultivated to great success, one can display the Brahma Martial Saint Physique, a powerful and perverted physical body that combines the strengths of three kinds of beasts.

It's a pity that when Jiang Heng saw it was rising, he took it and disappeared.

It took most of the chapter just to introduce it, and the first change of the three changes of the Fanwu Holy Physique was only half covered, let alone the remaining two changes.

Jiang Heng wanted to cry, but he didn't wait for Jiang Heng to be depressed.

At this moment, the ball in his body vibrated suddenly, and a surge of memories quickly flooded into his mind.

The expression on Jiang Heng's face changed rapidly, from depression to dullness to ecstasy.


I spit out a sentence of shit directly, I didn't expect the ball to be so powerful, and it can even make up for the incomplete martial arts?

At this time, in Jiang Heng's mind, the incomplete part of the first transformation of the Sanskrit Saint Physique, Qingtian Transformation, began to be quickly completed, and a complete set of Qingtian Transformation methods appeared in his mind.

It's just that there is nothing about the latter two changes.

After a while, Jiang Heng opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't hide his ecstasy.

I didn't expect that there would be such a surprise. As for the remaining two sides, there is no way to complete it. After all, there is no record about the next two changes. It is impossible to change it out of thin air, right?

The reason why the ball can be completed is that there are not many missing parts of Qingtian Bian, and the previous records are more detailed, so it is not so laborious to complete.

"I didn't expect that the Qingtian Transformation would need the blood of the Qingtian Ape? Blood crystals are the best?"

According to the content of the round ball, if you want to at least meet the cultivation needs of Qingtian Bian, you need the blood of Qingtian Ape, and the best is of course the blood crystal of Qingtian Yuan.

It's just the ape thing.....

Jiang Heng had some headaches, Qingtian Ape was not an ordinary high-ranking guy, and although Qingtian Ape was not a high-class bloodline, it was only a thin line away.

"Such a guy is hard to find!"

Jiang Heng rubbed his eyebrows, beasts are easy to kill, and blood crystals are easy to find, but this kind of designated target is much more troublesome.

On the contrary, Jiang Heng carefully wrote down the appearance and characteristics of the Qingtian ape in this fragment of the drawing about the three kinds of beasts. Look for it later when you have a chance.

"I can't believe that there isn't a sky-suspending ape among the tens of millions of orcs here!"

Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, he was bound to win Qingtian Ape, mainly because although the description of Qingtian Bian was short, it really moved his heart.

And using the Qingtian Ape can also display the martial arts he has mastered. Just for this point, if the complete version of this Qingtian Transformation is known to the world, I am afraid that the Qingtian Ape will become extinct long ago.

The orc race can compete with the human race at the same level by relying on their physical body and talent alone, and even some people with extraordinary talents can crush the human race at the same level.

If the physique of the beast race can also learn martial arts of the human race, the improvement in strength is simply unimaginable.


City of Tianchen——

After the war, the city of Tianchen has been repaired for half a year, and the port and the inner edge of the city have all been repaired, but there are still many broken eaves and walls damaged by the war floating in the vacuum of space around it.

But this did not affect the prosperity of Tianchen City at all. Not long after that war, Tianchen City quickly restored its former prosperity. It's just that some people with keen observation in the city can find that the patrol force near the city of Tianchen has become more stringent, and some patrolling miniature flying boats can be seen patrolling nearby from time to time.

Although the city is said to be prosperous, many people actually know that it is mainly due to the influx of people from the frontline combatants who have returned one after another, and the bustle must be busier than before.

He Laosi is a helper at the port and the wharf, and he does the most laborious work of loading and unloading.

Generally, there are warships returning or leaving the port, and He Laosi has to trot over and lick his face to let the alliance insiders count him as one.

He Laosi can often be selected. In the past, most of the work at the docks was done by locals from Tianchen City. However, with the invasion of the Iron Ring Starfield by the orcs, many people became homeless, and many refugees flooded into Tianchen City. city. This also caused people to fight for any position in Tianchen City.

He Laosi is also a refugee. Originally, his father was the owner of a gymnasium, and he was the owner of the young gymnasium. If there is no accident, it stands to reason that his life is eating, drinking and having fun all day long, until his father passed away and handed over the gymnasium and the mine under the jurisdiction of the gymnasium to the four brothers.

He is the fourth eldest in the family, and the gymnasium will definitely not belong to him, but he can also inherit several mines under the name of the gymnasium, which is enough, at least his lineage will not have to worry about it for generations.

The local forces in the Iron Ring Starfield are so rich and boring, but when the overwhelming orc army appeared in everyone's sight that day, everything was declared over.

He Laosi's father died, and even his elder brothers were slaughtered by the orcs one after another.

On the contrary, he was the weakest one and escaped the catastrophe without immediately attracting the attention of the orcs.

When he came to this unaccompanied city of Tianchen, He Lao Si almost starved to death when he first came here. Fortunately, the city lord distributed relief food regularly.

He Laosi thought that even if he died, he would not eat such unpalatable food, but the reality slapped him several times. He ate deliciously that day.

Even now He Laosi still remembers that taste, even though he can now eat better meals with his own efforts, he still feels that the food that day was delicious.

"I don't know if there is any work today!"

Sitting in a corner by the port, He Laosi said bitterly, looking at the starry sky of the universe.

"I don't know, I hope so." A companion who was also a dock worker next to him sighed helplessly.

"Hey, the space wormhole has been destroyed, and now our business is becoming more and more difficult."

Someone sighed.

These words resonated with several helpers around, and they all sighed in unison.

He Laosi glanced at his companions, did not sigh, but silently reckoned with his family's martial arts,

Since living alone, He Laosi gradually began to pick up the abandoned martial arts, and practice hard every day whenever he has free time. Except for living expenses, he spent all the money he earned as a helper on cultivation.

He is not like other people here, in the city of Tianchen, apart from those foreign fighters who participated in the battle, the most he has seen in the city are those young masters and young masters who are drunk all day long.

When looking at those people, He Laosi didn't feel envious in his heart, he just felt as if he saw his former self. Whenever he saw those people, his desire to become stronger became stronger.

In fact, He Laosi's martial arts talent is not bad, it can even be described as not bad.

He had just entered the lower ranks at the beginning, after the orc invasion, until now, his strength has reached the level of strong forging, and he will soon be able to launch an impact on the second bone.

As long as the second bone refining is completed, it will not be far from the middle level.

It stands to reason that He Laosi's strength is enough to be the captain of the patrol team in the city. It's just that He Laosi has never had much chance and is not good at speaking, so he has been hanging around here at the port.

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